September 27, 2023 Bible Study — God Cares for Those Who Trust in Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Nahum and Habakkuk.

My first thought as I read today’s passages was, “What is the connection between Nahum and the prophecy which Jonah delivered to Nineveh?”  The Book of Jonah merely records that Jonah’s prophecy was that Nineveh would be destroyed.  Nahum goes into more detail.  Nahum tells us that God is good and cares for those who trust in Him, but that He will put an end to Nineveh because they plotted against Him.  Which gives us two messages for today.  If you look around you see how those in power throughout the world largely act to marginalize and silence those who uphold God’s word.   They seek to diminish their influence by persecuting them in ways which lead others to not listen to God’s message.  Nahum gives those who trust in God a message of hope: God will care for them and protect them.  Nahum gives a warning to those who plot against God’s people: God will overwhelm them like a flood which shall wash away all of the protective barriers which they have erected around themselves.

Habakkuk appears to prophecy about the same events .  He starts by asking God why He allows injustice and violence to continue and thrive.  Before I go on to discuss God’s answer to Habakkuk I want to look a little more into what he says about those he calls upon God to judge.  He tells us that they are a law unto themselves and that the law of the land cannot touch them.  Further, Habakkuk tells us that they worship only their own strength and power.  Just as I saw parallels between the powerful of today and those against whom Nahum prophesied I see parallels here as well.  Habakkuk warns those who have made themselves at ease with unjust gains that God will bring them to justice.  Habakkuk prophesies against Assyria with a prophecy which applies to all who gain by violence and corruption.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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