I am using One Year Bible Online for my daily Bible study. For today, One Year Bible Online links here. I have found that by writing this daily blog of what I see when I read these scriptures, I get more out of them. I hope that by posting these ruminations others may get some benefit as well. If you have any thoughts or comments regarding these verses or what I have written about them, please post them.

Today’s passage includes Isaiah’s calling. Isaiah finds himself in the presence of God and his response is instructive.
Because I am a man of unclean lips,
And I live among a people of unclean lips;
For my eyes have seen the King, the Lord of hosts.”(NASB)
We should all feel this way when we find ourselves in the presence of God, and the message of Christianity is that we always are in the presence of God. In addition to my other sins, like Isaiah, I am a man of unclean lips. I say things that I should not. I lie. I brag about myself. I say things about others that are hurtful. I say things that bring disrepute to the Gospel. But there is good news. God will send one of His seraphim to bring a coal from the altar before God and place it against my mouth, cleansing it. I am forgiven because Christ died on the cross, but sometimes there is still pain involved in accepting that forgiveness. Sometimes I have to go to those I have wronged with my words and ask their forgiveness. That is not easy for me.
There is more to this passage, because immediately after having his lips seared Isaiah hears God say, “Who will be my messenger?” Isaiah at once responds by calling out, “Here I am. Send me.” This was not a quiet little statement, hoping that no one heard him. This was a loud calling out of his willingness to serve God. I pray that when I hear God calling for someone to perform some service that I too will cry out, “Here I am. Send me!”
Isaiah then tells us how when the kings of Israel and Syria allied themselves together to conquer Judah, God sent him with a message to King Ahaz. Isaiah’s message was that the invasion they were plotting would never take place. If Ahaz’s faith was firm, God would make him stand firm. Then Isaiah tells King Ahaz to ask for a sign that God would do as He said He would. Ahaz refused to ask for a sign. This was not because his faith was such that he did not need a sign to believe the message, but because his faith was weak and he was afraid that any sign he asked for would not happen. Isaiah gave him a sign, and that sign became a sign for us as well. Isaiah told Ahaz that a young woman, a virgin, would conceive and bear a son. By the time that son was old enough to know right from wrong, the two kings that Ahaz feared would be destroyed. I am sure that such a child was born while Ahaz was king, but this prophesy also referred to another child. One that was also called “Immanuel” or “God is with us”.

Paul confronts the Corinthians about the teachers who had come among them and taught them things contrary to what Paul had taught and contrary to the gospel. He tells the Corinthians that whatever they claim as a basis for their authority, he could match it, or surpass it. If they claim authority from their Jewishness, Paul is just as much a Jew as they. If they claim to be servants of Christ, Paul has done more. He has suffered more persecution than they because of his ministry. Paul then lists the things he has willingly suffered in order to spread the gospel. We do not know who these other teachers whose teachings Paul is trying to counter. But, based on what Paul says about them here and in some of the passages I read on previous days, I am pretty sure that it was obvious to anyone who looked at them that they had suffered little for their teachings. In fact, they probably looked as if they prospered from their teachings. This once again shows how the Christian standard of success differs from that of the world. The world’s standard of success is fancy clothes, a nice house, and a fine car. The Christian standard of success is going without, persecution and suffering.

God will come and rescue us in our times of trouble. If we rely on the Lord, the plans of those who plot against us will be turned against them. We must remember to praise the Lord and turn to Him with free will offerings.
Today’s proverb tells us to pay attention to what is going on around us when those in authority over us provide us with a meal. This applies at company parties and if your boss takes you out for a meal. Pay attention to his or her behavior. Base how much you eat or what you order on his or her choices. Do not order the most expensive item on the menu.