September 9, 2023 Bible Study — God Can Breathe Life Into the Most Moribund Organization

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 37-38.

When I read Ezekiel’s prophecy about the valley of the dry bones, I am inspired in two ways.  First, it reminds me that I serve and put my faith in a God who raised Lazarus from the dead, and is able to do exactly what this passage describes.  Second, and perhaps more importantly, it tells me that any congregation, or other organization, which seeks to do God’s will continues to serve His purposes long after it seems its future is hopeless to human eyes.  If you are part of an aging congregation which is shrinking, seek to serve the Lord and to follow the lead of the Holy Spirit.  Even if everyone in the congregation is over seventy and the numbers have dwindled down to a few dozen (or less), if the Holy Spirit chooses to breathe new life into it, it will catch fire and grow.  That does not mean that we should not close the doors on congregations, or other organizations, which have outlived their mission.  It does mean that if you feel God calling you to serve in a congregation, or other organization, which seems to be dying, do as the Spirit leads.  You will not be wasting your time.  Of course, if you are in such an organization, surrender fully to the Holy Spirit and accept the breathe of life which He breathes into you.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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