Tag Archives: Daily Bible Study

October 1, 2023 Bible Study — If We Do Not Follow the Good Shepherd, We Will Follow the Bad Shepherd

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zechariah 11-14.

I struggle with today’s passage because it seems to be composed of multiple separate prophecies, and I am unclear where the breaks are between one of them and the next.  I am not quite sure of the implications of the first thing which struck me.  As Zechariah speaks about the ways in which God provides shepherds for His people, he writes that God will raise up a bad shepherd over His people.  One who will not care about the lost, nor seek the young.  One who will not heal the injured or feed the healthy.  A shepherd whose only concern will be for what is in it for him.  The context seems to imply that God did this (will do this?) because His people did not value the Good Shepherd He had given them.  When I read about that bad shepherd it reminded me of so many of the leaders we have today, religious, political, and even business leaders.  Leaders who are not concerned with the care of those whom they ostensibly lead.  God has given us such leaders because we have stopped following the Good Shepherd He sent to care for His flock.  I want to point out that thinking of it that way can be very scary.  Until you think about what Jesus said when He took upon Himself the mantle of Good Shepherd.  He is looking for, and caring for, the sheep who have wondered away.  Let us follow His voice when He calls us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 30, 2023 Bible Study — Do We Practice Our Religion for God? Or for Ourselves?

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zechariah 7-10.

When we go to church on Sunday, or any other time, are we really doing that for God?  Or, are we doing it for ourselves?  When we celebrate Christmas and Easter, is that for God, or for us?  When we do those things they are supposed to remind us of what God really wants from us.  He wants us to show mercy and compassion to each other.  God wants us to show His love to those around us.  Let us not be as those who saw visions which are lies and recount dreams that are false.  If we love truth and seek God, He will do good for us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 29, 2023 Bible Study — Return to God and He Will Return to You

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zechariah 1-6.

I see a lot I could write about in today’s passage, but there are two quotes which God gave to the prophet I want to focus on.

‘Return to me,’ declares the Lord Almighty, ‘and I will return to you,’


‘Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,’ says the Lord Almighty.

The first of these quotes addresses how we should respond when we feel cut off from God.  The second reminds us of how we carry out the missions God gives us.  For me this means that when I look at society around me and see how far it is from God, I must return to God and pray that He returns to those around me, drawing them unto Him.  I will not transform society around me, or even myself, by my strength, my power, or even my wealth (not even should I miraculously acquire the wealth of Elon Musk).  I will not transform society around me by teaming up with others and pooling our strength, power, and wealth.  Transformation of our society will only happen by the Spirit of God.  Transformation of individuals will only happen by the Spirit of God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 28, 2023 Bible Study — Don’t Wait Until You Have It Together to Do God’s Will

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zephaniah and Haggai.

Zephaniah begins by prophesying that God will wipe all life off of the face of the earth, sparing no one and nothing.  While the rest of the book suggests that is hyperbolic, I believe it also reminds us that this universe will end one day.  Zephaniah proceeds to tell us that God will wipe out everyone in Jerusalem who worships idols, even those who also worship God.  After describing the overwhelming destruction which is coming, he tells the “humble of the land” to seek the Lord.  If we do what God commands and humbly seek Him, perhaps we will be sheltered when His anger finally bursts forth against the land.  Up to a point, Zephaniah’s prophecy contains many reasons for us to fear the future.  Then, after telling us that the entire world will be consumed by the fire of the Lord’s anger, Zephaniah tells us that God will purify the lips of all peoples.  Thus allowing everyone to call upon His name.  God will bring together the meek and humble who choose to serve Him.

Haggai has a completely different feel from the prophets who preceded him.  Haggai was prophesying to those who knew what God wanted of them, and who wished to do that, but who were also convinced that they needed to “get their house in order” before they did God’s will.  The Returned Exiles wanted to get their economic situation in order before they began rebuilding the temple.  They intended to build the temple with the economic surplus they were sure would soon come their way.  Except that it never did.  Haggai tells them that they are waiting on a surplus that would never come unless they began serving God in earnest.  The Returned Exiles did as Haggai suggested and began rebuilding the temple.  We learn an important lesson here.  If we wait to do what we know God desires of us until we have our life “in order”, we will never get there.  On the other hand, if we do God’s will, even when we don’t have our act together, God will take care of that part for us.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 27, 2023 Bible Study — God Cares for Those Who Trust in Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Nahum and Habakkuk.

