Tag Archives: Isaiah

July 26, 2024 Bible Study — “Eat Drink and Be Merry, for Tomorrow We Die” Is the Wrong Response to Pending Disaster

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 22-25.

Isaiah begins today’s passage by talking about how when Jerusalem was threatened with attack the people put a lot of effort into building up its defenses, but they did not take time to turn to God and ask for His aid in their defense.  In the face of trouble brought about by their sin, they did not mourn and seek the Lord.  Instead, they partied.  In a way what’s going on in the world around us is similar.  Too many people are reacting to the judgement they see coming by saying “Let us eat and drink, for tomorrow we die!”  When they should be crying out to God for forgiveness and help.  Instead of facing the fact that God is trying to get them (and maybe us) to change their ways (our ways?), they spend their time having fun.  Do we mourn for the suffering?  Do we mourn for those who do not know the Lord?

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 25, 2024 Bible Study — God Will Use His Judgement to Draw People to Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 17-21.

In today’s passage, Isaiah prophesies about the fall of several nations, nations which were firmly established in his day.  In a way it was similar to prophesying the fall of Canada, the UK, and China today.  Isaiah spoke of the suffering and violence which would be part of the fall of these nations.  However, he also prophesied that the experience would turn people to God.  In response to what they would experience, people would turn to God and alliances would form between those who had been enemies for generations.  Isaiah prophesied that there would be a period of suffering, but that people would turn to God and work with one another to serve God.  As people turned to Him, God would work on the earth to bring about blessings on all people.  So as we look at the world today and see people acting in ways which seem likely to bring God’s judgement, we need to remember that God will use that judgement to bring people to Him and thus to transform the world into a better place.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 24, 2024 Bible Study — Only God Can Provide Shelter in Tumultuous Times

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 13-16.

Today’s passage contains prophecies concerning the downfall of three nations: Babylon, Philistia, and Moab.  The one about Babylon gives no context about when Isaiah made the prophecy.  The one about Philistia says that it was made the year that King Ahaz died.  The final one against Moab says that it will take place within three years, but only tells us that it will happen within three years of being made.  All three prophecies have one point in common.  They all stress that nations and powers rise and fall at God’s whim.  The first tells us that the rulers of Babylon thought that their power would last forever and that they needed to take no thought to doing what was right, or even that there were any actions they needed to take.  They thought their power meant they could do only what they wished and needed to take no thought to maintaining their power.  It serves to remind us that we all will die, and none of our power and wealth in life will aid us after our death.  The second warns us that we should not rejoice over the fall of our enemies; they may be replaced by those who do even worse to us.  The third warns us against the pride of thinking that wealth, and not being one who wields power, will protect us when the powers of the world are shaken up.  To a degree, each of these prophecies reminds us that only putting our faith and trust in God will give us any security.  Only God can give us safety.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 23, 2024 Bible Study — The People Walking in Darkness Have Seen a Great Light

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 9-12.

Today’s passage starts with Isaiah prophesying that God will send someone to rule over His people, someone who will be a light shining in darkness.  He concludes that portion of his prophecy by telling us that the arrival will come about by God’s power, not by any action by humans.  In fact, Isaiah goes on from prophesying the coming of the Messiah to speak against the sins of the people.  Despite all that God has done, people have not turned to Him.  Disaster is coming upon the people and all will suffer.  Even those about whom prophets usually prophesy God’s protection will suffer, because there are no innocents.  Even the widows and the orphans do evil against any over whom they have power.  Those whose job it is to guide the people to do what is right, direct them to do evil, both the secular leaders and the religious leaders.  But, it does not matter because the people seek leaders who will teach them to do evil and reject those who call them to righteousness.  We have wicked rulers and wicked leaders because we have chosen such.  Nevertheless, God will hold those leaders accountable for their wickedness.  And despite our wickedness, God has sent Christ to redeem us, to shine light in the darkness.  God will transform a remnant into people who will put their trust in Him.  So, when we perceive the leaders of our nation behaving wickedly, the first thing we need to do is examine our own hearts for wrongdoing.  We need to turn to from our sins and ask God to cleanse us.  Let us walk in the light which God has given us.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 22, 2024 Bible Study — Be Humble, or Be Humbled

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 5-8.

Every year when I read chapter 5 verse 8 I think of how the wealthy live in so many places.
Woe to you who add house to house
    and join field to field
till no space is left
    and you live alone in the land.
Isaiah goes on from there to say that the houses will become desolate and the fields unproductive.  And of course that will happen because where will those who do the work to maintain the houses and care for the fields live?  But it’s more than just the wealthy pushing the poor out so that they do not have to see them living nearby.  Isaiah also refers to those who are more intent on partying and having a good time than taking care of those in need, than in doing that which pleases the Lord.  Isaiah goes on to warn us against saying that that which is evil is good, or that that which is good is evil.  Finally, I want to call attention to Isaiah’s warning against being wise in our own eyes or thinking we are especially clever.  All will be humbled, better to start out humble than be put there forcefully.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 21, 2024 Bible Study — Learn to Do Right

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 1-4.

