Tag Archives: Deuteronomy 27-28

March 8, 2025 Bible Study — God Commands Us to Do Things Which Result in Good Outcomes

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 27-28.

Moses told the Israelites that if they obeyed God they would be blessed, if they did not obey God they would be cursed.  The blessings, or curse, would come upon them in the city and in the country.  They would happen when they came in and when they went out.  If we obey God and act as He desires, the land we live in will be verdant and bountiful.  On the other hand if we disobey Him and act counter to His desires, the land we live in will suffer drought and blight.  Obeying God leads to good health and to prosperity, disobeying God leads to poverty and disease.  The ideas of these blessings and curses as laid out here apply to groups of people, not so much to individuals.  Although the principle applies to individuals as well.  Individuals who seek to follow God’s will, will be blessed.  Those who refuse to do God’s will, will be cursed.  While this sounds like God judging people, which He does, it is actually about natural consequences.  Actions have consequences.  The actions which God commands have positive outcomes, actions which violate God’s commands have negative outcomes. God gives us the commands which He gives us because doing the good things He commands have positive consequence while doing the things He commands us not to do have negative consequences.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 8, 2024 Bible Study — Seek the Blessings of Obeying God’s Commands, or Face the Curses of Disobedience

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 27-28.

Moses told the Israelites that when they crossed over the Jordan they should build an altar on Mount Ebal and write God’s commands on the altar.  Then, half of the tribes should stand on Mount Gerizim to pronounce blessings on the people, and the other half should stand on Mount Ebal to pronounce the curses that would occur if the Israelites failed to keep God’s laws.  What struck me first was that the tribes were listed according to the sons of Jacob.  Manasseh and Ephraim were not mentioned as tribes.  They were lumped together under their father Joseph.

Once the tribes were in position, the Levites were to call out a list of commands which would bring curses on people and the people would affirm theses commands as binding.  Then Moses lists the blessings which will come from obeying God’s commands, followed by the reciprocal curses for disobedience.  The blessings, or the curses, would come whether they were in the city or in the country, when they came home and when they travelled.   If they obeyed God’s commands. their families and livestock would reproduce healthily.  If they disobeyed, their families and their livestock would be sickly and diminish.  If they obeyed, all of their economic activity would prosper.  If they disobeyed everything to which they turned their hand would fail.  If they obeyed God’s commands, their enemies would scatter before them.  If they disobeyed, they would scatter before their enemies.   Now, as I read these blessings and curses, Moses goes into more detail on the curses.  The curses include disease and plague, inflammation and fever, drought and heat, sores, madness, and confusion.  As I read this, the curses seem to me to be those which fall on a society which honors self-indulgence, greed, envy, and sexual immorality.  On the other hand, the blessings look like those experienced by a society which practices honor, self-discipline, and generosity.  Look around, where you see the first of those, you see the curses described here, where you see the latter, you see the blessings.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 8, 2023 Bible Study — Even The Land Suffers When People Disobey God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 27-28.

When I read today’s passage the first thing I am first struck by the idea that the curses sound like what happens when people pollute their environment, but, as I read more closely, I realize that oversimplifies things.  That being said, God told the Israelites that if they kept His commands He would bless them with a land where the environment prospered and if they did not keep His commands their land would suffer environmental devastation.   However, the blessings and the curses would be more than environmental.  Those peoples who keep God’s commands will live at peace with freedom in a land where everything prospers, their enemies will fear them.  Those who disobey God’s commands will live in a land where living things are blighted and crime is rampant, they will suffer invasion and live in constant fear of their enemies.  If a society lives according to God’s commands, its lands and its people will prosper.  If a society lives in defiance of God’s commands, its lands and its people will experience great suffering.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 8, 2022 Bible Study — Blessings For Obeying God, And Curses For Disobeying

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 27-28.

Today’s passage describes the first of several altars which Moses instructed the Israelites to set up in the land to remind them of what God had done in giving them the land.  They were to build an altar on Mount Ebal and write the words of the Law on it.  After they had built the altar half of the Israelite were to stand on Mount Gerizim and half on Mount Ebal.  Those on Mount Gerizim were to speak the blessings which come from following God’s Law while those on Mount Ebal were to speak the curses which would come upon those who disobeyed God’s Law.  Reading the blessings and curses described here I get the same sense that I got when I read Deuteronomy 11-13: the blessings and curses are built into the way in which God created the world to work.  Those who obey God’s commands will be blessed because that is how He created the world to work.  Those who disobey God’s commands will be cursed because they have done things which result in those bad things happening to them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 8, 2021 Bible Study Blessings For Those Who Obey God, Curses For Those Who Rebel

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 27-28.

This passage contains blessings and curses for the people of Israel: blessings if they obey the Laws God gave them through Moses, curses if they do not.  While I believe the specific blessings and curses contained in this passage specifically apply to the Israelites, I believe the general principle of them applies to all people.  If we follow God’s commands and desires, we will be blessed.  If we violate God’s commands and desires, we will be cursed.  Moses instructed the people to divide into two parts, one half of the people to stand on Mt Gerizim to pronounce the blessings, one half to stand on Mt Ebal to pronounce the curses.  The purpose of this exercise was to reinforce the laws to the people and to give them a feeling of unity.  If you have ever been part of a large group which has done such a responsive reading you will understand how powerful such a thing is.

