I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Today’s passage is a list of the groups which David divided the priests and Levites into in order to assign them their duties. The various groups were assigned their duties by the casting of lots so that no preference was shown for one group over another.

Paul continues on his theme about salvation through faith by pointing to the example of Abraham, who was viewed by the Jews as their forefather. Paul points out that the Scripture tells us that Abraham was counted as righteous because of his faith, before Abraham was circumcised. Circumcision, rather than being a source of Abraham’s righteousness, was a sign of Abraham’s righteousness, a product of that righteousness. Paul concludes that Abraham was the spiritual father not of those who were circumcised, but of those to whom righteousness is credited because they believe.
Once more Paul very subtly tells us that we act because of the righteousness we have received, not in order to receive that righteousness. We receive righteousness through our faith in Jesus Christ. Once we have received that righteousness, we begin to act according to God’s will as a result of receiving that righteousness. Paul points out that not even Abraham was in a position to boast about what he had done in service to God. If Abraham was not in a position to boast about what he had done in service to God, then no one is.

The psalmist asks God how long God will allow him to suffer, how long God will allow his enemy to have the upper hand? Yet, even though it is clear that the psalmist is feeling like God has abandoned him, the psalmist makes known that he has faith that God will rescue him. The psalmist trusts the Lord and acknowledges that the Lord has already done good for him. When times seem difficult and God seems far away, I will still trust in Him, because He has rescued me in the past and I know that He will rescue me again. God does not rescue me because I am good. He rescues me because He is good.

Today’s proverbs sum up two basic truths. If you are too lazy to work when there is work to be done, you will experience hunger. If you keep God’s commandments, you will have a happy healthy life. If you break them you will experience suffering and death.