Tag Archives: Daily Bible Study

April 6, 2019 Bible Study — David Gathers Power And Wealth

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 25-27.

In the account of David, Nabal, and Abigail, between Abigail and Nabal, it was Abigail who recognized the reality of David’s rising power.  This account takes a little work on our part to understand what was going on here.  David and his men were in the wilderness of southern Judah.  While in that area they did a good bit of bandit suppression.  I am reading between the lines a bit to reach this conclusion, but I base doing so on what Nabal’s men said to Abigail and the account from earlier of David protecting the town of Keilah.  When sheep shearing time came around David sent messengers to Nabal requesting a voluntary contribution to support his efforts.  Nabal did not just refuse to make a contribution of support to David and his men, he insulted David by saying he was no better than a bandit. We will never really know what Nabal was thinking when he issued this insult.  However, it reads as if he thought that David’s only merit was as a subordinate of King Saul and now that he was on the outs with King Saul was no longer someone to be reckoned with.  Perhaps Nabal also thought that the power he commanded because of his wealth protected him from David.

At least one of Nabal’s servants recognized the danger inherent in Nabal’s rudeness and went to Abigail.  Abigail recognized that not only had David done Nabal, and thus her, a service by protecting their men while they tended to sheep, but he was a man to be reckoned with in his own right.  Abigail recognized that the reason David was out of favor with King Saul was because he had his own power base.  When Nabal died a short time later, David sought an alliance of marriage with Abigail, which Abigail quickly accepted.  David recognized that he needed greater wealth to support himself and his men if he was not going to become a bandit.  Abigail recognized that David was a rising power in the land and chose to ally herself with him.  The passage mentions that David married a second woman during this time period (bringing him to a total of three wives, although King Saul in the meantime had given David’s first wife to someone else as their wife).  It seems likely that this other woman whom David married also brought wealth and/or connections to David (likely both).

Meanwhile some of the other locals became unhappy with David’s rising power(perhaps because the presence of David and his men kept them from raiding their wealthy neighbors) and let King Saul know where David was.   Once again, David demonstrates that he could kill King Saul if he desired to do so.  However, David recognizes that sooner or later King Saul will succeed in trapping him.  So, he puts himself under the protection of the Philistine king of Gath.  While there, David raided the non-Israelite towns in the area but reported to the King of Gath that he had raided towns of Israel.  I had always thought that the towns David raided were part of neither the Israelite alliance nor the Philistine alliance, but reading the passage today makes me think that these towns may have been nominally allied with the Philistines.  The reason I came to that last conclusion is that David told the King of Gath that he had raided Judean towns or towns of those allied with Israel and that he killed everyone in the towns he did raid so that no one would report where he had raided to the King of Gath.  

April 5, 2019 Bible Study Do I Trust My Judgemnt, Or Do I Trust God?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 21-24.

If we pay attention we learn something interesting about the way King Saul ruled when David shows up in Nob.  Ahimelech the priest was frightened when he saw David.  Ahimelech did not question David’s claim of being on a private mission for King Saul and was eager to give him whatever assistance that he was able.  Taken in the context that only Jonathan, Saul’s son, was willing to confront him over his attempts to kill the immensely popular David, this suggests that King Saul governed in a manner which will be familiar to anyone who studies 20th Century history.  King Saul, to the degree which he was able, was a totalitarian.  He ruled by fear and found it necessary to eliminate anyone whose power was not entirely derived from their relationship with King Saul.  We see further evidence of King Saul’s totalitarian tendencies, and their limits, in the story of how he dealt with Ahimelech and all of the priests of Nob.

We start to see the difference between David’s approach to leadership and that of King Saul later in this passage, although we see the beginnings of that difference in David’s confrontation with Goliath. There David told Goliath, “Today the Lord will conquer you, then I will kill you and cut off your head.”(slight paraphrase)  David believed that God would defeat Goliath and only then would he, David, kill him.  In today’s passage, the people of Keilah were suffering the depredation of Philistine raiders.  David felt led to stop the raiders, so he checked with God if that was a risk he should take.  When the men who followed him balked, he listened to their concern and took that to God as well.  Then, when David realized that the people of Keilah would betray him to King Saul, he went back into the wilderness.  I am not doing a good job expressing the difference between the two men.  I want to sum it up by pointing out this key difference: David based his actions on what he perceived to be God’s will, a perception he kept checking.  King Saul, on the other hand, based his actions on what he thought was most likely to accomplish his goals.

