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Proverbs 24:15-16
The godly will recover from set backs time after time, while the wicked are devastated the first time calamity strikes. Guess which group you belong to if you are skulking around waiting for an opportunity to rob those who have done you no wrong?

Psalm 74
One of my concerns about the Church, the Assembly of believers, in the United States is that we see few if any true miracles. We do not see signs and wonders like those which Jesus performed. This psalm both gives me hope for the return of those days when the Church showed God’s power throughout the earth and helps me understand why we have not seen it. There have been times like this in the past, and there will probably be times like it in the future (unless the Lord returns before it happens again). The reason we are not seeing powerful signs and wonders is because of God’s mercy. When He once more shows His signs and wonders, His mighty hand will strike the earth. He will unleash His might and smash those who are His enemies.
When we read the accounts in Acts of the signs and wonders God performed through the Apostles, we also read of Ananias and Sapphira. I pray for God to once more show His power through those who follow His name, but am I prepared for when those I know experience His judgment?

Philippians 3:4-21
Paul tells us that if anyone had a basis for bragging about their righteousness it would be himself. Yet despite that, he considers all of his acts of righteousness to be trash, to be of no value, when compared to what Jesus has done. This is an important thing, no matter what we have done that might be praiseworthy, it is of no value when we look at the wrong we have done. It is only through faith in Jesus that our sin can be compensated for. Paul wanted to suffer with Christ so that he could experience the power which raised Christ from the dead. There is a definite truth here. We can only truly experience the joy that comes through Christ when we are willing to sacrifice our interest and well-being for the betterment of others. Even then, we only truly experience it when we recognize that it is only through God’s free gift of salvation that our sinful tendencies can be offset.
It is important to understand that as long as we are on this earth we have not yet been completely transformed by the Holy Spirit into the likeness of God. Nevertheless we should continue to strive for that perfect transformation. Let us seek out role models who are living examples of Christ and strive to emulate as they strive to emulate Christ. Always remembering that no one on this earth is perfect. As we are transformed internally into the likeness of Christ, so too will we, eventually, be transformed externally into his likeness.

Isaiah 66
God looks with favor on those who have a humble and contrite heart. It does not matter what sacrifices you make, what offerings you offer, if you are trying to be righteous by your own actions, to be justified by the works you perform, you may as well be performing human sacrifice. Until you recognize that you have sinned beyond hope of redemption, you will not be prepared to accept God’s grace. If you think that the little good you have done gives you an entitlement to God’s good will, you have failed to understand the depths of your depravity. As long as you are at the center of your life, you are an idolator and sinner.
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