Tag Archives: Genesis 24:52-26:16

January 11, 2015 Bible Study — Even the Wind and the Waves Obey Him

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 3:7-8

    Never think that you know better than God. We may not understand why God tells us to do (or not do) some of the things He does, but if we follow those instructions we will be healthier and happier than if we do not. We may think we know better how to serve God than He does, but, if so, we are wrong.


Psalm 10:1-15

    The wicked are convinced that they do not need God, that they will never need God. They are convinced that nothing bad will happen to them, that they will never be called to account for their actions. For that matter, they are convinced that there is no one to call them to account. However, they are mistaken. God will call them, and everyone else, to account for their actions. The helpless may put their trust in Him and that trust will be rewarded. God will defend the fatherless. He will ensure that the wicked suffer the consequences of their actions.


Matthew 8:18-34

    The story about the man who said he would follow Jesus after he buried his father is directed at every single one of us. When we feel God’s calling in our life, it is wrong to put off following that call until some milestone in our life is past. Let us follow God’s call NOW.
    When the storm arose on the boat, the disciples were in a panic. They were not in control of their fate. Jesus’ response tells us the correct response to such situations: turn to God. Things may seem to be spinning out of control, but regardless of how things seem, God is still in control. There are two things we need to remember. No matter how wild and woolly things seem to be, God is in complete control. Second, no matter what we think, we have never been in control, and we never will be.
    The thing I noticed today about the story of the two demon possessed men is that they approached Jesus. He did not go to them. This reminds me of many who reject Christianity. The two demon possessed men came to Jesus and began screaming at Him, asking to know why He was interfering with them. Yet, it was not He who came to them, they came to Him. In the same way some people today ask Christians what we think of their behavior, then become angry when we tell them that we believe it is self destructive. They accuse us of interfering in their lives, when it was they who approached us.


Genesis 24:52-26:16

    Once Abraham’s servant had found Rebekah and reached an agreement for her to marry Isaac, he wanted to return with her immediately. Her family wanted her to stay for a short while longer. Abraham’s servant insisted on leaving at once. I am not sure of the significance, but I believe it is related to the reason Abraham did not want Isaac to move back to that area.
    It appears that Rebekah had similar problems conceiving, or perhaps, carrying to term, that Sarah had had (although not as severe). Isaac plead with God for her to have children. When she finally did become pregnant, it was with twins. The account tells us that the two boys struggled with each other from the very beginning, even in the womb. We quickly discover that each of the parents, Isaac and Rebekah, had a different favorite between the two boys. Perhaps as a result, perhaps for some other reason, Esau became someone who lived in the moment and had little thought for future consequences. Jacob, on the other hand, became a plotter, seeking to use momentary advantage for long term gain. We should emulate Jacob’s interest in the future, without emulating his deceptive nature.
    Today’s passage ends with Isaac following the example of his father and lying about the fact that Rebekah was his wife. If nothing else this shows us that even those who are held up as loyal servants of God sometimes fail to trust in Him to protect them.

January 11, 2014 Bible Study — When God Shows Us What He Wants, Are We Ready to Move?

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day, or more. in advance. My work schedule has recently changed, meaning that I may not have time every day to complete these. As a result, I am trying to get several days ahead. I hope this does not negatively impact the quality of these posts (if that is possible). If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Genesis 24:52-26:16

     Abraham’s servant offers us yet another model to follow in today’s passage, as does Rebekah. Once he had determined the women whom God had chosen for Isaac, he wanted to continue moving toward their marriage without delay. Rebekah’s brother and mother attempted to convince him to delay leaving with Rebekah, but he insisted on going at once. They left the decision up to Rebekah. This is where Rebekah showed us the same model. She also was eager to be about following the path which God had laid out for her. Are we prepared to move as swiftly when God shows us the path He wishes us to take?


Matthew 8:18-34

     In today’s passage we have three different reactions to Jesus. In the first vignette, we have a religious leader who is initially eager to follow Jesus, but when he discovers that he would need to endure hardship to do so, he makes excuses. The second vignette shows us the disciples frantically waking Jesus from sleep in great fear from a storm. Jesus questions their faith then calms the storm. The disciples are in awe of Jesus and do not know what to make of Him, but they continue to be eager to learn more. Finally, Jesus arrives on the other side of the lake and sends demons out of two demon possessed men into a herd of pigs. The pigs promptly ran into the lake and drowned. The people of the town, hearing what Jesus had done for the demon possessed men and to the pigs, immediately asked Jesus to leave them alone.
     So, one reaction is to want to follow Jesus because it will make us feel good about ourselves, but making excuses not to when we discover the difficulties which doing so would entail. Another reaction is to be overwhelmed by His power and, despite our weak faith, choosing to stick around to learn more. The third reaction is to want nothing to do with Jesus because it might mean economic troubles for us. What is your reaction to Jesus?


