September 05, 2014 Bible Study — Give Joyously

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Proverbs 22:20-21

    Those words which teach us to be honest and speak the truth are words of wisdom and we should listen to them carefully and hold them close to our hearts.


Psalm 49:1-20

    We have no need to fear when trouble comes and we are surrounded by enemies who boast great wealth and power. For all of their wealth, the richest people in the world cannot ransom themselves from death. No matter how rich they are, they will not convince God to accept payment to deliver them from death. Fame and wealth will not last. None of us will take our wealth with us when we die. No matter how big the monument we build to ourselves, sooner or later we will be forgotten. The wicked may seem to thrive in this life, but they too will die and face God’s judgement.


2 Corinthians 8:1-15

    If we sincerely love the Lord we will give to aid those in need. How much we give is a personal decision. Some will feel led to give more than others. In this letter Paul holds up as an example the believers in Macedonia. He reports that despite facing trials for their faith and being poor, they begged for the opportunity to give towards the needs of the believers in Jerusalem. We should give out of what we have in order to help those who are in need. He makes an important point here. He discourages them, and us, from giving so that others will live easily while we experience hardship. This runs directly counter to those occasional “Superstar” preachers who dress in designer suits while encouraging those who listen to their sermons to give until it hurts.
    Let us give joyously and even to the point of sacrifice, but let us give to help those who are genuinely in need, not to support those who are living more than well.


Ecclesiastes 10-12:14

    Foolishness corrupts everything around it. You can act with care and wisdom only to have a single foolish decision destroy your carefully laid plans. You can easily identify a fool by casual observation, yet despite this, people often choose to emulate them. From time to time, we will see fools put into positions of authority and the wise put into a position where they can only watch things go wrong. This always ends badly.
    Any task with a potential reward has risks. The greater the reward for the task, the greater the risk. However, with some wise planning the risk and effort needed can be minimized. It is good to work hard, but not when a little thought and wisdom could make the job easier.

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