Tag Archives: Galatians 1:1-24

September 14, 2014 Bible Study — Are We Following the True Gospel?

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 23:12

    Let us commit ourselves to seeking and following instruction, listening carefully to any words of knowledge which we hear. God will provide us with the knowledge and instruction that we need to do His will. When He does so, we must listen closely and act accordingly.


Psalm 58:1-11

    God asks of rulers if they know the meaning of justice and if they judge people with equity. The answer is in the majority of cases “No”, rather than dispense justice, most rulers spread violence throughout the lands they rule. Those who rise to power are born sinners (but then, aren’t we all?), they have lied and gone their own way their entire lives. However, God will administer justice. He will sweep away the unjust rulers and government officials. The day will arrive when everyone will be forced to acknowledge that God judges justly here on earth and not just in heaven. Let us be among the righteous who will rejoice on that day, not among the wicked who will suffer.


Galatians 1:1-24

    Let us be careful not to fooled into following another message other than the Gospel. There are many who preach a message which they claim is the message of Christ, but is a cleverly distorted form of the Gospel. The Gospel of Christ is the grace of God as demonstrated in the death and resurrection of Christ. Those who preach that doing God’s will leads to fame and/or fortune are distorting this message.
    The Gospel message is not based on human reasoning. Actually, I prefer the NIV here, The Gospel message is not of human origin. However, the NLT brings an important element to understanding the Gospel. No one will work out the Gospel message purely by applying human reasoning. It is only when the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts and minds that we can comprehend the message which Christ brought to us. Paul does not speak about it here, but elsewhere he reminds us that he had been thoroughly steeped in the Scripture from his youth. So, it is important to check the message which the Holy Spirit has revealed to us against the words which God has spoken in the Scripture and the understanding of those with more experience following the Gospel message. Let us always test our understanding of the Gospel message in three ways. First, by listening to what the Holy Spirit speaks within our hearts. Second, by comparing that message to what God has said in the Scripture. And Third, by listening to what others who are seeking to follow God have learned from reading the Scriptures and listening to the Holy Spirit.


Isaiah 15-18:7

    Isaiah warns here that those who turn to idols and put their trust in things will face death and destruction. When hard and difficult times come upon the earth, people will turn to those things where they truly put their trust. If we place our trust in anything other than God, it will fail us when trouble comes. When that times, many will be destroyed, but a few will recognize their mistake and turn once more to God. For it is God alone who is able to save us. God alone can hide us when trouble strikes the world around us. Powerful armies will rise throughout the world and array themselves against God’s people. God’s people will see with terror the destruction these armies are creating throughout the earth, but overnight God will strike and destroy them.
    We see the rise of such armies right now, Russia invading its neighbors, Boko Haram in Nigeria, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, Iran obtaining nuclear weapons while promising to destroy Israel and the U.S. (and others). However, for all of the might and power which these forces are beginning the unleash, they will be unable to survive when God brings about their end.

September 14, 2013 Bible Study — Commit Yourself to Instruction

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 15-18:7

     Isaiah prophesied that the land of Moab would go from being a fertile land to being a desolate land. The people of Moab would cry out to their gods, but no one would save them. He then gave a similar prophecy about Aram (Syria) and Israel (I believe this is a reference to the Northern Kingdom here, but in context it may be the entire people of Israel). This is to happen because they have turned from the God who can save them.


     Today’s passage contains references to what will happen to peoples who turn from God to worship idols. As they descend further into evil God stores up judgment against them. But hidden in among the judgment coming upon the people for doing evil is cause for hope. Isaiah writes that only a few will remain who will turn to Him. The destruction will come and in the evening the remainder will wait in terror, but in the morning their enemies will be dead. Those who turn to God will be saved from the destruction which God is bringing.