My first thought as I read today’s passages was, “What is the connection between Nahum and the prophecy which Jonah delivered to Nineveh?”  The Book of Jonah merely records that Jonah’s prophecy was that Nineveh would be destroyed.  Nahum goes into more detail.  Nahum tells us that God is good and cares for those who trust in Him, but that He will put an end to Nineveh because they plotted against Him.  Which gives us two messages for today.  If you look around you see how those in power throughout the world largely act to marginalize and silence those who uphold God’s word.   They seek to diminish their influence by persecuting them in ways which lead others to not listen to God’s message.  Nahum gives those who trust in God a message of hope: God will care for them and protect them.  Nahum gives a warning to those who plot against God’s people: God will overwhelm them like a flood which shall wash away all of the protective barriers which they have erected around themselves.

Habakkuk appears to prophecy about the same events .  He starts by asking God why He allows injustice and violence to continue and thrive.  Before I go on to discuss God’s answer to Habakkuk I want to look a little more into what he says about those he calls upon God to judge.  He tells us that they are a law unto themselves and that the law of the land cannot touch them.  Further, Habakkuk tells us that they worship only their own strength and power.  Just as I saw parallels between the powerful of today and those against whom Nahum prophesied I see parallels here as well.  Habakkuk warns those who have made themselves at ease with unjust gains that God will bring them to justice.  Habakkuk prophesies against Assyria with a prophecy which applies to all who gain by violence and corruption.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 26, 2023 Bible Study — God Requires Three Things of Us: That We Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly With Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Micah 3-7.

Micah warns Israel, both the Northern and Southern kingdoms, that God will bring judgement on them because their leaders hate what is good and love what is evil instead of embracing justice and because their religious leaders teach what those who are willing to pay want to hear while condemning those who will not bribe them.  But Micah also has a message for those who sincerely want to know what they should do in order to please God.  Micah tells us that God has shown us what is good, we have no excuse.  Let us act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God.  I want to take a minute and go over what those three things mean.  To act justly means that we apply the same rules to those people we don’t like as we do to the people we do like.  To love mercy means that we forgive those who repent.  To walk humbly with our God means that we accept His judgement of ourselves and of others.  That one requires a little more because some of us struggle with this next part of its meaning: to walk humbly with our God also means that we recognize that we are not God, and that God is greater than we are.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 25, 2023 Bible Study — We Cannot Escape God’s Plans for Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jonah 1-4 and Micah 1-2.

God called Jonah to go to Nineveh and prophesy that it would soon be destroyed.  However, Jonah did not want to preach this message to the people of Nineveh because he wanted them to be destroyed and was afraid that they would listen to his prophecy and repent.  So, in order to avoid inadvertently delivering God’s message to the Ninevites, Jonah decided he would go in the opposite direction.  However, when God brought misfortune upon Jonah, Jonah surrendered and agreed to deliver God’s message.  When the Ninevites repented, Jonah was angry that God chose to withhold the destruction He had Jonah prophesy.  Finally, Jonah gets angry because a vine which had grown up to give him shade died.  God uses the death of this vine to point out to Jonah that he was more concerned with his own comfort than the lives of thousands of people.  Ultimately, the Book of Jonah has two vitally important messages for us:

  1. There is no place to which we can run to escape God’s plans for us
  2. We should value others more than we value our comfort

I was not sure I was going to write about Micah, but after reading it I had some thoughts I wanted to write down.   Micah prophesies that God’s judgement is about to pour out against Israel, the Northern Kingdom, and against Judah, the Southern Kingdom.  The sins of the people of both kingdoms will result in terrible destruction for them.  Micah tells us that the sins of these nations spread out from their capitals.  Samaria and Jerusalem were to blame for the people of Israel and of Judah sinning in ways which led to invasion and desolation.  As we read on into chapter two we realize that Micah’s prophecy against Samaria and Jerusalem is not specific to those geographic locations.  Instead, Micah tells us that the leaders of the people were responsible for their sins.  Micah’s message here is twofold.  First, the rich and powerful will suffer the same desolation from their sins that the common people will experience.  Second, if we allow our leaders to lead us into sin, we will suffer the consequences.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 24, 2023 Bible Study — Measuring Ourselves Against God’s Plumb Line

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Amos 6-9 and Obadiah.

