September 28, 2015 Bible Study

For today, One Year Bible Online links here.


Proverbs 24:8

    Those who plan evil may think that they have “plausible deniability”, but as time goes by people will start to notice that they are always connected with wrongdoing. Once that happens they will have a reputation for being a troublemaker, for doing wrong.


Psalm 70

    When we come before God, even the wealthiest among us is poor and needy. It is wrong to take delight in the troubles which others experience. If we do delight in those troubles we will be disgraced. However, those who search for God will be filled with joy and gladness when they find Him, and they will find Him.


Ephesians 6

    In yesterday’s passage Paul started pointing out that believers on either side of a “power” relationship have obligations. Wives are to submit to their husbands, but husbands are obligated to put their wives’ well-being ahead of their own. In today’s passage, Paul tells children that they are to honor their parents, but parents are obligated to not provoke their children. Slaves are to obey their masters, but masters are obligated to treat their slaves as Christ treats them, remembering that Christ is our Lord and Master. Paul makes it clear that as Christians we have obligations to those we have relationships with, no matter which side of the “power” relationship we are on. It is our responsibility to fulfill our side of the “bargain”, not to ensure that those on the other side fulfill theirs.
    Paul then completes his letter to the Ephesians by instructing us to prepare ourselves for spiritual battle. One of the terms often used in the Church today is “spiritual warfare”. Most of the times when I hear this term used, I cringe because many of those using it have a similar view of the spiritual world as a place where we need special knowledge and tools to do battle. However, Paul makes it clear that each and every believer is involved in spiritual warfare…and that we can easily find all of the knowledge and tools which we need in the Bible.
    Here are the tools we need:

  • truth
  • If we do not dedicate ourselves to finding a speaking the truth, we will be vulnerable to evil. Every time we lie, deceive, or mislead others we open ourselves up to attacks from the evil one.

  • God’s righteousness
  • There are two aspects to this. The first is that when we act with righteousness, it is not our righteousness. The second is that, nevertheless, we need to act with righteousness.

  • peace which comes from believing the Gospel
  • If we truly believe the Gospel, we will be at peace because we know that God has a plan which none cannot be thwarted.

  • faith
  • Our faith will act as a shield against attacks. If we truly have faith in God, we know that He has made us just the way we are so that we can serve His purpose. No matter what negative things others may say, or we may think, our faith tells us that “God made us, and God doesn’t make junk.”

  • the word of God
  • Paul tells us that the word of God is our sword. It is with the word of God that we can take the battle to the enemy. I am a fencer and therefore I can tell you that a sword is first used as defense. When I am fencing someone, I must first neutralize their ability to attack me. If I fail to do so, they will strike home when I attempt to attack them. The same is true when dealing in spiritual issues. Before we go on offense, we must identify where the enemy, Satan, can attack us and neutralize that potential attack. Only then can we hope to safely strike down our enemy.

  • Prayer
  • All of the previous things were primarily defensive. It is by prayer that we truly go on the offense and that is what makes spiritual warfare different from all other types of battle. It is by prayer that we bring turn the servants of our enemies into servants of the Lord.


Isaiah 54:1-57:14

    This is a powerful passage, especially chapter 55.

“Come, all you who are thirsty,
come to the waters;
and you who have no money,
come, buy and eat!
Come, buy wine and milk
without money and without cost.

God will supply our needs even though we do not have any way to pay Him back. It is by listening to God that we find life. Those who mock God and seek to find life through other things (whether through “science”, or “sports”, or “entertainment”, or something else) will find no rescue when trouble comes.
    God sends out His word and it accomplishes the purpose for which He sent it. It never fails. I was going to write more about this passage, but there is just too much there. Please read it for yourself. It fits so well with the passage from Ephesians we just read.

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