Tag Archives: Hebrews 10-11

December 19, 2024 Bible Study — By Faith…

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11.

I really feel what the writer has to say about faith today.  He starts by telling us that faith allows us to understand that the universe was formed out of nothing by God’s command, rather than believing that nothing just became everything which is.  Then he writes that it was by faith that Abel brought his offering to God, a sacrifice which accorded to the Law given to Moses many years in the future.  The writer goes on to describe others who were praised because of their faith.  He tells us that they considered themselves foreigners and strangers on this earth.  They looked forward to a heavenly home in the city which God had prepared for them, which God has prepared for us.  By faith the Israelites passed out of Egypt on dry land on their way to the country God had promised them, while the Egyptians, lacking that faith, were drowned in the Red Sea.  In the same way, we will pass through the threats and dangers of this life in order to enter into God’s holy city.  By faith, he tells us, these examples chose to face persecution and suffering because they would not embrace this world and its pleasures as their home, instead striving for a home with God.  The world was not worthy of them.  I am not worthy of them, but I strive to maybe one day be worthy of what they suffered.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 19, 2023 Bible Study — Meet Together in Order to Spur One Another Towards Love and Good Deeds

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hebrews 10-11.

After writing in yesterday’s passage that he wanted to address more mature matters, the author tells us that we should continue meeting together with our fellow believers.  He suggests that some have given up on meeting with other believers, the phrasing suggests that they found such meetings counterproductive.  Perhaps because the people who were there were argumentative.  The writer tells us that we should be seeking how we can prod each other to be more loving and to do more good deeds.  If we follow the writer’s advice, we should act as a counter to those who choose to be argumentative.  Further, he tells us to encourage one another.  Another activity which is runs counter to being argumentative.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 19, 2022 Bible Study — Living A Life Of Faith

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hebrews 10-11.

The writer of this letter tells us that our salvation comes from faith, just as Paul did in his letters.  He also tells us that faith has two elements.  If we have faith, we will be confident that our hopes will come to be and assured about things which cannot be seen.  He then goes on to write about many Old Testament characters who exhibited their faith by taking actions, some of whom were rewarded in this life for their faith, but many of whom experienced only suffering.  He gives us example after example of people who accomplished more than one would expect a mere human to be able to do.  He, also, gives us examples of people who refused to stop testifying to the power of God in the face of suffering and even death.  All of these examples the writer cites could have chosen to live as citizens of a country in this world, but instead they chose to live as citizens of the Kingdom of God, which had not yet appeared.  Let us choose to follow their example and live lives of faith.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 19, 2021 Bible Study — Faith Leads To Action

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hebrews 10-11.

The writer continues to expound on his theme about how we may enter into the presence of God because Jesus has offered Himself as a sacrifice for our sins once for all time.  He then goes on to speak about how we are saved by faith.  The similarity to the way in which Paul writes on the same subject is striking.  And yet this writer is different enough in his word choices for it to be clear that he is not Paul.  The writer makes it clear that we are saved by putting out faith in God, but he also gives examples of the accomplishments to which our faith should lead us.  The writer lists many great heroes of the Bible whose accomplishments resulted from their faith.  He includes in that list those whose faith led them to suffer great pain and even death.   I want to end my thoughts today with this writer’s definition of faith: “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 19, 2020 Bible Study Motivating Others To Live By Faith

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11.

Jesus’ sacrifice once for all time means that we can confidently enter into God’s presence, knowing that our sins are forgiven through God’s grace.  Each time we fail to turn from sin we can confidently pick ourselves up and strive to do good once again.   As long as we put our faith in Christ, and not in our own works, we can be confident that God’s Spirit will dwell in us and transform us into His likeness.  The writer tells us that we must strive to encourage each other to good works and acts of love.  What he is saying is that there are two reasons we should gather with our fellow believers.  On the one hand we should gather so that we can motivate others to do God’s will.  On the other hand we should gather so that we can be motivated to do God’s will.  The writer goes on to give us examples of people who have done great works of faith throughout history.  He reminds us that some achieved great victories by their faith, but others suffered greatly.  However, he tells us that in both cases they changed the world through their faith and that the world was not worthy of them.  Let us strive to be worthy to be footnotes in their stories.

