September 17, 2017 Bible Study — Daniel’s Visions of the Future

I am using the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

Today, I am reading and commenting on Daniel 7-8.

    I have felt for awhile now that the Church in the U.S. does not spend enough time examining the apocalyptic writings of the Bible. When I was growing up, I remember overhearing adults regularly discussing the meanings of the various apocalyptic visions in the Bible and how world events might fit into them. I do not hear that happening much anymore and I think it should happen more than it does. Of course, I am guilty of not spending much time looking at how current events fit into these prophecies. One of the first things I have come to realize is that these prophecies are not intended to point to just one time in world history, although I do believe there is a specific time which will fulfill them completely. That is, I believe that these prophecies are written so as we can see how events at different times in history fit into them up to a point before diverging. In each of these cases we will see how these prophecies and the world events which partially correspond to them show God’s control over history.

    Looking at the vision of the four beasts and its interpretation I saw something I never really thought about before. The fourth beast rose up after the other three and dominated the earth, crushing all who challenged its authority. We are told that the four beasts represent four kingdoms. Yet, after the fourth beast is killed the other three live continue to live for some amount of time. Which means that the common approach of trying to match this vision up with Nebuchadnezzar’s dream of the statue earlier in the Book of Daniel does not work. However, comparing those two visions supports my belief that these prophecies are intended to be applied at various times in history to help us understand world events. In both visions, the material empires which come to rule the earth are destroyed and replaced by the Kingdom of God. We can see by looking at these visions, and by seeing how world events at various times in history fit into these visions, that God’s power will overwhelm every human power which arises. Time and again throughout history human powers will arise which dominate the earth. At some point, one of them will dominate all others. Then it will set itself up in a boastful manner to challenge God. At which point, God will overthrow it and completely destroy it.

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