Tag Archives: Deuteronomy 30

March 9, 2025 Bible Study — If We Wish to Know God’s Commands He Will Make Them Known to Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 29-31.

Having told the Israelites the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience, Moses warns them that there will be people who will turn aside from following God; people who think that they can disobey God and remain safe.  There will be, there are, people who, despite knowing God and His laws, believe that they can be safe even if they do not follow His laws.  God will single them out from those who obey Him and they will bring suffering on only themselves.  However, if their numbers increase the whole land will suffer, and it will be those who are obedient who are singled out.  In this latter case, they will be singled out for blessing.  When those who disobey God become numerous and the land becomes barren, if they turn back to God, He will welcome them back and restore the land.

Moses finishes up this portion about blessings and curses by telling the Israelites, and us, that God’s commands are not too difficult for us, nor are they beyond our grasp.  We do not need to ascend into heaven to learn what God commands, nor do we need to cross over the seas, or mountains, to retrieve them.  God has put them in our hearts and in our mouths.  If we wish to follow God’s commands, we need not fear that we do not know what to do, God will make them known to us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 9, 2024 Bible Study — The Choice Is Ours, Life and Blessings, Or the Opposite

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 29-31.

Moses tells us that God’s commands are not too difficult for us, nor are they difficult for us to understand, or even difficult to learn.  God has put His word in our mouths and in our hearts, even in the mouths and hearts of those who reject Him.  You may have heard the statement that there are many paths to God.  Implicit in that statement is the idea that finding God requires a difficult journey.  That is only true if we make it difficult.  This passage, and others, remind us that God has revealed Himself through nature.  We know the nature of God and have a choice.  We can choose life, or we can choose death.  We can choose blessings, or we can choose curses.  We can choose to obey God, or we can choose to rebel against Him.  If we choose to listen to the words God has placed in our hearts, He will reveal Himself to us.  If we accept His gift, He will empower us to obey His commands and we will receive life and blessings.  If we reject Him, we will receive death and curses.  If we examine our hearts, we know this to be true.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 9, 2023 Bible Study — Speaking God’s Message In Love To Turn People’s Hearts To Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 29-31.

Moses tells the Israelites, and the foreigners living among them, to make sure that no one, and no group, among their number turns their heart(s) away from the Lord.  We should strive to do the same today.  However, in our society so few have actually turned the hearts to the Lord, that we should strive to turn their hearts to the Lord.  That is not something we can do with coercion and violence.  We can only get someone to turn their heart to the Lord with love and compassion.  Which brings me to the message of love and compassion we should have for people, also contained in today’s passage.  Following God’s commands leads us towards life, contentment, and prosperity, while disobeying His commands lead us towards death and destruction.  The prosperity is not that of this world, because those who follow God’s commands seek to store up wealth in heaven, not on this earth.  So, while those who follow God’s commands may acquire wealth in this world, that is not what they value, and those who follow God’s commands will acquire those things which the love of God causes them to value.  I want to circle back around to the message we should seek to communicate to those we care about: disobeying God’s commands leads to death and destruction.  Those who fail to follow His commands will find their lives empty with misery following them.  I see that in our society among those who blame their unhappiness on others, rather than recognizing that their own choices have led them into depression.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 9, 2022 Bible Study — We Have A Choice To Make Today, And Every Day

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 29-31.

As the Israelites prepared to cross the Jordan River into the land of Canaan, and Moses prepared for his death, they renewed the covenant which they had made with God at Mount Sinai.  A key part of that covenant was a warning that anyone who thought that they could gain the benefits of this covenant while continuing (or beginning) to worship other gods would suffer grievously.   This warning applies today to those who wish to gain the benefits of following Christ without giving up the idolatrous sinfulness they followed before coming to know Him.  Later in the passage, Moses tells the Israelites that he, and God, knows that they will break the covenant.  However, Moses had also told them that if they turned back to God after their rebellion He would hear them and bring them back to Himself.  The lesson here is that it is never too late, but that works both ways.  It is never too late for us to turn back to God, and we can never “rest on our laurels” and say, “Well, I obeyed God yesterday, so I don’t have to now.”  Today we have the choice of either life and prosperity, or death and destruction, the choice between obedience or disobedience.  There is one final piece to the message of this passage which I want to write about.   Moses told the Israelites that knowing God’s will was not difficult; God had written His Laws on their hearts, and on our hearts.  If we wish to do God’s will, we only need to examine our hearts to know what it is.  But we must truly desire to do His will and not pretend that our desires are His desires.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 9, 2021 Bible Study Knowing God’s Commands Does Not Require Great Effort On Our Part

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 29-31.

