Today, I am reading and commenting on 1 Samuel 1-3.
The first thing which struck me about this passage is that if Hannah had not been bullied, Samuel would not have arisen. Twice at the beginning of today’s passage it tells us that Hannah’s rival provoked her because Hannah was unable to bear a child. I am not advocating for bullying, rather I am advocating for learning how to respond to bullies from Hannah. Instead of attempting to get revenge, Hannah cried out to the Lord. And while Hannah did ask God to “fix” the problem which her bully used against her, more importantly, Hannah committed herself to use what she was asking God to give her to serve God. Hannah asked God to give her a son and promised that if God gave her a son she would give that son into service to God. Hannah did not just promise this, she followed up on it. In response to being bullied, Hannah reached out to God and acted to serve Him. This contrasts with the stories we hear today of people who respond to being bullied by striking out against their bullies and against society which they thought enabled their bullies. Hannah could have struck out a Peninnah, and we would have likely said she was justified. She could have struck out at the society around her, which said that a woman who did not have children was worthless, and thus provided enablement to Peninnah in her bullying. Hannah chose neither of these behaviors. Instead, she chose to serve God.
I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.