Tag Archives: 06/17/16 Bible Study

June 17, 2016 Bible Study — We Cannot Know Enough to Understand All Of God’s Reasons

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading. I had been using One Year Bible Online, but it was time for a change.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Job 38-42.

    After all of this time where Job and his friends were debating, God answers Job. God asks Job a series of questions. Science has provided us with answers to some of these questions, but many of them are beyond the ability of science, or any other method, to answer. Job had demanded that God explain to him why he was suffering, just as we often demand to know why some tragedy has happened. Here God is telling us that, sometimes, we do not know enough to understand the answer. When God confronted Job he recognized that he was wrong to question God’s judgment and justice. While Job was wrong in questioning God’s justice, three of his friends had been wrong in the way in which they attempted to defend God by condemning Job. God told Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar that they needed to request Job to intervene for them with Him because they had been wrong in their accusations against Job. It has always struck me as strange that Elihu is not mentioned either here or at the beginning of the Book.