Tag Archives: 08/09/24 Bible Study

August 9, 2024 Bible Study — When We Do Not Live According to God’s Commands We Harm Ourselves

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Jeremiah 7-9.

Jeremiah’s prophecy in today’s passage is directed at those who claim to worship and serve God while worshiping and serving idols.  God tells Jeremiah not to pray for such people because they fail to understand that it is not God they are offending with their actions, but rather they are harming themselves (and perhaps God was telling Jeremiah not to pray for them until they came to understand that).  We should keep this in mind while we consider our actions.  We do that which seems righteous to us, but do we worship other gods at the same time?  If we do, the appearance of righteousness we cultivate so carefully will do us no good.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.