These two passage do not have much in common.  So, I am going to write first about what I see in the last part of Amos.  Then I will write about Obadiah.

In the first part of this passage Amos condemns the people of Israel for their complacency in the face of threat.  Then he speaks of prophecies which God gave him concerning the destruction of Israel. First, Amos sees a threat of locusts, at least as bad as that which the prophet Joel prophesied about.  Then he sees God implementing justice by fire.  In both cases Amos cries out to God asking that He not unleash such devastation on the Israelites, because they would not survive as a people.  God accedes to Amos’ request and issues a third plan.  In His third plan to bring judgement against His people, the Israelites, God states that He will establish a “plumb line” among them.

I am going to take a moment to describe what a plumb line is because I had trouble understanding this passage before I knew what a plumb line was. So, a plumb line is a string of some sort with a small weight on the end used by builders to determine if a wall, or other upright structure, is straight, or if it leans. The plumb line is held at the top of the wall, or other structure, not touching it. If the string is further from, or closer to, the wall at the bottom than it is at the top, the builder will know that the wall is not “plumb”, that it leans. And He will know where the “lean” begins, how close to the foundation He needs to go to start over in order to build an upright wall.

So, God set a plumb line among those who He has called as His people.  By measuring us by His plumb line,  He knows how far He needs to tear us down in order to rebuild us as straight and upright people.  That plumb line is Jesus Christ.  We can also compare ourselves to God’s plumb line in order to know how badly out of kilter our lives are.

Obadiah prophesies against Edom.  He tells us that Edom was arrogant and believed that their unique geographic position made them secure against attack.  However, that was not what led Obadiah to prophesy against them.  No, Obadiah prophesied that Edom would be destroyed because they stood by and watched while others attacked and brought harm to the Israelites, reveling in the destruction of their fellow man.  They gloated at the destruction of Jerusalem and then took part in looting the ruins.  The people of Edom gloated over the misfortune of the Israelites, sure of their security against such attacks.  God brought judgement upon them for that.  We should not gloat when others suffer misfortune, no matter how deserving we believe them to be.  Further, we should not inflict more suffering on those who experience God’s punishment for their sins.  While this passage does not illuminate this, we should instead seek to relieve their suffering, even though they had brought it on themselves, in order to possibly bring them to God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 23, 2023 Bible Study — Woe to Those Who Long for the Day of the Lord

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Amos 1-5.

It was 23 years ago today that my beautiful wife married me. I thank God for her every day.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

Amos primarily prophesies against Israel, the Northern Kingdom, but before he gets into that he points out that Israel is not alone in its sin.  After warning the surrounding nations that they will face God’s judgement in time, Amos begins his prophecy against Israel.  He tells them that God sent them prophets and those who dedicated themselves to serving God, but they forced those dedicated to God to violate their commitment and made it illegal for prophets to speak God’s word.  Amos tells us that those who store up the wealth they have looted from others do not know how to do right.  It seems to me that he directs this at those who, having acquired wealth through unethical means, seek to lecture others on ethical and moral behavior.  Amos goes on to condemn those who live comfortably while oppressing the poor.  They make sacrifices and offerings which they brag about to show how religious they are, but they refuse to turn to God.  Amos describes how God caused minor economic and ecologic destruction to fall upon the Israelites because of their sin (or, perhaps it would be better to say He allowed), but they did not turn to Him.  Amos warns the people of Israel, and us, to seek God and live, to seek good, not evil.  And he has one final warning for us.  He warns those who long for the day of the Lord that they will not like it when it comes.  I believe Amos directs that at those whose religion is superficial rather than being true worship of God.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

September 22, 2023 Bible Study — Let Us Mourn, Fast, and Pray

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Joel 1-3.

Joel prophesies at a time when Israel was experiencing, or had just experienced, a plague of locusts which were completely destroying their crops.  In response, Joel calls on the people of Israel to fast and pray, repenting of their sins and turning to God.  As we face economic hard times we should take Joel’s advice.  If we do so, turning to God and mourning the opportunities we lost to our sinfulness, He will repay us for what we lost.  More importantly, in response to our seeking Him, He will pour out His Spirit upon us.  If we truly turn to Him, He will perform marvelous wonders among us; the blind will see, the deaf will hear, the lame will walk, the dead shall be raised, and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.  The young will prophesy and see visions, the old will dream dreams.  So, let us mourn, fast, and pray while committing ourselves to turn to God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.