Tag Archives: Daily Bible Study

April 28, 2019 Bible Study — Do Not Mistake Idols For God

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 2 Kings 1-2.

When King Ahaziah, King Ahab’s son. became seriously injured he sent a messenger to Ekron to inquire of the Baal of Ekron whether he would get better. I am unsure why he did not inquire of the prophets of Baal in Israel, perhaps they had been pretty well wiped out after the confrontation on Mt Carmel. In any case, God sent Elijah to intercept the messenger. Elijah’s message for King Ahaziah was that because he had chosen to consult a foreign god he would die before rising from his bed. When I read this story I tend to focus on the three captains King Ahaziah sent to bring Elijah to see him, but I think this first part needs more thought given to it then I normally do. There really seem to be two elements to what King Ahaziah did wrong. The first part is obvious, he consulted a false god, Baal, instead of the true God, the God of Israel. The second part is more complicated. Reading between the lines, the Baal worshipers in Israel seem to have claimed that Baal was just another name for the God of Israel and that the practices of Baal worship were perfectly legitimate alternatives to the practices laid out in the Law of Moses. One other thing we also know is that most people of that day believed that gods were limited to specific geographic locations. By sending to the Baal of Ekron rather than consulting the local prophets of Baal, Ahaziah was saying that the god of Ekron was more powerful than the God of Israel (since Ahaziah would have claimed that the local prophets of Baal were merely worshiping God using a different name).

Having written all of that I realized that there are implications for us today in that story. Many people who consider themselves Christians look to other religions as having truths which Christianity does not. I am convinced that this is a form of idolatry. Now this does not mean that other religions do not possess some truths. However, I firmly believe that all of those truths can also be found in the Christian Scripture if you look. Some of those truths have been hidden by traditions which have grown up over the years. Other truths were “lost” when reformers pruned away human traditions which had grown up to obscure God’s teaching. So, there can be some value in looking at other religions to see what truths they have. But before putting the truths you think you have found into practice, pray and search the Scriptures to see God’s true intent.

April 27, 2019 Bible Study — God Works In Israel When Ahab Was King

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 20-22.

King Ben-Hadad of Aram mustered his army and demanded tribute from Ahab. When King Ahab agreed to pay the tribute initially demanded, King Ben-haddad demanded to be allowed to loot the city. This latter demand was too much for King Ahab and his advisers. A prophet of God advised King Ahab on how to take Ben-Hadad’s forces off guard. King Ahab followed the advice and defeated Ben-Hadad. Ben-Hadad’s advisers convinced him that they had lost because God was a god of the hills and if they attacked again but stayed on the plains they would win. On this second occasion the Israelite army was vastly outnumbered, but was still able to gain the victory.. King Ben-Hadad believed that God was limited by geography and paid the price. Our God is not limited to the hills or the plains. Wherever we need His aid He is able to rescue us.

When Naboth refused to sell King Ahab his vineyard, King Ahab threw a temper tantrum until his wife, Jezebel, arranged for Naboth to be killed. Then later, when Jehoshaphat asked that they consult a prophet of God, King Ahab did not want to do so because he did not like what the prophet told him. I want to point out some similarities between these tow incidents. In the first story, despite the fact that King Ahab did not give the orders for Naboth’s death, God held him accountable. When Elijah confronted Ahab with God’s judgement, Ahab humbled himself and begged forgiveness. In the second story, King Ahab initially “misinterpreted” Jehoshaphat’s request and consulted his prophets of Baal. In both stories, when Ahab was pushed he recognized God’s sovereignty. In the first story, when King Ahab did not get his way, he threw a temper tantrum. In the second story, when King Ahab did not want to consult the prophet because he did not like what he told him, King Jehoshaphat called him out on it. In both cases King Ahab acted childishly. In the first stroy Jezebel coddled him and rewarded him for his behavior. In the second story, Jehoshaphat confronted him and made him do what was right. When our friends act like Ahab, we should strive to be like Jehoshaphat and not like Jezebel.

April 26, 2019 Bible Study — God Is Working, Even When He Is Quiet

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 18-19.

I love the story of Elijah confronting the prophets of Baal. I never really paid much attention to the beginning of the story. It was just setting the stage for the main event. God sent Elijah to talk to King Ahab and set up the confrontation, after which God would send the rain once more. The first thing in the introduction we should note is that the man in charge of King Ahab’s palace was a devout follower of the Lord who had protected 100 prophets of God from Jezebel, Ahab’s queen. So, things were bad in Israel for those who were faithful to God, yet here was a man in charge of the palace itself who was a believer. Let us always remember that no matter how bad things get there are more faithful believers out there than we realize.

