Tag Archives: 21.7.24 Bible Study

July 21, 2024 Bible Study — Learn to Do Right

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Isaiah 1-4.

The prophet Isaiah prophesied against the wickedness of the people of Jerusalem and Judah and we tend to think of that wickedness resulting from their wicked kings.  Yet three of the four kings the Book of Isaiah lists as reigning during Isaiah’s ministry are described as doing what was right in the eyes of the Lord.  Which tells us that the wickedness Isaiah prophesied against came from the people, not from their rulers.  When Judah had wicked kings it was because the people had chosen evil rather than righteousness and God gave them the rulers they deserved.  Isaiah warned the people of his day, and his warnings apply to us.  Before we bring sacrifices to God and before we make offerings to Him, we must learn to do right.  We must seek justice and defend the oppressed.

The day will come when people of all nations will seek God so that He will teach them His ways.  In many ways that day has come and gone, but it will come again.  That day comes when we recognize that God alone should be exalted, when we stop seeking glory for ourselves and seek to see all glory given to God.  Christ has come and brought the day of the Lord for those who will accept Him.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.