Moses told the Israelites that the command he was giving them in his final address to them was not too difficult for them, and the commands which God has given us are not too difficult for us.  We do not need to commission someone to go to some far away place which requires special skills to get there.  God has placed His word in our hearts and in our minds. I was going to go a different direction with this, but as I typed that I was reminded of two stories I read many years ago.  The first was about a man in Vietnam after the fall of Saigon.  He was placed in a “re-education camp” by his government and tortured in many ways because he was more educated than they wished him to be.  He was constantly bombarded with ideas promoting how wonderful the government which was torturing him was.  He desperately desired  reading material, but it was denied to him.  He cried out to God for something (although as I recall the story he did not know God) to read.  One of his tortures was to be required to clean out the latrines by hand.  While cleaning the latrines, he found pages which his captors had torn from a book and used as toilet paper.  He carefully cleaned those pages and read them, hiding them in his cell.  Those pages had been torn from a Bible and provided him hope and inspiration.  If I remember the story correctly, it was in this way that he became a Christian.

The other story was about a group of anthropologists who went to the most remote part of the world they could imagine to record a society “uncorrupted” by Western Civilization.  They went to a remote spot in the jungles of Burma, which  had no recorded contact with civilization. The people there spoke a language which the anthropologists did not understand.  While there they recorded the songs sung by these people.  Upon their return, they spoke of their experiences among these people and played their recordings.  Imagine their surprise when the listening audience called in and said they knew the songs being sung.  They were old hymns they remembered from their childhood.  It turns out that in 1949-50 a group of missionaries in China had fled across the border into Burma.  Those missionaries died there in remote Burma, but not before planting the Gospel among this remote tribe.

The point of both of these stories is that God is not remote from us, those who seek Him will find Him., even those who do not know Who it is that they seek.  We do not need to go to some remote part of the world to find God’s will for us, but if we do go there, we will find God is already there waiting for us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 9, 2020 Bible Study — Today, We Have a Choice

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 29-31.

Each day we are given a choice.  A choice between life and death.  A choice to serve and obey God, or to follow the desires of our stubborn hearts.  Knowing what God wants us to do is not difficult.  He has given us His words and written them on our hearts.  There is no need to go to distant lands, or to seek mysterious teachers.  If we seek to serve and obey God He will give us direction right where we are.  The scary part is that we must make this decision each and every day.  The wonderful part is that, if we chose badly yesterday, we get to make a better choice today.

March 9, 2019 Bible Study — Today We Have a Choice

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 29-31.

Moses makes several points in this passage which I want to bring up.  The first one that strikes me every time I read this passage is not the first one in the passage.  Today we are given a choice, a choice between life and death.  This choice is not a once and done choice.  Rather it is a choice we must make every day.  Will we choose life and do God’s will?  Or will we reject God’s will and choose death?  One day the choice we make will be final, but until then, if we made the wrong choice yesterday, we can always repent and make the right choice today.  Of course, whichever choice we make today will make it easier to make that choice again tomorrow and harder to make the other.  So, it is important to make the right choice each and every day.

I was going to work my way backwards from that to the other point, but as I began to write the next section I realized how what I wanted to write about the other points did not tie together that way.  When we have made the wrong choice time and again so that we are suffering the curses which come from rejecting God’s will, if we turn back to God and strive once more to do His will He will bring us back to Him.  He will change and cleanse our hearts.  It will not be hard to know His will, nor will it be hard to do His will.  If we truly desire to return to Him, He will write His commands on our hearts.  In fact, He has already done so.  When we make the wrong choice and reject God’s will we obscure part of what He has written on our hearts.  Each time we reject God’s will we make it even harder for us to read what He has written there.  However, each time we look at what can still be seen, and there will always be a little bit of what God has written visible to us if we look for it, and choose to follow His will God will wipe some of that obscuring muck away.  That is the beauty of what God offers us through Jesus.  When we fully accept Jesus’ sacrifice for our sins, it is like God has turned a power washer on our hearts.  Of course, it hurts when He starts to wash away some of that ingrained sin and we sometimes try to shelter ourselves from the cleaning.  But we have to open ourselves up to that pain in order to experience the healing which can only happen once God has cleaned all of that gunk out of our lives.

March 9, 2018 Bible Study –Doing What Is Right Makes It Easier to Know What Is Right, Not Doing What Is Right Makes It Easier to Do What Is Wrong.

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 29-31.

    In discussing the blessings and curses which come from following, or not following, God’s commands Moses told the people that on that day they had a choice between life and death. We have the same choice today. We have that choice every day. When we make that choice it makes it easier to make the same choice the next day. Each day that we choose to follow God’s commands makes it easier to follow His commands the following day. OF course the reverse is also true, each day we choose not to follow God’s commands makes it harder to do so the following day. Following God’s commands is not difficult or complex. We do not need someone to go up to heaven for us in order to know what God expects of us. Nor is the understanding kept in some far away exotic location so that we need to go to great effort to learn His commands. God will deliver His message into our very hearts and onto our lips if we but ask Him. It really is this simple: love God and strive to obey Him. As we obey the instructions that we understand, we will learn to understand the more complex instructions. On the other hand, if we do not do the things which we know that we ought we will gradually come to believe that it is right to do wrong.