October 18, 2023 Bible Study — Let No One Separate That Which God Has Joined Together

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Mark 10-11.

When Jesus was questioned about divorce He quoted from Genesis chapter one and chapter two.  First He states that from the beginning God created them male and female.  I try to avoid controversial topics of discussion going on about us today, but this clearly runs contrary to the idea many today have that there are multiple genders.  He then continues to say that this duality of mankind is why a man leaves his parent and gets married, with the man and woman becoming one.  This contradicts the idea that same sex marriage can be the same sort of union as traditional, heterosexual marriage.  Up until this point, Jesus merely paraphrased what Genesis said.  However, He then reaches a conclusion about what these facts about God’s design mean for us.  Jesus brought up these facts when He was asked His position on divorce.  Jesus tells us that these basic facts of Creation tell us that divorce is wrong.  Which leads me to conclude that if we want to address the issues of today we must first address an issue which the Church in America “passed” on in the 1970s: divorce and heterosexual infidelity.  God calls us to either abstain from sexual acts, or to remain faithful to the one we marry.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 17, 2023 Bible Study — I Believe, Help Me Overcome My Unbelief

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Mark 8-9.

Every time I read this passage I identify with the father of the boy whom Jesus’ disciples could not heal.  I do not identify with him as a father, since I have no children.  Rather I identify with his response when Jesus tells him that everything is possible for one who believes. “I believe; help me overcome my unbelief.”  More than anything else that is my prayer every day.  I believe that when Jesus told His disciples that they would do even greater things than what they saw Him doing He was making a prophecy which applies to His followers today.  Yet I do not do such things, and my faith wavers.  Fortunately, the rest of this passage gives me some comfort in that those who walked with Jesus on this earth also suffered faith issues.  They had failed to heal the boy.  At the beginning of this passage, just a short time after witnessing Jesus feed five thousand, they could feed a crowd which turned out to be only four thousand strong.  Peter, who had just proclaimed Jesus the Messiah, had to be rebuked for not having sufficient faith to accept that Jesus would die on the cross.  So, I will join the child’s father and cry out to God, “I believe, help me overcome my unbelief.”

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 16, 2023 Bible Study — Listen to Wisdom, Even From Those You Watched Grow Up

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Mark 6-7.

Today’s passage begins with Jesus teaching in the synagogue in Nazareth.  The reaction of those present contrasts poorly with that of those when He taught in the synagogue in Capernaum. Both saw similar things in His teaching, but in Capernaum they were impressed by His wisdom and understanding, while in Nazareth they were contemptuous of it.  We must be careful not to reject the message which God sends to us when He sends it through those with whom we are familiar.

I also had some thoughts about Mark’s account of the feeding of the five thousand.  First, when Jesus first told His disciples to give the people something to eat, their reply was, “Are we to go buy 200 denarii of bread and give it to them?” Today it struck me that that suggests they HAD 200 denarii which they could spend on bread, but that there was no place close by for them to do so.  However, I want to look closer at Jesus’ reaction when He saw the crowd which had gathered in advance of them at the remote place they went to get away from the crowds.  When Jesus saw the crowd, He saw them as sheep without a shepherd.  I want to write a little bit about what that means.  Sheep without a shepherd are vulnerable to predators and may have trouble finding food and/or water.  They will wander aimlessly, following each other with none of them having any idea where they should go.  We should think about those around us who may also be like sheep without a shepherd and direct them to the Shepherd.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 15, 2023 Bible Study — Consider Carefully What You Hear

Today, I am reading and commenting on Mark 4-5.

I want to start by writing about Jesus saying some variation of, “If anyone has ears to hear, let them hear.”  Related to that Jesus quotes part of Isaiah 6:9-10. I believe He is warning us against intentionally missing what God is telling us.  Are we willing to hear what God has to say to us?  Today it struck me that we often miss the main point Jesus makes here when He talks about putting a lamp on a stand.  In Matthew, Jesus used the lamp as an example about being open about our beliefs.  Here the reference to the lamp on a stand seems to suggest that His teachings are not just for those initiated into the secrets.  Rather, He tells us that as we study God’s word more we will see more.  So, if we study God’s word in little pieces, we will have little bits revealed to us, but if we invest more into it, we will understand more.  And those who have little understanding of God’s word, and make no effort to increase that understanding, will lose what little understanding that they have.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 14, 2023 Bible Study — Good News! The Kingdom of God Is Near!