But there is more to the introduction worth noting. When Elijah tells Obadiah to inform King Ahab where Elijah is, Obadiah expresses his fear that Elijah will no longer be there when he gets back with the king. Reading between the lines of Obadiah’s response we can see that King Ahab had received many reports about where Elijah was during these three years, yet every time he sent men, or went himself, to capture Elijah, Elijah was no longer there when they got to where he had been. This is the companion lesson to the one I mentioned in the previous paragraph. If God chooses to hide us from those seeking our death, no power on earth will be enable them to find us.

Because I have previously written about the confrontation described here all I am going to write today is that Elijah was a great showman. As you read the passage think about how carefully Elijah stages things to maximize their impact on the people watching. What I want to focus on is what happened after Elijah’s great victory. He fled in fear for his life and fell into grave depression, wishing to die. Despite his encounter with Obadiah, Elijah felt like he was the only faithful follower of God left. Sometimes we forget that this is what God is replying to when He does what comes next. There was a mighty windstorm, but God was not in it. Then there was a powerful earthquake, but again, God was not in it. After the earthquake there was a raging fire and again God was no in it. Finally, there was a gentle whisper, and that was God speaking. In that whisper God told Elijah that he was not alone. God had preserved 7,000 who refused to bow down to Baal. Just because they were not loud and boisterous did not mean that God was not with them. It may seem like God is not acting in today’s world, but just because He is quiet does not mean that what He is doing will not make big changes.

April 25, 2019 Bible Study — Ahab and Elijah Meet

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 15-17.

Today’s passage begins a section where it can be difficult to follow as the writer recounts a few generations of Judah’s kings then a few generations of Israel’s (the Northern Kingdom) kings. We learn that Rehoboam’s son did evil in God’s sight, just as Rehoboam had done. However, Rehoboam’s grandson, Asa, did what was pleasing in God’s sight. He got rid of the shrine prostitutes and destroyed the idols they worshiped, He even went so far as to depose his grandmother from the position of authority which she had held under his father because she had built an Asherah pole. It is worth noting that Asherah was the queen consort of the chief deity of Sumer and extra-biblical sources suggest that the Israelites worshiped her as the chief consort to God. The Asherah worship mentioned here shows us that humans have always attempted to sexualize God. Part of this effort to sexualize God is part of a wish to give sex a central role in our lives that God never intended for it to have.

The writer switches over to the kings of Israel, telling us that they went from bad to worse. Omri becomes king and builds the city of Samaria, making it his capital. Omri’s son, Ahab then institutionalizes Baal worship as the official religion of Israel, the Northern Kingdom. My reading of the Biblical passages about Ahab lead me to believe that Ahab wanted to treat Baal as just another name for God and Baal worship as a legitimate alternative to worship of God. All of this brought him into conflict with Elijah, a prophet of God who knew the difference.

Our first encounter with Elijah occurs when he confronts King Ahab and tells him that there would be drought in the land for the next several years, until Elijah would announce its end. As James tells us Elijah was a man just like us, yet he prayed that it would not rain and it did not rain for 3 1/2 years until he prayed once more for it to rain. So, we learn the power of prayer from Elijah. We also learn another lesson from this story. When Elijah went to the widow near Sidon and asked her for food she told him she had only enough food for herself and her son for one last meal. Elijah tells her that if she makes him a bit of bread first, she will not run out of food until the drought was over and crops were harvested. The woman did as Elijah instructed and indeed she did not run out of food. despite only having enough for one last meal when she did so. From this we learn that if we do God’s will, He will provide for our needs.

April 24, 2019 Bible Study — Idolatry and the Divided Kingdom

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 13-14.

When I read the story about the man of God from Judah who went to Bethel to prophecy against Jeroboam I have always focused on either Jeroboam’s hand getting paralyzed and the altar splitting open, or on the old prophet who lied to the man of God to get him to break God’s command to him about not eating in the Northern Kingdom. However, I do not think I ever before noticed that the man of God prophesied that a descendant of David named Josiah would destroy the altar which Jeroboam had built. Something which did indeed come to pass.

