September 17, 2023 Bible Study — Visions of the End Times

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Daniel 7-8.

Today’s passage contains two visions about the future which Daniel experienced before the fall of Babylon.  Both visions are similar.  They both present the world powers as animal like beings.  They both end with a small horn which grows out of one of the other horns and which exhibits great arrogance.  The small horn in both visions sets itself up against God and His holy people.  Finally, both visions end with the small horn being overthrown by the power of God.  These visions may be alternative views about the final days of this earth, but I wonder if we might not take another lesson from them.  In both visions, governments rise to power, only to be overthrown by other human agencies.  Then in both visions, “someone” raises themselves up as a challenge to God and persecutes those who seek to continue to serve Him.  But, not only does this “someone” persecute those who serve God, but terrorizes the whole earth.  Finally, this “someone” is overthrown, but not by any human agency.  They are overthrown by the power of God.  I think we see in this that at times in history, individuals, or governments, will exercise great power over the earth such that many will suffer, but especially those who serve God.  People will desire to overthrow these oppressors, and may even attempt to do so.  However, these oppressors will deal with all such revolts brutally and remain in power.  Then, out of nowhere that the human perspective can understand, a Power will arise and bring them down.  In the interpretation of the first vision we are told that “one like a human being” (the translation says “son of man” rather than human, but the translation notes say that the best translation of the Hebrew would be human being and that they used “son of man” because of its use in the New Testament in reference to this passage) would rise up and be given power over the earth by the Ancient of Days.  The kingdom of the being “like a human being” would be everlasting.  So, when it seems like powers have arisen which cannot be opposed, but which stand in opposition to God, Christ has been given power to bring them down, and He will do so.  These visions tell us that no matter how bad things seem, God is in control and will come to the aid of His people.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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