Tag Archives: 30.11.24 Bible Study

November 30, 2024 Bible Study — I Have the Right to Do Anything, But Not Everything Is Beneficial

Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Corinthians 9-11.

Paul begins today’s passage by discussing the freedom he had as an apostle that he did not use.  Instead of taking advantage of the rights and freedoms he had, he made himself a slave to the desires and thoughts of others so as to bring as many as possible to the Lord.  In telling us this, Paul is offering himself up as an example of our need to discipline ourselves to do God’s will.  I think understanding what Paul is saying hear can be made more clear by remembering what he wrote in chapter three, where he told us that no foundation could be laid aside from Jesus, but that what we build on that foundation would be judged.  If we built with good materials, what we had built would survive that judgement, but even if what we built on that foundation was burned up in the fire of judgement we would still be saved as one “escaping through flames.”  Later in today’s passage he writes that while we are indeed free to do anything we like, we should bear in mind that not everything is beneficial.  So, when we choose how we act, let us choose those things which will provide us materials to build on our foundation that which will survive the fires of judgement.  And Paul gives us guidance to understand what types of things will allow us to build something which will last.  He tells us that we should avoid actions which might cause another to stumble.  He gives further instruction on knowing how to recognize that which will last; if instead of seeking our own good we seek the good of others, so that they may also come to know the Lord, then we are building a structure on the foundation which is Jesus which will shrine bright after passing through the fires of judgement.  Seek to do that which will lead others to a closer relationship with God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.