Tag Archives: Bible Study

August 8, 2024 Bible Study — Break Up Your Unplowed Ground

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 4-6.

I think it is important to remember that Jeremiah began prophesying while Josiah was king.  Josiah was one of the most faithful kings which Judah had, yet I believe Jeremiah made the prophesy we read today while Josiah still reigned.  He tells the people of Judah to put aside the detestable idols which they worshiped.  He called on them to only invoke the Lord in a just, truthful, and righteous way.  He tells us to break up our unplowed ground and circumcise our hearts.  When he tells us that last, he is referring to cutting away something unnecessary from the most vulnerable part of us so that it will no longer interfere with our service to God.  Jeremiah goes on to tell the people of Judah that if they do not do this a terrible time is coming, a time of disaster and destruction.  He speaks of the dishonesty of the people.  God tells Jeremiah to search Jerusalem for an honest person.  If he can find just one, God promised to forgive the people of their sins.  Jeremiah went to the common people and found them unwilling to repent of their sins.  So, he went to the leaders of the land and found that they too had rebelled against God and refused to deal honestly.  I do not think that Jeremiah meant for us to take the idea that there was not even one honest person in Jerusalem literally.  Rather, we are to understand that it only takes a few honest and faithful people among many to transform society.  Later in the passage Jeremiah tells us that God’s people did not seek justice, did not promote the case of the fatherless, nor defend the just cause of the poor.  Today, I look at our society and see terrible things coming because of the sins of our nation (and when I look around the world, I see the same thing in most of the nations of the world), but God is looking for just a few people to stand up for justice and honesty.  Will we who are called by His name answer His call?  Let us allow Him to use us to transform our society.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 7, 2024 Bible Study — Before You Were Born I Set You Apart

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 1-3.

Today I begin reading the Book of Jeremiah for this year.  I love some of what we learn about God and His call for us from His call to Jeremiah.  First God tells Jeremiah:
“Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you,
    before you were born I set you apart;”
From this we learn that God formed Jeremiah in the womb, and that He formed each and every one of us the same way.  But there is more to it than that.  Even before He formed our bodies God knew us.  However, I want you to take note of that little superscript “a” there by the word “knew”.  That indicates that there was a translators’ note associated with it.  The translators’ note says that the word “knew” could also be translated as “chose”.  So, even before we began to be formed in our mother’s womb, God knew us and chose us for His purpose in this world.  We have been set apart to serve God.  God goes on to tell Jeremiah that He has put His words in Jeremiah’s mouth.  If we allow Him, He will do the same with us.  As a final part of God’s calling of Jeremiah, He tells him get himself ready to stand up and tell the people what God will command him to say.  God made Jeremiah an iron pillar to stand up against the movers and shakers of his time, and against the people themselves.  Jeremiah did not need to be afraid even though both the powerful people and the mob of common people would fight against him, because God would be with him.  In the same way God is calling on us today to stand up and say the words which He puts in our mouths.  We need not be afraid because God will be with us and He will rescue us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 6, 2024 Bible Study — God Will Bring Joy to Those Who Gladly Do Right

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 64-66.

Isaiah wraps up his prophecies by revisiting a few of the themes which were throughout his book.  Today’s passage begins with a reminder that no one has ever seen any God aside from the true God.  While other things, and beings, and creatures have been worshiped by people, none of them acts on behalf of those who trust them in the way and with the power which God acts on behalf of those who trust Him and remember His ways.  Yet, despite that truth we still sin against Him and provoke His anger, and what can save us from His anger?  Only God’s love can, and fortunately will, save us from His justified anger at us.  For we are the work of His hand, and He will mold us and make us into vessels that bring glory to His name.  God will reveal Himself to those who do not look for Him and He will be found by those not searching for Him.   Which brings us to the second theme Isaiah prophesied about repeatedly: those who proclaim themselves servants of God while committing wicked acts in secret.  God will bring judgement upon them and show all their dirty secrets.  Those who truly serve God will experience joy, but those who only do so with their mouths while their acts bring harm to others will experience suffering beyond measure.