April 4, 2019 Bible Study — David Remained Loyal To Saul Despite Saul Betraying Him

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 18-20.

Today we see the same insecurity which led King Saul to disobey God’s commands lead him to attempt to murder David.  Further we see the same loyalty to King Saul as God’s anointed king of Israel which David later displays when he refuses to kill King Saul.  King Saul perceives David as a threat to his own power and position because of David’s popularity with the people.  Saul attempts to use the ambition he perceives David to have to get rid of him.  By offering David his eldest daughter in marriage King Saul offers David an opportunity to have a legitimate claim to the throne as his son-in-law.  Perhaps I am reading too much into this, but it seems to me that David rejected King Saul’s offer because he did not want to increase the pressure on himself to go after the throne.  Later, after King Saul married his eldest daughter off to someone who was not a potential claimant to the throne, David agrees to marry one of Saul’s younger daughters.  Perhaps my theory is mistaken and David did not wish to marry Merab, Saul’s older daughter, because he did not find her attractive while he found the younger daughter, Michal, attractive, but I believe this passage and others indicate that politics played a role.  David did not want to be a rival to Jonathan, his friend and King saul’s heir, for the throne.

April 3, 2019 Bible Study — Since God Judges By More Than Appearances, Why Did He Choose King Saul?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 16-17.

Today’s passage contains two separate stories about how David began his progression to kingship.  While there is no good way to reconcile the two stories into one, they do not contradict each other.  In both stories, David starts out as the insignificant youngest son of Jesse.  In the first story, God tells Samuel to go and anoint one of Jesse’s sons as the successor to Saul because God had rejected Saul’s kingship.  Samuel does this secretively because Saul would have killed him, and whoever Samuel anointed, if he found out.   When Samuel sees Jesse’s oldest son, Eliab, he thinks he has the look of a king, but God tells him, “Not this one.”  This tells me that Eliab had the same characteristics which led Samuel to select Saul as Israel’s first king.   But God wanted more from the next king of Israel.

The lesson to be learned from this, which the author tells us was God’s message to Samuel,  people judge by appearances, but there are more important things than appearance.  God does not see things the way we see things, so we need to listen closely to God when making important decisions about people.  We can only see how people look, and what they do, God knows why they made the choices they made.  Which brings us to a question this passage always leaves me with: since God can see beyond appearances, why did He choose Saul as Israel’s first king?  I can see, using 20/20 hindsight, how Saul’s behaviors before he became king led him to make the tragic mistakes he made as king, surely God could see that as well?  I can think of two possible answers to why God selected Saul.  The first one is that the people of Israel needed to see for themselves why a king like Saul was a mistake.  The second is related to the first.  The people of Israel would not have united behind a king like David if they had not first united behind a king like Saul.  I do not know that either of these is correct.  Perhaps God had an entirely different reason for selecting Saul.

I was going to skip over the story of King Saul’s tormenting spirit, but I decided it was worth closer examination.  I am convinced that King Saul suffered from depression and fear because he had chosen to reject God and thus been rejected by God.    This leads me to a conclusion where I want to tread carefully.  Depression results from not putting our full faith and trust in God.  The reason I want to be careful here is because I do not want to say that Christians will not suffer from depression.  We see that King Saul’s depression came about after he repeatedly made “pragmatic” decisions which went against what God had directed him to do.  King Saul continued to trust his own judgment on the correct action to take rather than turning to God for answers.  The story tells us that music eased King Saul’s depression and fear, at least at first.  Here’s the thing, even after suffering this depression, King Saul never turned to God and sought His forgiveness.  He did not seek an answer from God to relieve his distress.  He merely found something which ameliorated his distress and went on doing whatever he thought best.  So, if you suffer depression, go ahead and find the things which will ameliorate your distress, but then cry out to God, confess your sins, and seek His guidance on what actions you should take.  

April 2, 2019 Bible Study — Do The Lord’s Will Because Nothing Will Hinder The Lord

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 14-15.