December 19, 2019 Bible Study — Encourage One Another To Perform Acts of Love

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11

Under the Law of Moses only the High Priest could enter the Most Holy Place, could enter into the presence of God.  However, the writer of the Book of Hebrews tells us that under the new covenant entered into by Jesus’ sacrifice we can freely enter into God’s presence.  Under the old covenant regular and frequent sacrifices were required.  Under the new covenant, Jesus sacrificed Himself once for all time.  This should inspire us to strive to keep from sinning.  Under the old covenant, if you sinned again, you just offered another sacrifice.  Under the new covenant, the sacrifice has been offered.  When we sin again, it is as if we are asking Christ to once more go to the Cross.  We should associate with other believers so that we can encourage them, and be encouraged by them, to do acts of love and good works.  

December 19, 2018 Bible Study — Living By Faith

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11.

The writer here dismisses the idea that the concept of being saved by grace means that I can go on sinning without consequence.   While I cannot earn my salvation, faith in God means that I seek to overcome my sinful nature and act according to His will.  The writer than goes on to give us examples of people who have lived by faith.  All of these people acted on faith that God would grant them a better life after resurrection.  The writer points out one basic thing, in order to come to God we must have faith that God does indeed exist.  This is important.  While I can make a logical case for God’s existence, I cannot prove that He exists.  Sooner or later, each of us will need to make that leap of faith and put our faith in God’s existence.  The writer makes a second important point in this passage.  If you truly have faith in God, then you will embrace any suffering which comes as a result of living according to that faith in the knowledge that doing so will result in God’s will and a better life after the resurrection. 

December 19, 2017 Bible Study — Faith Leads To Action

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11.

    The writer reiterates a point that he made in yesterday’s passage, we can boldly enter into God’s presence. This means that we can boldly call on God’s power. In the Gospels Jesus said that His followers would do the same sort of miracles which He had performed, and more. The writer of this letter is explaining how that works. We can stand before God and ask Him to exercise His power because Jesus has, once and for all, covered our sins with His blood. The writer wrote about how we are saved by grace through faith. However, that grace does not mean that we can deliberately go on sinning. I do not believe the writer is referring to the sins we commit because we are weak humans who fail to resist temptation. Rather I believe the writer is referring to those who deliberately choose not to resist temptation. This is not about the person who, without thinking, leaves an open bottle of alcohol where a recovering alcoholic comes upon it and gives in to drink. No, this refers to the person who knowingly tempts an alcoholic with alcohol.

    The author has written earlier in this letter, in agreement with what Paul wrote, that we are saved by God’s grace through our faith. We do not receive salvation as a reward for our good behavior. It is freely given to us by God because of His grace. Having written that the author now tells us that our faith should compel us to act. He lists how the people from the Old Testament who are held up as examples for us to follow were inspired by their faith to act. By faith, Abel brought…by faith Noah built…By faith, Abraham went… All of these people had faith, but that faith did not leave them sitting there waiting for God to take them home. Because of that faith they did something. When we experience the faith the writer is talking about, we will also take the action to which God is calling us.

December 19, 2016 Bible Study — Inspired To Acts of Love and Good Works Through Faith

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Hebrews 10-11.

    As a consequence of Jesus offering Himself as a sacrifice for our sins we can boldly enter into God’s presence. This confidence should inspire us to acts of love and good works, performed both for their own sake and to motivate our fellow believers to such acts as well. In order to motivate other believers, and to be motivated by them, we need to meet regularly with them. Regularly meeting with our fellow believers will both encourage us to perform acts of love and good works and inspire us in new ways in which we can do such things. The more we do such things, the less time we will have to be susceptible to temptation.

    I am always inspired by this writer’s compendium of the people of faith from before Christ. He lists out many of the people of faith whose accounts we find in the Old Testament and how their faith inspired their actions and brought them miraculous results. He reminds us that the number of people who accomplished great things through faith is too long to list them all. He also reminds us that some faced terrible trials and persecutions because of their faith (usually because of the good works to which their faith inspired them). The faith of these people to whom he refers earned them a good reputation, whether they overcame mighty foes through their faith, or were persecuted by mighty foes. Those who gained great victories did not do so from their own might, neither did those whose faith stood firm in the face of persecution. Let us be inspired to have a similar faith in God’s great power.