Tag Archives: Judges 14-16

March 25, 2025 Bible Study — The Philistines Were Not Nice People

Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 14-16.

I usually write about the lessons we can learn from Samson.  However, today I want to point out why God was so harsh in his judgements against the people of Canaan whom the Israelites displaced, as illustrated by the Philistines.  When Samson challenged the Philistine men chosen to be his companions at his wedding feast, they could have refused it.  However, they accepted it because they thought that he was not smart enough to come up with a riddle they couldn’t solve.  But that’s not the key thing about them from this story.  When they could not solve his riddle, rather than accept their loss and pay him their wager, they threatened his wife and her family.  Specifically, they threatened to burn her and her entire family to death.  Samson’s in-laws were Philistines from the same town as those who threatened them.  Further, we know it was not an empty threat because they later did just that after Samson burned their fields.  What kind of people burn their neighbors to death?  The answer is, very evil people.  The way the story presents it, Samson’s wife fully believed the men chosen as Samson’s wedding companions would have burned her entire family to death if she did not tell them the answer to Samson’s riddle.  That suggests that they had done something like that before.  These were the type of people whom God commanded the Israelites to drive out of the land or destroy.  They considered burning a family to death over the answer to a riddle to be routine.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 25, 2024 Bible Study — God Will Use Us Despite Our Flaws, But He Calls Us to Overcome Them

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Judges 14-16.

When Samson asked his parents to arrange a marriage for him with a Philistine woman, the writer tells us that this was from the Lord.  God sought to create a confrontation between Samson and the Philistines.  In previous years I have written about how this passage shows that Samson had poor judgement when it came to the women with whom he chose to have relations.  I still believe that holds true, but this passage shows how God used Samson’s weakness to accomplish His purposes.  For twenty years, Samson led Israel to follow God, and kept them free from Philistine rule, despite his weakness, despite the fact that he was unable to overcome his lust for Philistine women.  Yet, in the end, Samson’s poor judgement when it came to women, his inability/unwillingness to follow God’s commands regarding expressing his sexuality, led to his downfall.  Even then, when God’s enemies gave credit to another for Samson’s defeat, God used Samson to once more demonstrate His power.  In the same way, God will use us, flawed as we are.  Nevertheless, Samson also serves as an object lesson that, even though God may use us despite our flaws, we will pay a price if we fail to allow His Spirit to transform us to overcome them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 25, 2023 Bible Study — God Will Not Abandon Us, Even When We Sin

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Judges 14-16.

I was going to write about Samson’s poor choices in women and then something else struck me.  Although before I get into that, I want to say that I feel sorry for the Philistine woman whom Samson married.  Yes, she betrayed Samson, but only because the men with whom Samson had bet threatened to burn her and her father’s household to death.  Then later, they did that very thing.  Any way, back to my main point today.  God’s Spirit was upon Samson up until Delilah cut his hair.  God’s Spirit did not depart from him when he slept with the Philistine prostitute, nor when he slept with Delilah on several occasions, not even when he revealed the true secret to his strength to Delilah.  No, it was only after she actually cut his hair that God departed from Samson.  And, even with that, God answered Samson when he called out to God as a prisoner of the Philistines.  So, despite his flaws, despite his sins, God stayed with Samson and even answered his prayers.  We can take comfort from that when we sin.  God will not abandon us.  Does that mean that it was not bad that Samson committed sexual sins?  Of course not, if Samson had not allowed himself to fall into sexual sins, he would never have revealed the secret of his strength to Delilah.  And who knows what other great things he might have done?  In the same way, while God will remain with us even when we sin, think how much greater works He would do through us if we resist the temptations which come our way?

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 25, 2022 Bible Study — Thoughts About Samson

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Judges 14-16.

