September 5, 2016 Bible Study — Lessons From Tyre

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.


Today, I am reading and commenting on Ezekiel 27-28.

    Ezekiel’s prophecy against Tyre is a warning to many peoples and nations. God set Tyre up in a great location and gave it great wisdom. However, the people of Tyre became arrogant and thought that they were gods. They did not believe that they were bound by any moral code. Many nations are set up by God in places which will allow them to flourish. The same is true of individuals. However, in either case, if they begin to believe that their success is purely a product of their own actions and that therefore they do not need to be accountable to anyone for their actions, not even God, He will bring them down. The seeds of their destruction will grow from within them. When we believe that all violence on our behalf is justified, we are kindling the fire which will consume us. When we allow our love of splendor and comfort to override our moral sense, the wisdom that helped us succeed will become corrupted, turning it to foolishness. No matter how wealthy, strong, and secure our position may be, if we do not put our faith in God and listen to His commands, disaster will come upon us unexpectedly.

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