Our biases also allow us to overlook that the writer considers the fact that Jeroboam appointed priests from among the common people to be as big of a sin as the fact that he set up idols for the people to worship. Now, considering that King David had some of his sons perform priestly duties, I think Jeroboam did not just appoint non-Levites as priests. I think he sold the priesthood to those who would say what he wanted them to say rather than what God commanded them to say or even what they thought was right. Jeroboam did not allow the priesthood to hold him accountable for his behavior. He made the priesthood accountable to him, but he was accountable to no one (or so he thought).

The writer finishes out today’s passage by telling us that under Rehoboam the people of Judah set up pagan shrines to worship at. King Solomon had built and worshiped at temples for pagan gods, but the people, for the most part, continued to worship God. Now, under Rehoboam, the people themselves began setting up pagan shrines, even establishing shrines with male and female prostitutes. While I can find no clear references on the subject, it seems probable to me that these male shrine prostitutes engaged primarily, or even exclusively, in same-sex activity.. The one thing I am sure of is that the relationship with these prostitutes was abusive.

April 23, 2019 Bible Study — Solomon Sins and the Northern Tribes Rebel

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 11-12.

King Solomon took many wives. When I was growing up I was told that many of these were marriages designed to cement alliances. However, I think now that Solomon used his wealth and power to satisfy his lusts by taking as a wife or concubine any woman he desired. In his old age, he began to take part in the worship practices of some of those women. I suspect that he did so seeking new thrills. He began to worship Ashtoreth, whose worship likely included sexual acts, and Molech, whose worship included child sacrifice. In any case, King Solomon became so involved in these activities that he failed to put down the rebellions which rose up in foreign lands which King David had conquered. King Solomon’s idolatry even led to a rebellion among the tribes of Israel, but this rebellion Solomon was able to put down.

Upon King Solomon’s death, the leaders of the tribes of Israel summoned Jeroboam back from his exile in Egypt to present their demands to Rehoboam. By looking at the demands which Jeroboam presented to Rehoboam and the role he held under Solomon, we get a pretty clear picture of the cause of the rebellion. Under Solomon, Jeroboam was in charge of the labor force from the descendants of Joseph until he was forced into exile. In addition to his other building projects, Solomon had ordered the building of temples to various foreign gods. Whether the discontent resulted from the fact that they were building idolatrous temples, or just from the workload, Solomon’s building projects stressed the loyalty of the people of Israel to King David’s dynasty. As we read Rehoboam’s response to the people’s demands we see that he had never understood the political balancing that his father and grandfather had done. Rehoboam thought being king was just about exercising power. When Solomon had taken the throne he had done so with the aid and advice of some of David’s closest advisers. However, Solomon was mostly secure on the throne his entire reign, so Rehoboam did not see the need for carefully listening to experienced advisers. It was only when a prophet of God warned him against making war against his fellow Israelites that Rehoboam began to realize the limits of his power. Even then I wonder if Rehoboam chose to listen to the prophet or if his army refused to go to war after hearing the prophet.

April 22, 2019 Bible Study — King Solomon, The Master of Mutually Beneficial Trade

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 9-10.

Much of the history of the Middle East can be understood by God’s response to King Solomon’s prayer of dedication for the Temple. God told Solomon and the people of Israel that the Temple in Jerusalem would always be dear to His heart. God promised Solomon and the people of Israel that if they remained faithful to Him, He would establish Solomon’s dynasty over Israel forever. However, if they abandoned God and took to worshiping other gods, the Temple would become an illustration to the world of their unfaithfulness. In this response God restated His promise to David that one of his descendants would sit on David’s throne for ever. This promise was fulfilled in Jesus. But we also see the fulfillment of God’s promise of the Temple being an illustration of the consequences of turning away from God in the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.

The passage then goes on to mention King Solomon’s building projects and extensive trade network. The writer tells us that Solomon conscripted the non-Israelites living in the land as forced labor for these building projects, but that Israelites were only conscripted into his military or as supervisors over the forced labor of foreigners. I want to note that when the Old Testament refers to how we should treat foreigners it is generally referring to people like the non-Israelites in this passage, not to people living in another land.

