Tag Archives: 03/09/25 Bible Study

March 9, 2025 Bible Study — If We Wish to Know God’s Commands He Will Make Them Known to Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Deuteronomy 29-31.

Having told the Israelites the blessings for obedience and the curses for disobedience, Moses warns them that there will be people who will turn aside from following God; people who think that they can disobey God and remain safe.  There will be, there are, people who, despite knowing God and His laws, believe that they can be safe even if they do not follow His laws.  God will single them out from those who obey Him and they will bring suffering on only themselves.  However, if their numbers increase the whole land will suffer, and it will be those who are obedient who are singled out.  In this latter case, they will be singled out for blessing.  When those who disobey God become numerous and the land becomes barren, if they turn back to God, He will welcome them back and restore the land.

Moses finishes up this portion about blessings and curses by telling the Israelites, and us, that God’s commands are not too difficult for us, nor are they beyond our grasp.  We do not need to ascend into heaven to learn what God commands, nor do we need to cross over the seas, or mountains, to retrieve them.  God has put them in our hearts and in our mouths.  If we wish to follow God’s commands, we need not fear that we do not know what to do, God will make them known to us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.