I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 20-21.
The leaders of Israel came to Ezekiel requesting a message from God. It appears to me that they had a specific issue for which they were seeking guidance. God refused to give them an answer to their question. Instead God gave them a message calling out their sin. Ezekiel catalogued how the people of Israel had broken their covenant with God generation after generation and now this current generation was doing the same. In particular, Ezekiel confronts them over offering sacrifices to idols in little ways and sacrificing their children to those idols.

I have tried to avoid controversial topics in writing this blog because I do not want to allow the emotions of partisanship to interfere with the word of God. However, I have become convicted that abortion in the U.S. (and probably most countries of Western Civilization) represents the same sort of sacrificing of our children for which the Old testament prophets condemned the people of Israel. When Ezekiel talks about the people of Israel of his day offering gifts to idols, he is talking about them doing things like standing for the national anthem and facing the flag with their hands over their hearts while knowing full well that the government that flag represents supports people sacrificing their children with abortion. I want to state in no uncertain terms that you cannot serve God and be “Pro Choice”. However, I want to also be clear that most of those who oppose abortion are just as guilty of idolatry. Rather than calling upon the Holy Spirit to change people’s hearts, to convict people of the sinfulness of abortion, they turn to the government to outlaw abortion. That is a form of idolatry as well.
My position on abortion is that abortion is a sin. Killing a child, whether it is still in the mother’s womb or not, is wrong. I do not care what the law says on the issue. The government does not determine what is wrong and what is right, God does. I do not want women to not have abortions because it is illegal. I want them to not have an abortion because the Holy Spirit has transformed them to value that child. I do not want people to not perform abortions because the government will punish them for doing so. Once again, I want people to not perform abortions because God has transformed them into people who truly love others and recognize the harm an abortion will do to both the mother and the child. While I think it is the government’s place to make abortion illegal, I am not going to campaign for the government to change its laws. Instead, I will beseech God to transform people’s hearts and minds so that no one will desire to have or perform an abortion. If God’s answer to my petition is to call me to take action, I will do as He commands.
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