September 10, 2022 Bible Study — Sometimes God’s Message To Us In A Passage Is Not The Same As God’s Message In The Passage

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Ezekiel 39-40.

My lovely wife married me 22 years ago on the 23rd of this month.  So I am going to wish her Happy Anniversary every day from now until then.

Happy Anniversary, Darling!

The description Ezekiel gives here about the war against Gog, ruler of Magog, is difficult to interpret.  First we need to understand what purpose God intended this prophecy to serve.  It seems to me that God intended this prophecy to inspire hope among the people of Israel when they faced the prospect of being wiped out.  But God also intended to remind its readers that He has, and will again, displayed His power in this world in ways which make it hard for people of good faith to deny Him.  And perhaps that is where I am meant to go with this today.  In the passage we are told that after this battle the Israelites will spend seven months cleaning up the bodies of Gog’s army and that the arms and armaments of God’s army will provide them with fuel for seven years.  In the same way we may experience times in our life where God displays His power to us in such a way that from that time forward we will know God and understand His power.  We may spend months cleaning up the debris of our “enemies” who God destroyed when we thought all was lost, and then years living off of the “loot” they left behind.  I use quotes around enemies and loot here because I am using those words very figuratively here.  In this context, “enemies” may be people, groups, or, perhaps just situations, which interfere with us living as God intended: things which attempt to destroy us and/or our faith.  And, also in this context, “loot” can be anything which provides us with energy and/or motivation to do God’s good work.

Do I believe the above has anything to do with what Ezekiel was getting at?  Not really, but I do believe that things like what I wrote will happen in the lives of those who trust in God, and it was this passage in Ezekiel which inspired me to think about that.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The” for my daily Bible reading.

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