Tag Archives: give thanks

October 25, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

From God’s Paint-By-Numbers Perkiomenville Collection

Jeremiah 48-49:22

     Jeremiah prophecies against Moab, Ammon and Edom. He tells them that God is bringing destruction upon them because they trusted in their wealth and followed practices detestable to God. They ridiculed Israel, now they would be an object of ridicule. They were proud and boastful, God was going to put an end to their boasting. If we rely on anything besides the Lord, our end will be destruction. Each of these nations was proud of their military might and confident that their wealth would provide them a defense against trouble. They followed practices that God had declared detestable and now they were going to pay the price for their pride and sin.

Magrat Rests on a Stump

2 Timothy 4:1-22

     We should be prepared to preach the word of God when people are receptive and even when they are not. In addition we should patiently and gently correct, rebuke and encourage those around us with careful instruction. There are many who will not listen to sound teaching but will instead seek out those who tell them what they want to hear. Let us work at carrying out the ministry that God has given us so that, like Paul, when death is near we can say that we fought the good fight and remained faithful. Then we will also be able to state with confidence that God will rescue us from every evil attack and bring us safely into His heavenly kingdom.

A selection from God’s Paint-By-Numbers Green Lane collection

Psalm 95-96:13

     Sing to the Lord, the Rock of our salvation. I will give thanks and praise to the great God for all he has done. I will prostrate myself before Him because I am not worthy of His love. Listen to His voice today, He desires to bring you into His rest.
     Let me sing a song to the Lord. Lord move your Spirit within me so that I will tell everyone of the wonderful things that You do. The Lord will judge the world with justice and the nations with truth. If only everyone would bow before Him and honor His name, this would be a thing of joy. For all too many God’s just judgement is a cause for terror. Lord, use me as a light to them that some of them might come to love and honor You.

All Things Bright and Beautiful

Proverbs 26:9-12

     A fool who spouts a wise saying is as likely to condemn himself as the one he targets. Hiring a fool or someone at random is as likely to harm your business as it is to increase your productivity. Fools do not learn from their mistakes, but often repeat them even after suffering harm from them. Even so, there is more chance of teaching a fool than of someone who thinks he is wise. O Lord, let me never think that there is anyone from whom I can learn nothing.

October 12, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Full sized bonsai

Jeremiah 19-21:14

     Jeremiah prophesied against Jerusalem and Judah saying that God was going to bring judgement on them because they sacrificed innocent children to the idols they worshiped. Jeremiah told them that, as a result of their sins, God was going to smash them like a clay jar. I pray that He does not bring a similar judgement against America for a similar sin. Here in America, people sacrifice innocent children on the altars of the gods they worship: convenience, wealth, security, lust.
     The priest Pashhur had Jeremiah arrested, put in stocks and whipped for what he was prophesying. When Jeremiah was released, he immediately prophesied against Pashhur and told him that he would suffer torment and captivity. Shortly after that, King Zedekiah sent Pashhur and another priest to Jeremiah to beg him to ask God to intervene and turn aside Nebuchadnezzar’s armies. Jeremiah told them that not only would God not turn aside Nebuchadnezzar, He would fight on his behalf.

God gets out His paintbrush

1 Thessalonians 5:4-28

     Jesus return is going to come like a thief in the night, with no warning. So, we ought to remain alert and prepared for that day. We should not be like those around us who live in the dark of night. Night is when people sleep and get drunk. We should live as people in the light of the day, awake and aware. We should encourage each other and build each other up.
     We should honor our spiritual leaders. We should warn the lazy, encourage the timid, take care of the weak, and above all be patient with everyone. We should not do wrong to those who have done wrong to us. Instead, we should always strive to do what is good for others. We should take joy in everything. We should pray continuously. We should give thanks to God in good times and bad. We should not suppress the impulses of the Holy Spirit. We should not reject the idea of prophecy. Instead we should listen to claims of prophecy and test them against both the Word of God and what is going on around us.

Mountain Stream

Psalm 82:1-8

     This is the standard by which God judges governments. Governments should defend the weak and the fatherless. They should uphold the rights of the poor and oppressed. Governments should rescue the weak and the needy from the hands of the wicked. God will pass judgement on those with government power who fail to maintain these standards. Those who not only fail to keep these standards, but instead support the wicked will be subject to God’s wrath.

Enjoying a fall day

Proverbs 25:9-10

     Do not betray other’s secrets in order to win an argument. The loss you suffer from betraying that trust will be greater than anything you gain from doing so.