This passage makes me feel bad that Jonathan never becomes king over Israel.  Jonathan displays both a strong faith in God and a knowledge of military tactics.  Of course, he also displays a sort of “better to ask for forgiveness than beg for permission” attitude which might be a problem in a king.  In yesterday’s passage, Jonathan attacked a Philistine garrison, precipitating the war between the Philistines and Israel.  In today’s passage, he sneaks out of the Israelite camp and attacks an outpost of the Philistine army.  Jonathan justifies his plan to satisfy his Adrenalin craving, correctly, by stating that if God is with them nothing can hinder them.  However, he does not assume that God is with him.  He lays out a test for a sign from God.  Instead of trying to sneak up on the Philistines, he lets them see him and his armor bearer.  He stated in advance that if they threatened to kill the two of them if they came closer, that would be a sign that God did not approve his endeavor and he would return to camp.  But if the Philistines invited them up to fight that would be the sign that God was with them.  When the latter happened, Jonathan and his armor bearer went up and killed twenty of the Philistines.  This sowed confusion among the Philistines which Saul took advantage of to win a great victory.

When I started writing the previous paragraph I was going to go in a different direction, but this morning I read an article about the movie “Unplanned”. “Unplanned” is the story of a former employee of Planned Parenthood who has become an anto-abortion activist. This led me to focus on Jonathan’s statement that nothing can hinder the Lord. The producers of the movie “Unplanned” ran into many obstacles to releasing this movie: music companies refused them a license to use songs, the movie rating board gave the movie an R rating, Fox was the only network which accepted advertisements for the movie, etc.. Despite all of this, “Unplanned” had a per screen revenue higher than “Captain Marvel” (“Unplanned” only played on a little over 1,000 screens). The producers of “Unplanned” did not let the opposition to their movie deter them because they believed that God was with them. When the movie rating board gave them an R rating (which was given for the depiction of an abortion in the movie), they expressed that even the movie rating board was recognizing how horrific abortion really is. If we are doing God’s will, we should let nothing deter us because God will turn every obstacle into a blessing.

April 1, 2019 Bible Study — Even The King Must Be Accountable To Someone

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 11-13.

Shortly after Samuel anointed Saul as king, the king of Ammon attacked Jabesh-gilead.  This was probably something which happened on a regular basis as Jephthah became judge over Israel by defeating a previous attempt by a king of Ammon to conquer this territory.  In this case, the people of Jabesh-gilead were willing to surrender to the king of Ammon, but the king of Ammon demanded that, as a price for letting them live after surrender, the men of the town would need to have their right eye plucked out.  This demand is almost certainly what infuriated Saul when he heard the news.  When the people of Jabesh-gilead received word that Saul would march to their relief they told the king of Ammon that they would surrender to his demands the following day. 

I always write about the account of Saul offering sacrifices over the command from Samuel not to do so.  This represents one of the transitions from judges to kings.  The judges had less authority than a king, but they functioned as a final arbiter of God’s will to the people.  Kings on the other hand had greater authority to conscript men for the army or labor and to tax, but had to consult a priest regarding God’s will.  When Samuel did not show up on Saul’s schedule, Saul attempted to combine the two roles.  By offering the sacrifice, Saul was asserting that he was not accountable to anyone else.  This unwillingness to be held accountable for his decisions is what led to Saul’s downfall.

March 31, 2019 Bible Study — Warnings About Government Power

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 8-10.

When Samuel got old, he appointed his sons as judges over Israel, but they were no better than Eli’s sons had been.  As a result, the people of Israel came to Samuel requesting he appoint someone as king over them.  I am not sure why they thought a king would be better.  Eli had been leader over Israel and his sons turned out to be evil, greedy men.  Samuel led Israel well, and his sons turned out to be evil, greedy men.  I am not sure why they thought that the same would not be true of a king.  Further, Samuel warns them about what a king would demand of them.  It is worth noting what he warns them about.  If you make the government powerful enough to take care of your needs you also make the government powerful enough to take from you whatever it wants.  A warning for those today who want to make the government more powerful.  A king is just a man like every other man.  A government is composed of people just like every other person.  If you want the government to be powerful because you do not trust people to do the right thing what makes you think the people in the government will do the right thing?

In the description of how Samuel first appointed Saul as king we learn some things about selecting a leader, and a few things to avoid when selecting a leader. First of all, Saul was everything we, as humans, tend to look for in a leader.  He was tall, good looking, and had a commanding personality.  In addition, he did not like to be the center of attention.  Unfortunately, in Saul’s case this appears to have been as much a result of insecurity as it was of humility.  However, Saul was open to God’s Spirit as evidenced by his encounter with the prophets.   It is worth noting that despite Saul’s protestation of the insignificance of his family that they were well enough known for people to take note of him joining with the prophets (which in this passage appears to refer to a sect that was like an extreme form of Pentecostals).  Further, Saul was willing to overlook those who refused to acknowledge his kingship.