Galatians 1:1-24

     Paul began his letter to the Galatians with a them he had written of to the Corinthians as well. He wrote that he has heard reports that they have been receptive to teachings contrary to the gospel which he taught them. Apparently, they have been misled by some speakers who are twisting the gospel message into something it is not. Paul wrote that there is only one gospel. Anyone who teaches anything contrary to what he originally taught them will fall under God’s curse, even if that someone is Paul himself, or even an angel from heaven. Paul said that if his goal was pleasing people he would not now be a servant of Christ.
     Paul reminds the Galatian believers that his message is not a man-made one, but rather one he received from God. He reminded them of how he persecuted the Church in his attempt to destroy it before his conversion. He brought up his zeal for following Jewish traditions as a motivating factor in that effort. He then pointed out that he had been chosen by God out of God’s grace. God revealed Jesus, His son, to Paul so that Paul would proclaim God’s Good News to the Gentiles. Paul wrote that when he received the revelation from God, he did not seek out human teachers. Rather he spent several years communing with God and studying the Scripture on his own. The only teaching about the Gospel that Paul received from men before he began his ministry was 15 days he spent with Peter and James, the brother of Jesus. After this short visit in Jerusalem, Paul went on his first missionary journey, preaching the Gospel.


     Paul is emphasizing here that the message he preached was based on direct revelation and studying the scripture. Yet, it agreed with the message preached by those apostles, and others, who had studied at Jesus’ side during His earthly ministry.


Psalm 58:1-11

     This psalm reminds us that there is a God who will judge those who do evil. The judges on this earth may make unjust rulings, but God will call them to account. God will avenge injustice. There will be times when injustice seems to reign, but God will pass judgment on the evildoer.


Proverbs 23:12

     I will seek knowledge and commit myself to being instructed in wisdom and knowledge.

September 14, 2012 Bible Study

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Barony Wars, Po Fences

Isaiah 15-18:7

     The prophet Isaiah prophecies that within three years of when he wrote this the land of Moab would be desolate, destroyed by a conquering army. Isaiah does not explicitly say, “This is why God is going to destroy Moab.” However, he talks about Moabs pride, arrogance and rage. He, also, tells us that the pagan gods they worship will not be able to save them. Those nations which rise up in arrogance and rage and which do not recognize the sovereignty of God will face destruction. But it is not “nations” which need to recognize the sovereignty of God. It is individual people who need to do so. Isaiah goes on from discussing the destruction of Moab to talking about the same fate falling on Syria and the Northern Kingdom. Isaiah tells us this will happen because the people turned from God. He, also, tells us that in the midst of this destruction at last a remnant will turn back to God. When the people turn to God, the enemies will die in the space of a night. Today’s passage ends with Isaiah’s prophecy regarding the fall of the military power that existed in Ethiopia in that day. He tells us that they will be brought low and then they will bring offerings to God. I take from this that those who rest their hope of safety in human efforts will face tragedy and sorrow. Our only hope for safety is trusting in God alone.

Barony Wars, waiting to fence

Galatians 1:1-24

     Paul begins his letter to the Galatians by stating that he was appointed an apostle by God directly, not by any Church body or human delegation. He then prays for God’s grace and peace for his audience and praises God. He then goes on to question why they are accepting teachings which add to the Gospel things that are contradictory to the Gospel. He then goes on to explain how the message he taught came to him directly from God. Paul tells us that he was not taught by any of the apostles who preceded him. He explains that he received it by revelation. However, he goes on to point out that he spent time with Peter and James, the brother of Jesus, and that what he taught by revelation was consistent with what they taught through time spent with Jesus before His crucifixion. Paul did not teach something he received by revelation that superseded the teachings of those who had known Christ while He walked on this earth. Paul received by revelation a message that was consistent with the message taught by those who had walked with Jesus in His ministry on this earth.
      I find this to be an important point. It represents the way to judge those who claim to be teaching what Jesus taught. Are their teachings consistent with what we find in Scripture? Or do they claim to have some authority source which supersedes that of the Bible? If they base their teaching on some source (whether a person or a document) that has sufficient authority to, in their minds, contradict the Bible, they are not teaching the Gospel. This is different from people who have an understanding of one part of the Bible which seems to contradict another part. In this latter case, we should seek the Spirit’s assistance in resolving this apparent conflict of God’s teachings.

Barony Wars, Po fencing

Psalm 58:1-11

     The psalmist cries out against those who rule over others with injustice and against judges who use their position to advance themselves at the expense of justice. He tells us that God will sweep them aside and destroy them. When that happens the godly will rejoice in the knowledge of God’s sovereignty.

Barony Wars, Po fences

Proverbs 23:12

     Today’s proverb tells us that we should dedicate ourselves to learning. There is always more to be learned and we should always desire to learn.