September 8, 2013 Bible Study — Boast Only About the Lord

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 1-2:22

     Isaiah begins his prophecies by declaring that God’s people do not recognize His care for them. Isaiah was speaking to the children of Israel when he wrote this, but I think it applies to people in general. I see so many people who refuse to turn to God, even though things are going badly for themselves and those around them. Why do the people of this country continue to invite punishment and rebel against God?
     God does not want our sacrifices, offerings, and pious meetings. He wants us to learn to do good and seek justice. He wants us to help the oppressed, to defend the cause of the fatherless, and to plead the case of widows. Look around, we are becoming a country of fatherless children and mothers without husbands (in a manner of speaking, widows). God is calling us to step forward to help those in these situations, to say that children need both a father and a mother. He is also calling on us to be there for those who find themselves in such circumstances, no matter whose fault it is. Our sins are like scarlet, but God will make them white as snow, if we but allow Him.
     Our land was once known as a land of justice. Now, we have chosen to follow leaders who are rebels against God and companions of thieves. God is going to take out his anger on His foes and gain vengeance against His enemies. Are we careful not to be counted in that number? Are we ashamed of the idols we have worshiped? Of the things we have chosen as higher priorities than doing God’s will?
     The next passage is one that is often quoted. Isaiah tells us that in the last days the Lord’s house will be raised above all others and people from all over the world will stream there to worship the Lord. In those days, people will desire to hear God’s commands and will strive to obey them. God will settle the disputes between peoples and nations will no longer even train for war. Isaiah chapter 2 verses 1-4 paint a beautiful scene, but Isaiah tells us that before that day comes there will be a day of judgment. A day when human arrogance will be humbled and the Lord alone will be exalted. On that day, the enemies of God will crawl into holes in an attempt to hide from the terror of the Lord and the majesty of God. I do not want to be counted among God’s enemies on that day. Which means that I must strive to allow Him to control my life so that I will do His will now (not tomorrow, or the next day).


2 Corinthians 10:1-18

     Paul declares his authority. He asks the Corinthians to listen to his words and act upon them so that he will not have to be forceful with those who think he is acting purely from human motives. Paul tells us that, while we are in the world, we are called not to wage war as the world does, but with heavenly weapons. We should rely on divine power to demolish the strongholds which stand against the knowledge of God. Let us make our every thought obedient to Christ. Let us not commend ourselves and measure ourselves against our own standard. Rather let us measure ourselves against God’s standard and thus recognize that we are not “all that”. I will boast only of the Lord. I do not desire to commend myself. I seek the commendation of the Lord, which I can only receive if I give Him full control over my life.


     For the last several days I have been seeing again and again places in my daily Bible study where I am called to give the Lord control over my life. I am not capable in and of myself to please God. It is only by asking His Spirit to control me that I will be able to live in a manner pleasing to Him.


Psalm 52:1-9

     David wrote this psalm (or had it written) to point out the folly of a person with power (in this case a mighty warrior) bragging of the evil he has done. David warns him that God will exact vengeance for the evil he has done against others. On the other hand those who trust in God and do what is right will be honored by God.


Proverbs 22:26-27

     Do not co-sign a loan for someone unless you are prepared to pay it off. They may, despite their best intentions, fail to do so and you will be stuck with the bill.


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