Psalm 10:1-15

     It may seem like God is far away when we face trouble. We may see the wicked arrogantly hunt down the poor and brag about their evil plans. The wicked are too proud to seek God, they think belief in God is for the weak. They believe that God is dead and unable to bring them to account for their actions. But God does see what they are doing. He observes their evil and the harm they bring to those weaker than themselves. He will come to the defense of the helpless, He will protect the orphan. God will turn the evil of the wicked back upon them and punish them for the harm they have caused to others.


Proverbs 3:7-8

     If you become convinced of your own wisdom to the point that you think you know better than God what is the right and wrong thing for you to do, you are making a grave mistake. Rather than trust in your own wisdom, fear God and follow His instructions about what is right and wrong.

January 11, 2013 Bible Study — Faith That God Is Master Of The Storm

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them. I hope that the Spirit is moving in others through these posts as the Spirit has definitely been convicting me.

Sneak Attack
Sneak Attack

Genesis 24:52-26:16

     After the death of Sarah, Abraham took another wife and had several sons by her. Before he died Abraham gave these other sons gifts from his wealth and sent them away from where Isaac lived. Abraham died when he was 175 years old and left his possessions to Isaac. Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham in the cave he had purchased to bury Sarah. The account then gives a list of Ishmael’s sons and tells us that they lived in hostility towards all of the tribes related to them.
     The passage tells us that Rebekah had trouble conceiving children and that Isaac pleaded with God on her behalf. In due time God answered Isaac’s prayer and Rebekah bore twin sons, Esau and Jacob. Esau emerged first and Jacob came out clutching at Esau’s heal. Jacob means “he grasps the heal”. It is interesting that the phrase “he grasps the heel” was Hebrew idiom for “he deceives”. As the boys grew up, Esau became an avid hunter and an outdoors-man. Jacob on the other hand was more of a homebody. Isaac loved Esau because Isaac enjoyed the taste of wild game. On the other hand, Rebekah favored Jacob.
     One day when Jacob was cooking some stew, Esau came back from the wilds hungry. Esau asked Jacob for some of the stew. Jacob told Esau that he could have some stew if he would give Jacob his birthright as firstborn. Esau tells Isaac that he is starving and his birthright is of no value to him now. Jacob insists that Esau swear an oath transferring his birthright to Jacob. Esau complies and Jacob feeds him. The passage tells us that Esau showed contempt for his rights as the firstborn. This story is a great example of someone sacrificing their long-term best interest in exchange for short-term pleasure.
     At some point there is another famine in the land. Instead of going to Egypt as Abraham had done when he experienced famine in Canaan, Isaac goes to Gerar and lived among the Philistines. While there he does the same thing that his father had done under similar circumstances, he tells people that his wife is his sister. Isaac was afraid that the people would kill him to take Rebekah as their wife since she was so beautiful. When Isaac had been there some time, the king Abimelech saw Isaac caressing Rebekah and realized that she was really his wife. It is unlikely that this was the same Abimelech who took Sarah as his wife when Abraham did the same thing before Isaac was born. However, it might be his son who heard stories of that event. Abimelech is horrified by Isaac’s deception and issues an edict that no one is to touch him or his wife on pain of death. Isaac continued to gather wealth so that the Philistines became jealous of him and filled in some of the wells that Abraham’s servants had dug. Abimelech finally tells Isaac to go somewhere else since he has become too powerful to live as a nomad among them.

Winter In The Woods
Winter In The Woods

Matthew 8:18-34

     When the crowds following Him became too large and He needed a break, Jesus instructed His disciples to cross over to the other side of the lake. A teacher of the law approached Jesus and said that he would follow Him. Jesus replied by telling the teacher of the law that He had no place to lay His head. This is followed by an account of another disciple asked Jesus for permission to first go and bury his father. This is not a case of where the man’s father had just died and he wanted to have the funeral before he started following Jesus around. The man was saying, “I will come follow you after my father dies.” Jesus tells him that he should choose to follow now. These two stories tell us that we should be prepared for hardship when we choose to follow Jesus and the time to act is now.
     Following this, Jesus got in the boat and started across the lake with His disciples. Jesus went to sleep in the boat. While Jesus was sleeping a storm came up suddenly and started to swamp the boat. The disciples woke Jesus up crying that they were going to drown. Jesus asked them why they were afraid, suggesting that their fear was evidence of lack of faith. He then commanded the wind and waves to calm and they did. A storm when you are out on a lake in a boat is not something to be taken lightly, many people have died in such situations. Do we cry out to God in fear when the storms of life surround us? How often do we suffer from fear when we experience difficulties that are a much less imminent danger than this storm was to the disciples? This story is a reminder to us that if we have faith in God, we do not need to fear.

More Winter In The Woods
More Winter In The Woods

Psalm 10:1-15

     It may seem like the wicked will continue to prosper, that those who are too proud to seek God will find great reward, but in His time God will hold them to account. The wicked are mistaken when they think that nothing bad will ever happen to them. God will not ignore the cries of the helpless who put their trust in Him. God defends the orphan.

Fencing With Cape
Fencing With Cape

Proverbs 3:7-8

     Oh Lord do not let me become convinced that I am wise and cunning, rather let me fear You and seek to follow your path in all of my actions.