Tag Archives: 08/25/24 Bible Study

August 25, 2024 Bible Study — Lamenting the Suffering of Those Who Refuse to Listen to God’s Word

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Lamentations 1-2.

I write this every year, but I don’t like covering Lamentations because it is rather depressing.  My focus is going to be on what the writer says in chapter two verse 11.  He writes this book of lamentations because his people have been destroyed. Everyone he cares about has suffered, and most of them have died.  Which explains why we must speak God’s words to those we care about, because if they continue to ignore His commands they too will suffer greatly.  If we cannot convince them to listen to God’s Spirit, they will suffer for their sins.  Of course, Jeremiah, who we think authored this book, spent his life telling the people of Jerusalem and Judah God’s words.  He tried to convince them to turn from their sins, but they would not listen to him.  So, even if we do our best to convince people to turn to God, they might not do so, but at least we will have tried.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.