Parables of The Lord’s Return

Every week I receive the bulletin for the upcoming Sunday worship service in my email. It contains the announcements and the Scripture reading which our pastor is going to base his sermon on. One Sunday while listening to the sermon, it occurred to me that I saw a something in the passage which was not part of Mark’s (our pastor) sermon. It then occurred to me that I should write a blog entry on the passage for upcoming service as a way to prepare for Sunday morning worship. Finally, this week I decided to give it a try.


    These two parables are often treated separately. Yet, they are part of the same lesson from Jesus. Both of them warn us to be ready when Jesus returns. And both of them warn us that His return will be unexpected. The first one tells us that if He finds us doing the tasks to which He has set us we will be rewarded. However, in the first one there is also a warning against abusing others, thinking we will not be held accountable. This parable is directed primarily to those whom God has called to positions of authority. If we fulfill the task for which we have been given authority, we will be greatly rewarded. On the other hand, if we abuse the authority we have been given, we will be severely punished. This applies to authority in the Church, at our job, in politics, and in any groups of which we may be a part.
    The second parable is a reminder that it is not enough not to do wrong. Even if we do not abuse our authority (perhaps because we do not have any), still we need to be prepared at all times for when we will be called to account. It is not enough to accept Christ as our Savior and then go to “sleep”. We cannot say to ourselves that we will do more later. We must seek the tasks which God has set for us and eagerly be about accomplishing them.

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