September 7, 2016 Bible Study

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 32-33.

    Usually when I read prophesies such as the one against Egypt in today’s passage I see it as being directed either at the United States, or at miscellaneous, unspecified countries. Part of the reason for that is that I am a citizen of the United States, living in the United States. However, today when I read Ezekiel say that the Pharaoh thought of himself as a strong young lion, but in reality he was just a sea monster I was struck by how that describes Vladimir Putin. Putin views himself as a power in the world, rising to greatness. He is a man who appears to believe he has risen to great power solely through his own ability, accountable to no one. If I am reading current affairs and this passage correctly, Vladimir Putin is using the resources and might of Russia to encourage other nations to rely on Russia. By doing so, he plans to increase the power and resources which he can control. However, God has His own plans for the world and I do not believe that they involve Russia becoming a super power once more.

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