I really get two things out of this passage.  First, the closer a society keeps God’s commands, the more powerful and wealthy they will be.  To me this means that the majority holds to values which reflect God’s will (even when many of those people may not actually worship God) and that those who rebel against God’s will are ostracized to one degree or another, such that they hide their rebellion from general knowledge.  On the other hand, a society which openly embraces rebelling against God will become progressively weaker and poorer and will experience ever increasing suffering.  To the greatest extent I believe this results from natural forces.  I also believe that if we as individuals follow God’s will, we will be blessed, although not necessarily in ways which the world at large will recognize.

Every time I write about a passage like this, I come away feeling like I have failed to adequately communicate what it says to me.  Today is no different.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

March 8, 2020 Bible Study — What Values Will We Follow As a People?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 27-28.

Moses instructed the Israelites that once they entered into the Promised Land they should assemble in the valley between Mount Ebal and Mount Gerizim.  Then the Levites would call out blessings for obedience from Mount Gerizim and curses for disobedience from Mount Ebal.  The people would acknowledge each blessing and each curse the Levites called out.  One can read the things which would lead to a curse and learn important lessons about our behavior.  However, I want to focus on what this exercise meant for the Israelites and for us today.  The things which the Levites called out and of which the people acknowledged acceptance represented a basic set of values which everyone accepted and agreed to live by.  In order for a society to be functional it must have such a set of values by which everyone agrees to abide if they wish to be part of that society.  The idea that a country needed such a set of common values was rejected during my childhood and early adult years, but today I see an attempt to establish a new set of values to which everyone is required to abide.  This new set of values appears to me to be contrary to those laid out for the people of Israel and to be those which will result in the curses described later in this passage.

March 8, 2019 Bible Study — If God Made You, What Makes You THink His Instructions Aren’t Your Best Option?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 27-28.

Moses instructed the Israelites that when they crossed over into the Promised Land they were to set up half the people on Mt Gerizim and half the people on Mt Ebal.    Those on Mt Gerizim would declare a blessing on the people while those on Mt Ebal would declare a curse.  The blessing would be those the people would receive if they followed God’s commands and the curse they would receive if they did not.  Then the Levites would call out to the people a list of things which would bring a curse on the people and the people were to acknowledge that they had heard.


Moses then told the people the blessing they would receive for following God’s commands and the curses they would receive for disobeying them.  The blessings and curses were (and are) reciprocal to each other.  I am convinced that these blessings and curses are the natural (and by natural I mean that is the way God designed the world to work) results of following, or not following, the commands which God has given.  If you do the things which the Levites declared would result in a person being cursed in the first part of this passage, the results are likely to be unpleasant.  While a single individual who does a limited number of those things may never realize the harm they bring, a people who does even one of them as common practice will experience the curses listed.  The more a people does any one of these items the more likely they are to embrace all of these cursed behaviors. 

March 8, 2018 Bible Study — Actions Have Consequences

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 27-28.

    Moses promises the Children of Israel that, if they obey God’s commands, they will be blessed, but if they disobey God’s commands they will be cursed. Moses lays out both the blessings and the curses. As I read these blessings and curses they read like the natural consequences which follow when a people either obey or disobey God. This is more obvious when you look at the curses. When a people as a whole obey God’s commands, they will be unified and respect each other. As a people they will protect and value the weak among them, which will allow the weak to learn their strengths and become productive (productive does not necessarily mean “able to earn money”). On the other hand, when a people do not obey God’s commands each will seek what he perceives as his own interest, not even aware how that damages the interests of the people as a whole. Disobeying God’s commands make one more susceptible to disease (for example, sexual immorality leads to the spread of sexually transmitted diseases). If those with power do not insist on justice for those without power, they will discover that they will not receive justice when their power wanes. I could go on, but it seems clear to me that when a society fails to honor God and seek to obey His commands it is only a matter of time until tragedy strikes it again and again.

March 8, 2017 Bible Study — Blessings and Curses

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 27-28.

    The passage contains instructions for an interesting “compare and contrast” exercise which Moses instructed the people of Israel to do once they crossed over the Jordan River. One half of them were to stand on Mount Ebal and one half on Mount Gerizim. Those on Mount Ebal were to declare curses on those who failed to keep the commands which God had given the people of Israel. Those on Mount Gerizim were to declare blessings on those who did keep those commands. The curses are the mirror image of the blessings. Doing God’s will results in positive consequences. Refusing to do God’s will has negative consequences. We do not always see the connection between doing, or not doing, God’s will and the consequences which result, but that connection is there nonetheless.

March 8, 2016 Bible Study — Blessings and Curses

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Deuteronomy 27-28.

    Moses instructed the people of Israel that when they entered the land they were to set up some stones, coat them with plaster, and inscribe the commands on them. Then half of the tribes were to go to Mt Gerizim and declare God’s blessings over the people and the land. The other half of the tribes were to go to the top of Mt Ebal and declare God’s curses over the people. The blessings and curses were conditional. Moses declared that if they kept God’s commands they would receive the blessings, but if they did not keep His commands they would suffer the curses. This logic applies today. When a people keeps God’s commands they will be blessed. They will prosper and be successful in all they do. On the other hand, if they violate God’s commands, they will suffer and everything they turn their hand to will fail. The closer the people of a nation come to following God’s will, the more prosperous and powerful that nation will be.