I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Micah tells us that after a ruler of Israel is born in Bethlehem, the people of Israel will stand up to their foes and their enemies will be wiped out. It is a passage that helps us understand why the Jews of Jesus day were expecting a Messiah who would lead them to military victory. But in the very next segment God says that He will destroy their military, both offense and defense. He says that He will get rid of witchcraft and fortune-tellers, idols and idolatrous shrines. God promises in that day to pour out His vengeance on nations that refuse to obey Him.
The prophet asks what kind of sacrifice we should bring to God. He suggests several expensive sacrifices and even the sacrifice of our first born children, then he rejects them. He tells us that God has told us what He requires of us. God does not want the sacrifices of material goods, or of our children. He wants us to do what is right, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him. Then the prophet turns his attention back to what the people are actually doing. He tells them that their homes are filled with treasures gained by cheating, that merchants use dishonest measures and scales, the rich gained their wealth using extortion and violence, and even the common people are so used to lying that they can no longer tell the truth. For all of this God is going to bring judgment.
Then Micah tells us how to face the times of judgment that are coming. He tells us to look to God for help, to confidently await the Lord’s salvation because it will come. If we fall, God will raise us up. If we are in darkness, God will be our light. We should patiently endure God’s punishment because we have sinned against Him. God will bring us into His light and righteousness. He will lift us up and we will see the day of His power. God will do mighty miracles for us and through us. The world will stand amazed at the power of God.

The writer saw four angels preparing to unleash destruction upon the earth. A fifth angel told them to wait until the seal of God was placed on those serving Him upon the earth. The writer tells us that 144,000 were marked from all the tribes of Israel. I do not understand the meaning of this passage, except that it indicates that those who are faithful before God will be marked and set aside from the judgment God is bringing.
After this, he saw a crowd to large to count standing before God praising Him. This crowd came from every tribe, nation, people and language. They are people who came out of the great suffering to stand before God. They washed their robes in the blood of the Lamb to make them white. No matter what we go through in this life, if we are faithful the day will come when we will stand before God and He will take away our hunger and thirst. The Lamb will lead us to springs of life-giving water and God will wipe away our tears. What a wonderful day that will be!

I will praise the Lord because He has given me the honor of serving Him. All other objects of worship are mere things. Nothing else compares to God and the mighty things He has done. I will praise God because He lives here in my heart and life.
The New Living Translation translates this proverb as “Every word of God is true.” The New American Standard Bible translates that as “Every word of God is tested.” The New International Version translates it as “Every word of God is flawless.” However, the translation I like best is the Common English Bible. It translates this as, “All God’s words are tried and true.” None of these translations contradict each other, but they each have slightly different connotations. The way the Common English Bible translates the next phrase fits it in with this first phrase the best as well.
a shield for those who take refuge in him.”
If we take shelter in God, His words will provide us with a shield against assaults on our faith and our self-image (that’s not quite the word I am trying to get at there, but its close enough).
All of the translations agree that we should not attempt to pass our own words and thoughts off as God’s. If we do not follow that advice God will rebuke us and reveal us as liars. Again I like the Common English Bible translation best because it says that God will correct us. This reminds us that sometimes we convince ourselves that our words are God’s words and warns us against that as well. We should never place our own thoughts and words on an equal plane with those of God, whether in our own minds or in an attempt to mislead others.