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Mark 1-3.

In the Gospel According to Mark the points come at you rapid fire.  Mark presents things Jesus taught and then moves on to the next thing.  He does not flesh out any of Jesus’ teachings in depth.  I will start with Mark telling us what Jesus said His message was.  Jesus said, “Repent and believe the good news.”  This is not the only place in the Gospels where Jesus says that people should believe the good news.  I have often wondered how people would know what the good news was.  Then as I was reading this today I realized that Jesus had told us the good news just before that, because the full quote is, “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news.”  Previously, I had always read that as, “Repent because the kingdom of God is near and believe the good news.”  But now I realize that Jesus was saying, “Good news, the kingdom of God is near, repent of your sins and believe that it is here.”

The passage goes on to tell us some of the implications of the arrival of the kingdom of God.  When the paralytic man is let down in front of Jesus, He told him that his sins were forgiven.  Then, when the teachers of the law questioned His right to forgive sins, Jesus said that He wanted them to know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins just before healing the man.  Today I connected this with Jesus giving His disciples (and all who should become His disciples because of their testimony) the power to perform the wonders which He had performed.  We, who are His followers, are to let people know that their sins are forgiven.  Some times we pass on the word that God has forgiven, sometimes we forgive them ourselves, and sometimes we do both.  This passage contains another implication about the arrival of God’s kingdom.  When Jesus says that whoever does God’s will is His brother and His sister and His mother He is saying that those who do God’s will are His family.  The same is true for us, in God’s Kingdom, all who do God’s will are family.  Think about this and remember those who do not have a biological family.  All who do God’s will are our family, and we are theirs.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 13, 2023 Bible Study — The Blood of Jesus Is on Our Hands

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 27-28.

The first thing I want to point out is that Pilate found none of the charges against Jesus justified putting Him to death, despite the fact that Jesus mounted no defense against the charges.  I have often seen commentators write that from what we know about Pilate he was unlikely to have been bothered by condemning an innocent man.  From this, they conclude that the account of Pilate washing his hands and the crowd taking responsibility for Jesus’ death was an attempt to shift blame from the Romans to the Jews.  I think the people who see this are on to something, but I believe they see antisemitism where there is none.  Instead I believe Matthew meant for us to understand that “the crowd” was responsible for Jesus’ death, not the government.  And we are “the crowd”.  We are responsible for Jesus dying on the cross.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 12, 2023 Bible Study — Serve When You Have the Opportunity to Do So

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 25-26.

Today’s passage begins with three parables which Jesus told about the kingdom of heaven shortly before His crucifixion.  The first one warns us against waiting until we know that Jesus’ return is imminent to prepare for that day.  Repeatedly throughout the Bible we are told to seek God while He can be found, and to do His will before it is too late.  The second parable teaches us that God has given us gifts which He expects us to use to advance His kingdom.  If God has given you wealth, work to increase that wealth so that you can use it to advance His kingdom.  If God has given you skills, hone those skills so that you can use them to bring His words to others.  The final parable discusses the difference between those whom God will invite into the kingdom and those He will banish to the eternal fires.  The blessed fed Jesus when He was hungry, gave Him water when He was thirsty, clothed Him when He was naked, and extended hospitality to Him when He was a stranger, while the damned did none of these things.  The members of both groups were equally unaware of any opportunity they may have had to serve Him in this way.  Jesus tells us that whenever we did, or did not, do these things for the least, we did, or did not, do it for Him.   If you read this and do not immediately start thinking about trying to figure out how you can feed more of those who are hungry, or clothe more of those who need clothing, or visit more those who are sick or in prison, you will find yourself among the goats.  Both groups felt like they never had the opportunity to serve God in this way, the difference was that the sheep kept looking because they thought they had not done so.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 11, 2023 Bible Study — Do Not Be Alarmed by Wars and Rumors of Wars

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 23-24.