The prophet Isaiah prophesied against the wickedness of the people of Jerusalem and Judah and we tend to think of that wickedness resulting from their wicked kings.  Yet three of the four kings the Book of Isaiah lists as reigning during Isaiah’s ministry are described as doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  Which tells us that the wickedness Isaiah prophesied against came from the people, not from their rulers.  When Judah had wicked kings it was because the people had chosen evil rather than righteousness and God gave them the rulers they deserved.  Isaiah warned the people of his day, and his warnings apply to us.  Before we bring sacrifices to God and before we make offerings to Him, we must learn to do right.  We must seek justice and defend the oppressed.

The day will come when people of all nations will seek God so that He will teach them His ways.  In many ways that day has come and gone, but it will come again.  That day comes when we recognize that God alone should be exalted, when we stop seeking glory for ourselves and seek to see all glory given to God.  Christ has come and brought the day of the Lord for those who will accept Him.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 6, 2023 Bible Study — We Are but Clay in the Potter’s Hand

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 64-66.

Isaiah tells us that at no point in history has anyone seen or heard of any god other than God who acts on behalf of those who gladly do what is right.  Despite the fact that we have seen and heard what He will do for those who do right, we have sinned against Him.  So, how can we be saved?  By recognizing that we are the work of His hand.  He has revealed Himself to us before we thought to seek Him, or even ask about Him.  He has come to us, those who accept His presence with humility and a contrite spirit will be saved.  However, He has destined for the sword those who believe they will be defiled by associating with others, despite having defiled themselves already by not listening to God’s call for justice and compassion.

 I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 5, 2023 Bible Study — Give God No Rest Until He Establishes Justice on Earth

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 60-63.

At several points in today’s passage, at least as I read it, Isaiah changes “narrative voice” in his writing.  At some points, he is “quoting” God, then he changes to referring to God in the third person.  I interpret all of this passage around the beginning of chapter 61, combined with the fact that Jesus quoted those verses when He read in the synagogue in Nazareth.  Thus, when Isaiah writes at the beginning of chapter 60:

Arise, shine, for your light has come,
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you.

3 Nations will come to your light,
and kings to the brightness of your dawn.

I see that as a prophecy concerning how people will come to the Light of Jesus, brought into this world through the descendants of Israel.  The rest of the chapter refers, more or less, to the year of the Lord’s favor which Jesus declared when He was on Earth.  Christ came to comfort those who mourn, to give them cause for joy.  In particular, He offers joy to those who are grieved by injustice.  They will be a planting of the Lord designed to grow into oaks of righteousness.  Those who call upon the Lord should give themselves no rest, nor stop calling out to God for His intervention, until He establishes justice on earth.



I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 4, 2023 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 57-59.

In today’s passage Isaiah addresses a complaint often lodged against God when someone dies young, “But he (or she) was such a good person, why did he (or she) die so young?”  Of course, the answer does not just apply to those who die young, it applies to anyone who dies “before their time.”  God sometimes takes the devout and the righteous sooner than we would wish in order to spare them evil.  Isaiah goes on to show the conceit and arrogance of those who condemn God when someone who was truly good dies young (as opposed to those who merely cry out in grief).  God seeks those who are contrite and humble, not those who arrogantly parrot how righteous they are.

Many put on a false front, Isaiah uses the example of fasting here. but there are many ways that people proclaim how they seek to do what is right while in secret (and sometimes not even all that secret) doing what they please at the expense of those less able.  God desires that we share our food with the hungry, provide shelter to without, clothe the naked, and aid our relatives.



The Lord looked and was displeased
    that there was no justice.
16 He saw that there was no one,
    he was appalled that there was no one to intervene;
so his own arm achieved salvation for him,
    and his own righteousness sustained him.
17 He put on righteousness as his breastplate,
    and the helmet of salvation on his head;
he put on the garments of vengeance
    and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak.
18 According to what they have done,
    so will he repay
wrath to his enemies
    and retribution to his foes;
    he will repay the islands their due.
19 From the west, people will fear the name of the Lord,
    and from the rising of the sun, they will revere his glory.
For he will come like a pent-up flood
    that the breath of the Lord drives along.[d]

20 “The Redeemer will come to Zion,
    to those in Jacob who repent of their sins,”
declares the Lord.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 31, 2023 Bible Study — Do Not Be Afraid, You Have Been Chosen the One Who Made Everything

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 39-42.

I had planned to skip this entirely after I missed it and failed to discover I had done so until mid-day, but I decided to add this in for future reference.

So, Isaiah tells us that God is the Creator of the Universe and nothing can be compared to Him.  Isaiah points out that everything that is not God has been made, and worshiping it seems silly when you think about it.  If we put our faith in anything, or anyone, other than God, we will become exhausted trying to deal with life, but if we trust in God, He will strengthen us.  God has chosen us, so we should not fear.  He is with us, we need not be dismayed.  Do not be afraid, God will help you.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.