September 21, 2023 Bible Study — Seek God’s Approval When Selecting Which Leaders to Follow

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Hosea 8-14.

As I read today’s passage I wondered if Hosea’s condemnation for choosing kings and other government officials without seeking God’s approval might not apply to many countries and people today.  Later in this passage Hosea warns that when our sins become numerous and we become hostile to godliness we see those who speak God’s words as fools and those who act according to the direction of God’s Spirit as crazy.  It is time, and past time, for us to break up the stubborn sins we commit and seek the Lord.  All too often, we refuse to do so, planting wickedness in our hearts and thus reaping evil.  Let each of us resolve to to turn to God and work to maintain love and justice in our own lives, while waiting for God to transform us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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