In light of what happened in Israel over the weekend, and what is continuing to happen there, I want to start with what Jesus says here in Matthew 24 verse six: “You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed.”  He goes on to tell us that such things are merely the beginning of the birth pangs of the end.  Then a little farther on, Jesus warns us that wickedness will increase and that increase will cause the love of most to grow cold.  Do we not see that around us?  People no longer treat those with whom they disagree with love, and this change is indeed because wickedness has increased.  Let us be on wary of the false prophets and false messiahs whom Jesus warned us about.  They will perform great signs and wonders, deceiving many.

Which brings me back to the beginning of the passage.  I believe that what Jesus says there can help us identify the false prophets and false messiahs.  I want to note that the primary purpose of this teaching by Jesus is a lesson about our own behavior, but it can also help us identify false teachers, and false prophets.  He tells us that we should not take titles for ourselves which imply that we are somehow closer to God than others, nor should we apply such titles to others.  Jesus goes on to warn us about those who concern themselves with appearing righteous.  Our concern should be with doing that which is righteous, not with acting so that others think we are righteous.  I want to be clear.  As I read what Jesus tells us here, He says that if we act righteously it will result in us appearing righteous, but when we get caught up in attempting to look righteous we will fall short of doing that which is true righteousness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 10, 2023 Bible Study — Doing as God Asks Is More Important Than Saying Yes to Him

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 21-22.

I debated a lot about what I wanted to write today.  There are several different things I thought about writing but none of them flowed into each other.  I finally decided to start with the story of Jesus cursing the fig tree.  I think that this illustrates better than anything else in the Gospels that Jesus was fully human.  The text tells us that He was hungry, so He went over to the fig tree but found no fruit on it.  So, He cursed it to never bear fruit again, and it immediately withered.  Jesus uses this as an opportunity to teach about the power of faith, but He cursed the tree because He was disappointed that it had not fruit.  That is a very human thing to do.

I also want to write about the parable of the two sons.  In it Jesus speaks of one son, who rebelliously tells his father that he will not do what his father told him to do, and a second son who obediently agreed to do was his father directed.  Yet, the first son then went and did as instructed, despite telling his father that he would not, while the second did not do as instructed, despite saying that he would.  From the context, the son who said he would do as instructed but did not was the Pharisees and other teachers of the Law of Moses, while the son who rebelled, but di his father’s will was those whom they viewed as sinners.  Today, there are those who verbally reject Jesus, yet love their neighbor.  These are the equivalent of the first son.  We also have people today who verbally exalt Jesus, yet treat others with contempt.  Let us strive to both tell God “yes”, and to do as He asks of us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

October 9, 2023 Bible Study — It Requires Childlike Faith to Enter the Kingdom of Heaven

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Matthew 18-20.

Twice in today’s passage Jesus teaches about what it takes to be great in the kingdom of heaven.   Each time He expresses it somewhat differently, although both convey a similar message.  The first time He tells us that in order to even enter the kingdom of heaven we must become like children and to become great in the kingdom of heaven we must assume the lowly position of a child.  The second time, Jesus tells us that in order to be great in the kingdom of heaven we must serve others.  In between, Jesus tells us that the last will become first and the first will become last, which ties in with His teaching elsewhere that we should not seek honor for ourselves.

However, I want to focus on what Jesus says after telling us to become like children.  He tells us that it would be better to have a weight tied around our necks and be cast into the sea than to cause children, and those who believe on Him like children, to sin.  Further, He warns not to look down on children, or those with childlike faith, because God places a high value on each and everyone of them.  I believe that this passage has double meaning.  First, Jesus applies this to those who follow Him with a childlike faith, which should be all of us, but I believe there is a warning here for those who interact with children as well.  As I read this this morning I think of what is going on in our schools.  Let us be sure that we are not contributing to the corruption of children, and let us seek to help children avoid such corruption.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.