September 28, 2022 Bible Study — Do Not Be Complacent, Seek To Do God’s Will Now

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Zephaniah and Haggai.

Zephaniah writes of the day when God will wipe everything from the face of the earth: man and beast, birds in the sky and fish in the sea, and the idols worshiped by the wicked.  Zephaniah goes on to say that neither silver nor gold will save anyone on the day of the Lord’s wrath.  He writes that God will make an end of all who live on the earth.  However, Zephaniah leaves one little window of hope.  He tells us to seek the Lord, to seek righteousness, to seek humility, and perhaps we will be sheltered on that day.  We cannot be complacent, we must actively seek to do what God desires of us.

Which brings me to Haggai.  When I started writing today I did not see a connection between the passage in Zephaniah and the passage in Haggai.  Then I wrote my thoughts about Zephaniah and realized it leads right into what Haggai said.  Zephaniah wrote that we cannot be complacent and just ignore the evil in the world around us.  Haggai wrote that we cannot wait to build God’s house until we have our lives in order.  The time to go out and actively do God’s will is now.  Zephaniah tells us to seek the Lord, to seek righteousness.  Haggai tells us to do it now.  This passage really speaks to me today.  I need to go out and find the tasks which God wishes me to do, and do them.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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