I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Today’s passage begins with Isaiah condemning unjust judges and those who issue unfair laws. He tells us that the effect of such judges and such laws falls disproportionately on the poor and the powerless. He goes on to tell us that God is bringing judgement against those who are behind such actions and that they will have nowhere to hide and no one to turn to. In this case, Isaiah tells us that God is bringing Assyria to execute his judgement. Isaiah then tells us that God is then going to bring judgement against Assyria. The Assyrians believed that their power was a result of their inherent greatness. They acknowledged no power greater than themselves. God declared that they were merely His tool and when He had finished the task for which He had built them up, He would bring judgement against them. We must remember to not get proud when we are successful. We are merely tools in God’s hands. I am but a tool in God’s hands for Him to use to accomplish His purposes.

Paul tells the Corinthians that he feels like a fool. He should not have needed to lay out his credentials for them. He had shown them through signs and wonders when he was among them that God spoke through him. Now some of them were holding up others, who preached contrary to what Paul preached, as “super apostles”. Paul tells them that he was in no way inferior to those “super apostles”, even though he was nothing special himself. Paul goes in to point out to those of them who accuse him of using trickery to take advantage of them that he never took any money from them. He fully supported himself while he preached among them. Once again I see in Paul’s phrasing a suggestion that other preachers had come among the Corinthians and collected money from them to live a life of luxury. Finally, Paul tells them that he is writing all of this because he is afraid that when he comes among them they will be fighting among themselves and living immoral lifestyles. He tells them that if such is the case, they will not like his response.

The psalmist tells us that he is being harassed and attacked by his enemies. Yet he puts his trust in God and will not be afraid because what can they do to him if God is on his side. We need fear nothing else if we fear God. Our enemies will retreat when we call on God for help. We should not allow our fear of others to diminish our trust in God.

Today’s proverb tells us not to eat food provided by someone who is stingy, who is constantly keeping track of what everything costs. The food is likely to not be good and your host will not appreciate any compliments you pay him. We should also take care not to be like the host described.