March 30, 2019 Bible Study — How Do We Get God To Help Us?

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 4-7.

Today’s passage begins with the Israelites losing a battle to the Philistines.  Their initial response to the loss was the correct one.  They asked why God had allowed the Philistines to defeat them.  However, rather than actually ask God what they should do, they decided to force His hand.  Eli’s sons joined in the people’s attempt to force God to give them victory by accompanying the Ark of the Covenant to battle.  I would note that in Exodus and in Joshua none of the accounts have the Ark, or even that which represented God before the Ark was made, lead the Israelites into battle.  

The account of Samuel leading Israel to victory which is at the end of today’s passage gives us a counterpoint to the story of how the Ark was lost.  Even after the return of the Ark, the people of Israel suffered oppression.  Finally, they were ready to listen.  Samuel told them that if they wanted God to rescue them they needed to turn away from their idols and worship only God.  Samuel had the people gather, fast, and pray.  When the Philistine army arrived to battle them, they did not ask Samuel to lead them into battle as God’s representative.   No, they asked Samuel to plead with God that He would save them from the Philistines.

The contrast is clear.  When the Israelites went into battle expecting that God would give them victory because they “deserved it”, despite the fact that they were breaking His commands, He allowed them to be defeated.  When the Israelites fasted and confessed their sins, God acted to defeat their enemies.  I am quite confident that the writer intended this contrast to be made because he tells us that the first defeat occurred at “Ebenezer”, then, after the victory, Samuel sets up a rock at the point of victory and names it “Ebenezer”.  The location given for both Ebenezers is the same place.

March 29, 2019 Bible Study — Serve God With Humility

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 1-3.

Once again we have a story of a man with two wives where that fact led to problems.  Since that is such a minor part of the story I am going to no more than mention it.  The main player in today’s story is Hannah, who desperately wanted to have children.  We could make the mistake of thinking that Hannah wanted to have children because of her society’s pressure on her to have them, but that seems somewhat backward.  Hannah felt the pressure to have children so desperately because she so bad;y wanted to have them.  Peninnah’s taunts would have had little bite if Hannah had not wanted children so badly. 

I do not think we can overestimate what a wonderful mother Hannah was.  Eli raised three boys to manhood.  Two of them turned out to be selfish, evil men.  One of them became a great man of God.  Perhaps Eli learned from his first two sons, but I think we need to look to Hannah, the mother of that great man of God to understand what was different.  The germ of why Samuel was different from Eli’s sons lies in Hannah’s song of praise.  Eli’s sons felt entitled to get what they wanted because they were born into the priesthood.  Hannah taught Samuel something different.


The Lord makes some poor and others rich;
he brings some down and lifts others up.
He lifts the poor from the dust
and the needy from the garbage dump.
He sets them among princes,
placing them in seats of honor.
For all the earth is the Lord’s,
and he has set the world in order.


It is worth reading Hannah’s song in its entirety, but this portion gives us a window into what made Samuel different from Eli’s sons.

March 28, 2019 Bible Study — Perhaps Orpah Was Called To Return To Her Father’s House

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Ruth 1-4.

I often wish that the Book of Ruth was not only one day for the whole book because there are too many things to write in just one entry.   We tend to skip over the introduction as unimportant, but it tells us that Ruth and Orpah were married for ten years before their husbands died.  This lets us know that they were part of Naomi’s family for ten years before disaster struck.  If they married their husbands at a typical age for the time they would have been in their early 20s when they were widowed.  By the same logic, Naomi would have been in her late 30s to early 50s.  From this we learn that Ruth and Orpah spent almost as much of their lives up to this point as part of Naomi’s family as they did in the family they grew up in. 

Which brings us to the first big point in the story, Orpah returning to her father’s house and Ruth going with Naomi to Israel.    Often times when we look at this we make the mistake of thinking that since Ruth made the right decision, Orpah made the wrong one.  But that is not necessarily the case.  Ruth’s decision made her a role model, but if Orpah had made the same decision things might not have worked out so well.  Then there would have been two young widows needing husbands, not just one.  Perhaps Ruth and Orpah even knew this and discussed between them which one should accompany Naomi.  However it came to be, some of us are called, as Orpah was, to be the supporting cast in someone else’s story.