I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Today the Song of Solomon continues. Elements of today’s passage indicate that these two lovers are going to be sexually active with each other. However, there are also elements which suggest that they had remained chaste until they had found the person they would share the rest of their life with. In addition, there is a passage that advises young men to guard their sister’s virtue:
And she has no breasts;
What shall we do for our sister
On the day when she is spoken for?
“If she is a wall,
We will build on her a battlement of silver;
But if she is a door,
We will barricade her with planks of cedar.” (NASB)
Immediately after this the bride in this song tells us that she was a wall. This passage places the human sexual drive into its proper context, between a man and a woman who have made a lifelong commitment to one another. One of the reasons that I have trouble connecting with the Song of Solomon is that, even though I see in it an echo of how I view my wife, I do not find many of the metaphors used by the young man for his lover particularly attractive. For example, I find the image that the following metaphor draws up in my mind rather unappealing: “Your hair falls in waves, like a flock of goats winding down the slopes of Gilead.” I like my wife’s hair, but when I think of a flock of goats, I think of something that smells rather offensive. My wife’s hair smells of cleanliness. I am quite sure that the writer of the Song of Solomon had no intention to conjure up the odor of goats with that metaphor, but that is the image that is conjured up for me.

Paul writes to the Corinthians that he is sending Titus and a couple of others ahead of him so that the Corinthians have time to make sure that they have collected the funds that they had said they would. I think there are two things to be taken away from this part of this passage. The first is that we should be sure to follow through on ideas that we sell to the larger body of believers. It was the Corinthians who first had the idea of a collection to meet the needs of the believers in Jerusalem. The second thing is that those who find themselves leaders in the Church should gently remind people of the plans they have initiated and prod them to follow through, as Paul is doing here.
Paul tells us that if we give generously and cheerfully we will always have enough to meet our needs with enough left over to share with others. Take note however that he does not say we will have enough to meet our wants with enough to share with others. I pray that God will help me to discipline myself to match the level of giving that I have felt called to.

I call out to God along with the psalmist for God to have mercy on me, for I am a sinner. If God will purify us we will be clean of our sins and there is no other manner in which this can be accomplished. I praise God that He has done so through bringing me to faith in Jesus Christ. I pray continually that He will create within me a clean heart. I am broken and frail upon this earth and I seek His healing for my brokenness. I thank God that he has done so and continues to do so. He gives me joy in His salvation. I continue to pray that He make me ever more willing to obey Him. I pray that He will give me the words to reach those who have yet to accept Him so that they might turn to Him and be saved. God does not desire sacrifice. He desires that we acknowledge how far we have fallen short of His standard and that we are powerless to keep His commands without His help.

Today’s proverb tells us that we should be careful about spending too much time with people who do not control their temper. That it is too easy to be influenced by such people to not control our own temper. Elsewhere he has laid out the dangers of failing to control one’s temper. Here he touches once again on the fact that our behavior is influenced by the behavior of those we spend time with. We should spend our time with those who behave in the manner that we desire that we should behave.