September 27, 2013 Bible Study — Live In the Light

     I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. In order to make that possible I read the passages and write my thoughts a day in advance. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.


Isaiah 51-53:12

     If you think, “What difference can one person make?” Remember that Abraham was but one man when God called him. God made him a great nation. God’s law will be proclaimed. His justice is coming soon. Do not be afraid of the people of this world, because they will all die in due time. However, God’s salvation will last for eternity. God offers us His comfort and protection, the only reason we still fear humans is because we forget God. IF we let Him, God will put His words in our mouth and hide us in the safety of His hand.
     I will declare God’s good news, even in the face of mockery and persecution. I know that the day will come when God’s people will praise those who brought them the Gospel. From one end of this earth to the other, everyone will see God’s victory. Isaiah declared that it was God’s purpose for His Messiah, Jesus, to be crushed and killed. Isaiah said that he would be buried like a criminal in a rich man’s grave.



Ephesians 5:1-33

     Paul tells us that we should imitate God, living a life filled with love, following the example of Christ, who laid down His life out of love for us. He lists three types of behavior which we should avoid: sexual immorality, impurity, and greed. Obscenity, foolish talk, and coarse jokes are out of place for those who strive to serve God. Greed is just a form of idolatry, where the person worships wealth instead of God. People will try to make excuses for such behavior, but we will suffer for it if we do those things.
     The proper way to behave is as the people of light. If we feel compelled to hide certain behaviors from some people we should not do those things. We should be ashamed to even talk about the things which are done in secret (and if we are, that will keep us from gossiping). Let us be careful how we live, striving to act with wisdom. Take advantage of every opportunity we have to bring glory to God. Avoid foolish behavior and think things through before we act. Do not get drunk because that is likely to lead us to do things which we will regret. Instead, express our joy through singing and praising God.
     Let us submit to one another. Wives are to submit to their husbands in the same way that you submit to Christ. Historically, too much emphasis was placed on that portion of this passage and not enough on the following portion. As a husband, I am to love my wife as Christ loved the Church. Christ gave up all that He had in order to glorify and elevate the Church, even to the point of dying a painful death. Until I have shown a similar dedication to my wife, I have no basis to demand that she submit to me and even then, Christ did not demand that the Church submit to Him. The Church submits to Christ as a voluntary act in response to His love for the Church. I am to love my wife as I love my own body, caring for her so that she does not experience pain or suffering as much as I am able. I will challenge any husband reading this, if you feel that your wife does not respect you as you think she should, perhaps that is because you do not love her as you should.


     I always feel troubled when I write something on this passage because my wife respects me and submits to me in every way as I believe the Bible calls for, but I question whether I truly fulfill my end of the bargain and love her as Christ loved the Church. I truly love my wife, but I do not think I live up to the standard which Paul holds up for me in this passage. I will continue to strive to reach the point where I can say that I live according to what Paul is teaching here.


Psalm 69:19-36

     I have trouble seeing what to make of this psalm, but there are a few things I see here. The psalm warns us against “piling on” on those whom God has sent punishment. It is not our place to punish those who have sinned. Instead we should show them kindness and concern. Let us show pity to those who are suffering in consequence of their sins. Let us aid them as we can to soothe their hurts.


Proverbs 24:7

     Fools should not try to discuss things that require wisdom. They should keep their mouths shut and listen to those who understand. But how do I know if I am one of those who should speak, or one of those who should keep quiet?

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