September 10, 2024 Bible Study — If We Really Understand What Is Going on in the World We Will Know That God Is the Lord

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 39-40.

Every time I read today’s passage I cannot help but think about the idea I heard as a child that Ezekiel’s description of the aftermath of an attack on Israel by the hordes of God sounds like nuclear weapons were used.  I am not sure what to make of it, but Ezekiel writes that fire would come down on Magog and “the coastlands” (it is unclear to what coastlands Ezekiel is referring, since none of the lands he describes as part of the alliance are ones we associate with being coastal) sounds a lot like it might indicate the use of nuclear weapons.  Then, the idea that teams of people would be employed to travel the land and bury the bodies sounds like perhaps the bodies have either been exposed to high levels of radiation or biological weapons which might still be contagious.  Finally that after seven months, anyone who came across a human bone would leave a marker and wait for the teams specially employed to come and bury the remains further suggests that.  I really struggle with how to interpret this passage, but then I come to something that has stood out to me about many of Ezekiel’s prophecies this year.  First, Ezekiel writes about the fire falling upon Magog and God says through him, “…and they will know that I am the Lord.”  Then later in that same prophecy, God says to Ezekiel that He will restore the fortunes of Jacob and “Then they will know that I am the Lord their God,…”  Again and again throughout the Book of Ezekiel, God gave Ezekiel prophecies which included some variation of “This or that will happen and then they will know that  I am the Lord.”  Which leads me to conclude that if we look at what is going on throughout the world, we WILL know that God is the Lord, that He is our Lord.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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