We have four stories about Samson and tend to think of them as happening one shortly after the other.   However, the passage tells us that Samson led Israel for 20 years.  Which puts the incident with Delilah quite a few years after the incidents surrounding his wedding.  That leads me to a different understanding of Samson’s life.  Essentially, there were twenty years between Samson’s victory over the Philistines with the donkey’s jawbone and his betrayal by Delilah.  This led me to look again at the story of the woman Samson married.  It looks to me like Samson truly loved her and perhaps she loved him, but she was afraid of those to whom Samson had told the riddle.  They threatened to kill her family if she could not give them the answer to his riddle and she believed them, for good reason.  Let’s think about what this reveals about the Philistines.  They credibly threatened an entire family in order to win a bet, an expensive bet, but a bet nonetheless.  Then, after Samson vandalized their fields they burned them to death.  The family they killed were their fellow Philistines.  Actually, now that I write that it suggests to me that Samson had already demonstrated his prowess before his marriage, and the Philistines chose to avenge his vandalism against his wife’s family because they were afraid to go after him directly.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 25, 2021 Bible Study The Social Lessons Of Samson’s Life

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Judges 14-16.

The thing which always strikes me about Samson is his absolutely terrible judgement when it came to women.  I could spend some time considering why Samson was enamored of Philistine women, but I want to look closer at the fact that God used it to further His ends.  I am not sure what led Samson to propose his riddle to the Philistine young men who were chosen as his companions for his wedding, but we often forget just how expensive a set of clothing was before the Industrial Revolution.  Some time ago someone calculated the labor that would go in to making just a shirt in Medieval times and concluded that it would cost about $3,000.  So, 30 sets of clothing would have been rather expensive.  Even one set of clothing from each of Samson’s companions would have cost each of them a large sum of money.  Nevertheless, they accepted Samson’s bet, probably thinking that this Israelite hick could not be bright enough to have a riddle which they could not solve.

As is often the case, I kind of got lost in the weeds on that last paragraph.  We can really learn lessons from both sides of the stories about Samson.  First, Samson sought acceptance among those who looked down on him because of his background.  The Philistines looked down on him because he was an Israelite.  Note: this was not the equivalent of modern Antisemitism.  It is much more like the contempt which the elites in modern society have for the working class (and those who remain faithful to Christ). The Philistines thought they could take advantage of Samson because he was an unsophisticated rube.  When they failed, they used their social position to do so.  Samson suffered for his desire to be accepted, but the Philistines suffered more.

So, two lessons: Don’t allow your desire for social acceptance cause you to compromise your beliefs (Samson revealed that cutting his hair would end his vow to someone he knew did not respect it).  Do not take advantage of a social outcast’s desire for acceptance in order to ridicule them.  Both will end badly.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 25, 2020 Bible Study — Samson Allowed His Sexual Desires to Rule His Life

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 14-16.

If you were raised on Bible stories as I was you know that Samson was incredibly strong.  However, the account of the riddle he told at his wedding suggests that he was also smart.  What Samson lacked was wisdom, at least when it came to women.  We know from yesterday’s passage that Samson’s parents were older when he was born.  They had begun to think they would never have children.  As a result, they appear to have never learned how to tell him “No”.  He chose poorly when he chose to take a Philistine woman as his wife.  He reacted badly when she told his secret to her countrymen.  Then later in life he chose poorly when he chose to take up with Delilah, even after she attempted to worm out of him the secret of his strength and use it against him.  Like many people, Samson allowed his sexual desires to rule his life to his sorrow.

March 25, 2019 Bible Study — Samson’s Sexual Licentiousness Led To His Poor Judgment

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 14-16.

This took longer then I would have liked because every time I read the story of Samson I am struck by the same thing.  Samson had poor judgment when it came to women.  There are really two aspects to his poor judgment.  First, he allowed himself to become infatuated with women who were a poor choice, women who did not worship God.  Second he allowed them to manipulate him.  The mistake Samson made with his wife is fuly understandable.  He was young, inexperienced, and had no reason to know that she would betray him.

As an aside, we tend to fail to realize just how major Samson’s bet with his groomsmen was.  With industrialization, clothing has become inexpensive, but in Samson’s time it would have taken hundreds of hours of labor to make just one item of clothing.  As a result, clothing was a major expense.



