September 18, 2017 Bible Study — Daniel Prays For Jerusalem’s Restoration

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 9-10.

    I found it interesting to note how Daniel reacted to reading the prophecy where Jeremiah prophesied that the exile from Jerusalem would last 70 years and realizing that those 70 years were up, or almost up. He did not rejoice and celebrate the imminent restoration of Jerusalem. Instead, he began praying and fasting, dressing himself in sackcloth and ashes as one did to mourn. His prayer was an admission that his people, including himself, had sinned in such a way as to deserve the punishment which they had received. Then when he prayed for God to fulfill the promise He had made through Jeremiah he did so with humility, asking God to do so for God’s sake. He did not cray out, “God you promised us.” Instead, Daniel prayed, “We do not deserve to be restored, if you restore us it will merely be a sign of Your mercy. Restore us to bring honour to Your name.” This should be how all of our prayers for God’s intervention should be phrased. Let us acknowledge that our sins and the sins of our ancestors caused the suffering we are experiencing. Our prayer for redemption should seek it so that God can be glorified, recognizing that we do not deserve God’s mercy.

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