I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 5, 2024 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on Isaiah 60-63.

Isaiah prophesied that the year of the Lord’s favor would come, but that would also be the day of God’s vengeance on the wicked.  When God acts it will be good news for the poor and the brokenhearted.  But God loves justice and hates wrongdoing, so on that day those who wallow in wickedness will experience His vengeance.  In that day, God will make righteousness sprout up among the nations.  That day is every day since Jesus died on the cross.  God will guide those called by His name.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 3, 2024 Bible Study — God Calls Those Who Hunger and Thirst to Listen to His Words

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 52-56.

Isaiah prophesies God’s salvation for His people.  It is time for God’s people to awake and give glory to God.  He foretold what is to come and all people will see His power.  God gave Isaiah a prophecy about the fall of Babylon before Babylon had even risen to be a world power.  What Isaiah did would be comparable to someone today predicting that China would be overthrown as the world power by India.  But more important than Isaiah’s prophecy concerning Babylon is his prophecy concerning God’s Chosen One, concerning the Gospel of Christ.  Isaiah prophesied that He would be cut off from life, yet after He had suffered He would see the light of life.  Further, Isaiah writes that by knowledge of Him (the translation note for Isaiah 53:11 offers this as an alternate translation…I think they chose to translate it the way they did because it is better poetry) many will be justified.  Jesus poured out His life unto death, but after He suffered He was raised from the dead to see the light of life once more.  Isaiah promises us that no weapon forged against God’s people will prevail, and those who listen to the words of God will refute every one that accuses them.  Isaiah tells us that God is calling to those who hunger and thirst to come to Him and listen to His words.  If they listen and act upon what they hear, their hunger and thirst will be satisfied.  Certainly, we are to understand that to refer to spiritual food and drink for those who hunger and thirst for what is right, but I believe that God is also offering food and drink for those with physical hunger and thirst.  If they will but listen to God, they will be filled.  God will provide for our needs.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 2, 2024 Bible Study — Those Who Invoke God’s Name Must Learn to Listen to His Word

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 48-51.

There is a lot in today’s passage, but the thing which came together was God’s demand that those who take oaths in His name and claim to honor Him listen to what He has to say.  Specifically, He is calling out those who use the appearance of righteousness for their own ends rather than seeking righteousness for its own sake.  God warns that He has delayed His wrath for the sake of His name, not because they are not doing wrong.  He seeks to refine us and cause us to recognize our hypocrisy.  He teaches us what is best for us.  While He delays His wrath for His own sake, His commands are for ours.  If we would only pay attention to His words and His laws we would have peace.  God’s commands are not arbitrary.  He created this world and He created us.  Therefore He knows how we can best live our lives.  Listen to Him for our own sakes.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

August 1, 2024 Bible Study — Every Knee Will Bow

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 43-47.

Today’s passage continues Isaiah’s prophecy that God’s ability to reveal what will happen in the future offers proof that He alone is worthy of our worship.  Not because He reveals the future, but because no other “god” can.  God’s ability to tell us about the future reveals that He alone has power over what will happen, and what has happened.  And, because God has powers, we need not fear for He is with us.  He calls to Him everyone willing to be called by His name.  He has foretold what will happen and stands by those who will be His witnesses that He is God.  As the psalmist wrote in Psalm 107 verse 2, “Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story.”  Let us remember that we are witnesses to God’s power and glory and our job is to tell others about it.  God has forgiven our sins and will heal us of the damage we did to ourselves by sinning.  He does this because it reveals His power even more than everything else He has done.  God’s goal is that from where the sun rises to where it sets, people will know that there is no other god, no thing which can stand against Him.  Isaiah goes on to warn those who choose to oppose God, doing so is like clay arguing against the potter.  They trust in their wickedness, rather than placing their trust in God’s righteousness.  They set themselves up as the arbiters of what is right and good, putting their trust in themselves, their knowledge and their wisdom.  They fail to recognize that they are leading themselves to disaster.  In time, every knee will bow to God, and every tongue will acknowledge His power.  Whether we do so when there is time to follow His guidance to avoid disaster, or after we have suffered complete destruction of all we hold dear is the only choice we have in the matter.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 31, 2024 Bible Study — God Alone Can Tell Us What Is to Be

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 39-42.

