September 7, 2024 Bible Study — We Are Accountable to Tell People God’s Message, Not for How They Respond to It

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 32-33.

Ezekiel continues his prophecy about the downfall of Egypt at the beginning of today’s passage.  And once more he repeats that when this disaster comes to pass, then those on whom it falls will know that God is Lord.  Those who look to someone or something else upon which to order their lives will face terrible suffering and destruction, and then they will learn that God is indeed Lord.  Once Ezekiel has concluded his prophecy concerning Egypt, he once more to his metaphor about the watchman.   The message given here to Ezekiel applies to us today.  If God gives us a message that someone’s wicked acts will lead to their suffering and death, He expects us to pass that message on to them.  He will not hold us responsible if they do not listen to that message, but if we do not speak that message to them God will hold us accountable for their suffering.  God does not wish for the wicked to suffer for their wickedness.  His desire is for them to turn to Him from their evil ways, and to do good.  We should share that desire.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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