Tag Archives: Amos

September 23, 2019 Bible Study — The People Have Sinned Again and Again. We Have Sinned Again and Again.

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

Happy Anniversary to my lovely wife

Today, I am reading and commenting on Amos 1-5.

Amos starts out by giving his credentials.  He is a shepherd who had a vision.  He notes that he had this vision two years before a significant earthquake.  The beginning of his message is that the people have sinned again and again and God will not let them go unpunished.   While Amos goes on to address more specific prophesies against Israel, the Northern Kingdom, I take his long list of nations whose people have sinned to indicate that his warning applies to all people every where.  In particular Amos’ warning is directed at those who claim to worship God.

So, what is Amos’ warning?  He warns those of us who live lives of leisure on the backs of the poor and needy.  Through Amos God tells His people that they have forgotten how to do right.  They live with wealth that was taken by theft and violence.  They oppress the poor and crush the needy.  All the while bragging about the sacrifices and offerings they make.  They despise people who tell the truth and they twist justice to serve their own ends.  Anyone who attempts to stand up for what is right and just becomes a target, so people remain silent.  Except Amos tells us that it is not enough to not do evil.  We must do what is right and good.  We must stand let ourselves become a target.  

I know there is a fine line to be walked here.  I have friends who call all that I believe hateful and evil.  Friends who are doing terrible things to themselves and others because society has told them there is no harm in it and that those who say otherwise are hateful.  Yet those same friends tell me that they want the peace and love they see in my life.  I strive to find the way to show them God’s love while warning them of the danger they flirt with.  I know that I do not do a good enough job of preaching the Gospel to them, but I also know that it would be so easy to lose the opportunity to preach it to them at all.  I seek the Holy Spirit’s guidance to do a better job without closing the door completely.