Today’s passage starts with the account of envoys from Babylon visiting King Hezekiah and the prophecy Isaiah made concerning them.  I have never quite understood Isaiah’s response to Hezekiah showing all of his treasures to the Babylonian envoys.  It reads a little bit like a reprimand, but does not make clear what Isaiah was saying Hezekiah had done wrong.  Perhaps it is merely here as a reminder that God had revealed the rise of Babylon long before Babylon was more than just a vassal state of Assyria.  It may serve as an introduction to Isaiah’s prophecy concerning the uselessness of idols, which are made by human hands.  God has foretold what will happen and no other god has done so.  God is unique among gods, among the things which mankind worships.  So, this passage starts with Isaiah prophesying the fall of Jerusalem to Babylon when Babylon was just a vassal state of Assyria, then he prophesies about how only God can tell us about what has not yet happened.  But that is not the only way in which God tells us about what has not yet happened.  God goes on and gives Isaiah a prophesy concerning the coming of His Chosen One, Jesus.  Isaiah talks about how God will give sight to those who are blind who turn to Him, and cause those who turn instead to idols to be unable to see the way even though they are not blind.  It seems to me that through Isaiah, God is telling us that those who think they do not God will fail to recognize how they should behave, while those who recognize their inability to know what is right without God will be shown how to act.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 30, 2024 Bible Study — God’s Enemies Repeatedly Demonstrate Their Lack of Understanding

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 36-38.

I love the various accounts of Sennacherib’s aborted invasion of the Kingdom of Judah.  Today I want to look at how Sennacherib’s field commander pretended at first to have some respect for God, while demonstrating a complete lack of understanding about what God commanded His people.  Often today the enemies of those who serve God use similar tactics.  First, he refers to the Pharaoh of Egypt “splintered reed of a staff,” echoing the warnings prophets repeatedly gave against relying on Egypt.  Then he questions Hezekiah’s claim that God would defend Jerusalem based on the fact that Hezekiah had dismantled the shrines throughout the land in order to insist that people worship God in Jerusalem.  This shows that the field commander is not aware of God’s command to the Israelites that they worship Him at a central location.  However, when Hezekiah’s advisors asked him to speak in Aramaic rather than Hebrew, he reacts by calling to the people on the wall that no other god was able to save their people, therefore God will be unable to save His people.  By doing this, the field commander reveals that his original argument questioning Hezekiah’s faith was disingenuous.  He did not believe that God would hold Hezekiah’s actions against Hezekiah because he did not believe God had any power.  In the same way, many people today make arguments against how Christians practice their faith based on a misunderstanding of what Christians believe, and then reveal they don’t actually think the argument matters anyway because they do not believe that God exists.  Sennacherib followed up his field commander’s blasphemy with a letter supporting it.  God responded to the arrogance of the Assyrians by reminding His people that He had planned, and had His prophets declare, their actions long before they had arisen as a power.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

July 29, 2024 Bible Study — A King Has Come Who Opens the Eyes of Those Who Want to See

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 32-35.

In Chapter 6 Isaiah prophesied that the people would “be ever hearing but never understanding, be ever seeing but never perceiving.”  In today’s passage he prophesies that a king will reign in righteousness then the eyes of the people will be opened and they will listen with their ears.  When that king reigns the fearful will gain confidence, fools (remember, the word translated as fools implies that they are morally deficient) will no longer be called noble, and scoundrels will not be respected.   Look at the world around us and tell me you do not look forward to the reign of the King.  We need to ask ourselves if we can dwell with the consuming fire which this King brings?  Can we walk righteously and speak what is right?  I know the answer for me is a resounding “No”.  Yet, God is coming and when He comes the blind will see, the deaf will hear, and the lame will not just walk, but leap.  I just preached a sermon yesterday* on Matthew 19 and as I read this I am reminded of what Jesus told His disciples about entering the Kingdom of Heaven: “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”  I put my hope in that, with God all things are possible.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.