The passage goes into extended detail about King Solomon’s trade empire and the way it spread his fame. Solomon worked with Hiram of Tyre to send ships far and wide for trade. Some of Solomon’s ships sailed the Mediterranean with Hiram’s trading fleet. But Solomon also built a trade port on the Red Sea to trade across the Indian Ocean. Hiram provided Solomon with expert sailors to crew the ships. This passage shows how Solomon worked with other rulers for mutual advantage. Hiram dominated the Mediterranean trade, but, by working with him, Solomon also benefited. On the other side, Solomon dominated the Indian Ocean trade, but Hiram benefited from this trade because of their partnership. Under Solomon, Israel was able to function as a transshipment point for trade between the Mediterranean and the Indian Ocean. The visit from the Queen of Sheba represents an illustration of the fame which such trade brought to Solomon. It seems to me that King Solomon’s reputation for wisdom resulted from the way in which he established mutually beneficial relationships with his trading partners. The Queen of Sheba brought many gifts to King Solomon such that it increased his wealth. Yet, he appears to have sent her home with gifts that appear to have increased her wealth.

April 21, 2019 Bible Study — Using a Ritual To Worship God

The Lord is Risen!

Happy Easter.

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 8.

Solomon said some very wise things when he dedicated the Temple. After his prayer of dedication he turned to the people and reminded them, and us, that in order to serve God we must desire to do so. And in our human frailty the desire to serve God is a gift we must receive from Him. I came to realize as I read today’s passage that each time Solomon referred to someone praying towards the Temple he was using that action as a metaphor for turning away from evil and towards God. We, as human beings, are very influenced by taking physical actions which have symbolic meanings. Many of those who smoke cigarettes are as addicted to the ritual they go through each time they light a cigarette as they are to the nicotine. In the same way, a ritual can help us focus on God and doing His will. Solomon was offering the people of Israel such a ritual. Each one of us needs rituals in their life which turns our attention to God and His will for us. The only downside to this is that we may allow the ritual to take the place of God.

April 20, 2019 Bible Study — Solomon’s Building Projects

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 7.

It took Solomon 7 years to build the Temple, but 13 years to build his own palace. At least part of this difference is a result of the Temple being a single function building while Solomo’s palace served multiple functions. The Temple was designed and built for offering sacrifices to God and for worshiping Him. Solomon’s palace on the other hand was built as a residence and seat of government. Therefore Solomon’s palace needed living quarters, a place for Solomon to hold court and greet foreign dignitaries, and space to meet with his advisers. However, all of this being said I believe that the extra time King Solomon put into building his palace reflects the beginning of what led to his kingdom being divided upon his death.

As I mentioned when we read the description of the Tabernacle, I do not get much out of these passages which give detailed descriptions of the furnishings used in worship. That does not in any way mean that I don’t understand why some people do. That being said, today’s description of all of the bronze items King Solomon commissioned for the Temple does tell us something interesting. Bronze is an alloy made by smelting copper and tin together. While copper was relatively common in that part of the world, tin was not. In fact the tin used in the bronze here either came from the Iberian peninsula(modern day Spain and Portugal), or from even further away in Britain. The large amounts of bronze used in the Temple is the first hint we have of King Solomon’s vast trading network.

April 19, 2019 Bible Study — King Solomon’s Wisdom

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Kings 4-6.

From the list of King Solomon’s officials we learn that King Solomon formally delegated governing Israel to subordinates. These officials almost certainly had other officials reporting to them. In yesterday’s passage, King Solomon eliminated the various power bases which King David had spent his reign balancing. In their place he set up officials and governors whose power derived from King Solomon. All of this demonstrates Solomon’s wisdom. King David had conquered most of the surrounding lands. King Solomon established a system of government which allowed him to use the wealth of these lands to begin building projects. In discussing King Solomon’s wisdom and knowledge the writer mentions that he composed a large number of proverbs and wrote a large number of songs. I am sure that some of those proverbs were designed to give guidance to the officials and judges who served under Solomon.

In describing King Solomon’s wisdom and fame, the author uses language which is reminiscent of myths, legends, and tall-tales. I am not saying that King Solomon was not that wise, merely that the writer is using the language used in those sorts of stories to quickly convey Solomon’s great wisdom before moving on to talk about his actual actions. I mention this to contrast it with the precision the writer uses to describe the year in which construction began on the Temple. He writes that Temple construction began in the 4th year of Solomon’s reign, 480 years after the Israelites left Egypt. This gives us a hard and fast date from which we can figure out when everything that happened before this occurred. Of course, the problem we have is that we cannot be sure when King Solomon built the Temple.