Today, I am reading and commenting on Exodus 33-35.

My first thought when I read this passage was to wonder if, perhaps, over the years the order of some of this got changed during copying over the years. However, that brought me to my current thoughts on it: God is all-powerful, therefore the order which we find this in today is the order in which He desires us to read it (or, as likely, reading them in the order which would not make us think they were out of order would not reveal anything about God’s Truth which reading them in this order does not, whether or not they were originally written in that order). There may be those who read something about our relationship with God from the order these passages are in, but changing the order to the way my brain wants to say was how it was originally written does not currently change anything in my understanding of this passage.
In any case, I will write about what this passage says to me as we have it. So, when Moses returned to the mountain after restoring order in the camp, God told him to leave the area around Mt. Sinai and lead the people to the Promised Land. But that He would not go with them, otherwise He might destroy them along the way. When the Israelites heard these words and were distressed. As a result, they began removing their ornamentation even before they heard Moses tell them that God had told them to remove their ornamentation. Then, a little later, Moses asks God who He will send with them when they go. God tells Moses that His Presence will go with them, and Moses replies that if God’s Presence does not go with them He should not send them out from Mt. Sinai. Moses then asks God how people will know that He is pleased with Him, if He does not go with them? And, what will distinguish Moses and God’s people from everyone else if God is not with them?

And now I finally get to the meat of what I want to write about this passage. For me today the heart of this passage comes when Moses says to God, “If you are pleased with me, teach me your ways so I may know you and continue to find favor with you. ” I seek, and I hope that you seek, to please God so that He will continue to teach me His ways, to teach me how I may please Him more. However, I also seek to please God so that He will be with me wherever He may send me. What distinguishes me from others is God’s presence with me. If God is not with me, I am no different than anyone else. We are only God’s people inasmuch as God is with us, and anyone can be part of God’s people by seeking to be in His Presence. I am not better than anyone else because what makes me distinct is God’s Presence. Therefore what distinguishes me from others is not to my credit. Rather credit for however I am distinct from others goes to God.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.
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