However, the circumstance with Delilah was different.  Samson was older and more experienced.  Most importantly, Delilah repeatedly demonstrated that she was going to test what Samson told her.  In fact, she demonstrated that she would betray him given the opportunity.  Yet despite this, he continued to see her and allowed her to, eventually, cajole him into telling her the secret of his strength.  Samson’s weakness in this regard is not unique to him, nor is it particularly rare among men.  For that matter, women often show similar poor judgment.  The fact that sex can cause people to show such poor decision making is a reason in and of itself for us to follow the laws regarding marital fidelity which God has given us.

March 25, 2018 Bible Study — The Importance of Loyalty and Trust In Marriage

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 14-16.

    Samson was a powerful man and a mighty warrior, who was apparently fairly wise, since he served as judge over the people of Israel for 20 years. Yet, despite all of this, all of the stories we have concerning him are related to his poor judgment when it came to women. Time and again he allowed his sexual desires to override his better sense. Early in his life, he chose to pursue a Philistine woman for a wife. The cultural differences caused that to end badly for everyone. I am not going to go through the story and point out these differences, but if you read through it you will see how each side took actions which led the other side to escalate the situation beyond what they expected (although in Samson’s case, that might be a result of being young and headstrong). Then there is the incident with the prostitute. Finally, there is Samson’s interactions with Delilah. Delilah pressures him to tell her the secret of his great strength and he tells her several lies about it. Each time, she tests those lies, then confronts him with the fact that they were lies. Despite her clear attempts to subdue and enslave him, Samson continues to see her and finally tells her the truth about how to eliminate his strength. I want to be clear here, Samson’s behavior with Delilah is far from unique among men (or even to men, women do similar things with the men they choose to be with as well). Smason’s mistakes with women, especially in the case of Delilah, were that he sought sexual relations with women whose loyalty was always to others more than to him. That is the whole point of marriage, and why it is so important to keep our sexual activity inside of marriage. When we get married our loyalty and trust should transfer to our spouse. Samson’s wife betrayed him because she did not trust him enough to tell him of the threats made to herself and her family. At least part of the reason Samson’s wife had that lack of trust was because her loyalties still lay with her people rather than with her husband.

March 25, 2017 Bible Study — Samson Had Poor Judgement When It Came To Women

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 14-16.

    I struggle with how to write my thoughts about Samson. His parents apparently raised him to keep the vows of a Nazirite (at the least, he did not cut his hair), but they did not teach him to have good judgment when dealing with women. I am hesitant to lay this blame fully at his parent’s feet. There may have been nothing they could do differently, but every time I read this I think that Samson seems to have the attitude of a spoiled child. First, he demanded that his parents arrange for him to marry a Philistine woman, who immediately wheedled information out of him to use to his disadvantage. Later, he consorted with a prostitute putting himself at risk. Finally, he took up with Delilah, who did the same thing to him that his first wife did, but on a more serious level. I would like to say that I do not understand what Samson was thinking with Delilah, but that would not be true. However, he should have known better. She repeatedly tried to get him to tell her the source of his strength. Samson repeatedly made up lies which he told her, which she then promptly tested.
    The fact of the matter is that most men will give in to the tactics used by Samson’s first wife and by Delilah. That is why it is so important for a man to choose to marry a woman who loves God. Otherwise her interests are likely to diverge from his.

March 25, 2016 Bible Study — Samson’s Poor Judgment

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.

Remember, it’s Friday, but Sunday is coming.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Judges 14-16.

    We have here the story of Samson’s life. It is clear that his parents spoiled him and never gave him any true discipline. My basis for saying this is that Samson’s parents agreed to get the Philistine woman from Timnah as his wife, despite knowing that she was a bad choice for him. Samson demonstrated poor judgment when it came to women. First, he allowed the woman from Timnah to wheedle the answer to his riddle out of him (a riddle which was at the root of a bet which was probably in poor taste to make in the first place). Later, Delilah convinced him to tell her the secret to his strength, despite the fact that she tried to use the false answers he initially gave her against him. Really, the entire passage shows us time and again that Samson had poor judgment. The story of Samson tells us that even if we have great gifts, we will suffer if we do not use good judgment/