Tag Archives: 17.6.24 Bible Study

June 17, 2024 Bible Study — We Lack the Knowledge and Power to Understand the Answers to Some of Our Questions

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Job 38-42.

In today’s passage God replies to Job.  God first asked Job rhetorical questions which revealed the human lack of comprehensive knowledge about how things in this universe work.  While modern science has answered some of these questions, the list still reveals that we as humans can never know enough to adequately question God’s decisions.  Job responds by acknowledging that he spoke out of turn with questions whose answers he would be unable to understand.  Then God followed up by asking Job how he could question God’s justice.  God had already established that Job (and by extension, all humans) lacked the knowledge to understand why and how God did what He did.  He then asked questions which indicated that mortals lack the power to implement the justice which Job demanded of God.  Those questions showed that Job (and by extension, all humans) lacked the power to understand the consequences of the action Job had demanded of God.  Job reacted to God by acknowledging that he had spoken of things to wonderful for him to know.  At some point we need to do the same, we need to acknowledge that some questions have answers which are beyond our ability to comprehend.  Yet, the conclusion to the Book of Job makes clear that Job did not sin by asking these questions, while his three friends did sin in the way in which they responded to Job’s questioning.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.