I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Today’s passage begins with the account of the envoys who came from Babylon to see Hezekiah. It is not clear to me what the point of Isaiah’s message to King Hezekiah was. Was Isaiah telling Hezekiah that he was wrong to show them all of his treasures? Or was he telling Hezekiah not to trust in the friendship of earthly kings because they would eventually betray him? There is one thing I do know, this passage does not reflect well on Hezekiah in my mind because Hezekiah thought that Isaiah’s prophecy was good because the prediction was that death and destruction would come after Hezekiah’s death.
Here Isaiah has another one of those transitions I do not understand. He is writing about historical events in what is more or less prosaic language, then he enters into a prophetic message that is laid out in more poetic form. The prophecy does not appear to be connected to the event that was just described. Nevertheless this is a powerful message. We know from the Gospel of John that this is a prophecy of the Messiah, but even without that the imagery is powerful. He refers to a voice of one calling out “Make a straight highway…” His description reminds me of the way that modern Interstates are sometimes built. The engineers would build bridges over chasms, cut tunnels through mountains and blast rock out of the sides of hills and mountains so as to run the road where they intended. This imagery takes it beyond that to show that the path the Lord will take will not be obstructed by anything.
Isaiah goes on to tell us that all of mankind is as nothing compared to God. In the magnificence that is God’s creation we are insignificant. He tells us of the hugeness of the universe. Isaiah uses the grandeur of the universe to express how ridiculous it is for people to think that they can create an image that represents the Creator of that universe. Yet despite all this, Isaiah tells us that God will strengthen those who trust in him.
They will mount up with wings like eagles.
I would include more of the song here, but it is still under copyright.

Today I begin studying Ephesians. This is Paul’s introduction to his letter and like the introduction to most of his letters it is very dense in theological concepts. Praise God that He has chosen to give us His redemption. He forgives our sins through His grace. When we heard the gospel we were included in God’s wonderful grace and given the gift of salvation. God has placed the seal of His Spirit upon us and within us. God has called us to the riches of His inheritance and has placed His power within us. The same power that raised Jesus from the dead. All powers and authorities have been made subject to Jesus and we are authorized to speak on behalf of His name. When I read a passage like this, I am ashamed of the weakness of my faith. We of the Church today should be performing marvelous signs, if only we had the faith to both believe that we could and to know where God intended us to exercise such power. I just realized that my failure is that I do not spend enough time in prayer. I am so glad I have started this blog because it has helped me to discipline myself to study God’s word as I have long known I needed to do. Now perhaps it will help me to discipline myself to spend the time in prayer that I need.
I want to be one who is always shouting praise to God. Help me oh God to call out to those around me, “Come and see what the Lord has done.” I do not often enough tell people what God has done for me. When I confessed my sinfulness and acknowledged that I had no power over it, God forgave my sins and has continued to move in my life to bring glory to His name. He has listened to my prayers.

Make your parents happy by following the Lord. This proverb tells us that a promiscuous woman delights in leading men to unfaithfulness. But beyond that I have learned that those who wallow in sin often take great pleasure in leading others to do the same.