February 13, 2024 Bible Study — The Census of the Levites

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 3-4.

Having completed the census of the men twenty years and older of the rest of the tribes of Israel, God commanded Moses to take a census of the Levites.  However, this census was to be of the males one month old or older.  Once that was done, God commanded that Moses count all of the firstborn sons of all of Israel.  According to the count there were 22,000 Levite males a month or older and there were 22,273 firstborn males in all of Israel.  Since God had saved the Israelites from the loss of their firstborn in the plague which led to them being able to leave Egypt, He counted the firstborn as His.  He took the Levites as His in place of the firstborn sons.  This is a place where once again the account runs counter to the idea that this was written later.  I would think that if this account was not based on an actual event that the counts of total Levite males and total firstborn males would have matched up exactly to “reveal” God’s great power in so arranging things.  Once arrangements had been made to redeem the firstborn sons of Israel one month old or older who were in excess of the number of Levite males one month old or older, God commanded Moses to count all of the Levite men between the ages of thirty and fifty.  These were the men who would be serving to maintain the tabernacle and its furnishings.  I think this provides us with a model we should seek to emulate.  While we should not exclude those older, or younger, than that thirty to fifty age range, we should seek for the bulk of the work of the Church to be done by those in that age range.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 12, 2024 Bible Study — The Israelites Camp, “Twelve and One”

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Numbers 1-2.

Today’s passage, and the Book of Numbers begins with God commanding Moses to take a census of the fighting men of the Israelites.   Moses did as God commanded and counted them by the tribe to which they belonged.  However, the Levites were not counted in this census, meaning that the Israelite army was composed of twelve units (one for each tribe counted in the census).  Once the census was completed Moses arranged the Israelite camp around the newly constructed tabernacle.  By setting up this default arrangement, less administrative work was needed each time they moved to a new place as each of the tribes knew where they should go relative to where the tabernacle was set up.  Once again the Levites are left out of this arrangement.  Now, one could easily dismiss this, since the Levites were camped around the tabernacle itself.  However, I think we should notice that this “twelve and one” arrangement resembles that of Jesus with His Twelve Apostles.  There are two things I want to say about this.  First, I believe that Jesus chose Twelve Apostles in order to mimic this arrangement.  Second, there is significance in the “twelve and one” arrangement beyond just the parallel between the Tribes of Israel and Jesus with the Twelve.  I am not quite sure of what it is, but we should pay attention to its appearance in the Bible.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 11, 2024 Bible Study –The Consequences of Living Unrighteously

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 26-27.

God told the Israelites that if they followed His decrees and obeyed His commands they would not face drought and their crop yield would be plentiful.  Further, wild animals would not be a threat and hostile forces would flee from them.  Then God goes on to tell them that if they failed to do that and rejected His decrees, they would face illness and disease, debt, and be dominated by their enemies.  If they failed to turn back to God after experiencing these woes, the illnesses would become plagues. wild animals would attack and their children and animals, and crops would fail.  Finally, if even after that they failed to turn to the Lord, He would bring devastation upon them and turn their land into a wasteland.  Now while this prophecy was part of God’s covenant with the children of Israel, I believe it also represents a truth about how the world works.  If a society behaves justly and its members treat each other well, that society will prosper, and the land in which it lives will be beautiful and healthy.  On the other hand, if a society is decadent and its members treat each other as things to be used, it will suffer economically and its land will be polluted and ugly.  A society which is just and righteous will be peaceful and prosperous.  The more just and righteous the society, the more peaceful and prosperous it will be.  On the other hand, societies which are unjust and unrighteous suffer with disease, poverty, and violence.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 10, 2024 Bible Study — Meaning in the Jubilee

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 24-25.

Today’s passage contains instructions for a Sabbath year every seven years.   The idea was that every seven years the land would be allowed to lie fallow and “rest”.  God told the Israelites that in the sixth year, they would harvest a bumper crop which would be sufficient to carry them through the sabbath year, with supplements from those crops which “volunteered” (If you have ever grown tomatoes, or one of many other vegetables, you know how you always end up with plants growing the following year from tomatoes which fell off the plant).  The passage goes on to describe the Jubilee, which was a kind of sabbath of sabbath years.  Every seventh sabbath year (or perhaps the year after the seventh sabbath year, depending on how you interpret the wording) would be a year of redemption: debts would be canceled, slaves freed, and property that had been sold returned to the person who sold it(or their heirs).  I don’t see how you could institute such a system today, but the passage contains an important point about the meaning of the Year of Jubilee, actually two such points.  The first of those points is that the land is the Lord’s.  In fact, everything in this world belongs to God.  We are but stewards of it using it to advance His kingdom.  The second point is that we should not take advantage of each other.  As I wrote this I realized there is a third lesson to be learned: if we do as God directs us, He will provide for us.  If we know that God has called us to endeavor which does not obviously provide for our needs we can be sure that He will meet those needs in some way as we do His will.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 9, 2024 Bible Study — Treating the Sacrifices Offered to God with Sufficient Reverence

Today, I am reading and commenting on Leviticus 22-23.

Two days ago on Tuesday I wrote about the connection between eating the Body of Christ in Communion and the priests eating the meat offered on the altar as described in Leviticus.   Today’s passage begins with warning the priests to respect the sacred offerings.  Which reminds me of Paul writing in 1 Corinthians that we don’t defile ourselves by not being respectful of the body and blood of Christ.  This passage warns that the priests may die if they treat the   offerings with contempt.  In the same way, Paul warns us that if we treat the Lord’s Supper with contempt we will experience illness and weakness.  The priests under the Law of Moses were required to approach the sacrifices with the appropriate reverence.  We should approach the sacrifice of Christ with even more reverence for God’s holiness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 8, 2023 Bible Study — Be Holy, Because the Lord Our God is Holy

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 19-21.

Today’s passage starts off with God telling Moses to tell the people to be holy because the Lord their God is holy.  We also should seek to be holy because the Lord ,our God, is holy.   After this introduction, God gave Moses a bunch of commands to give the people.  Many of these commands were followed by one of two statements: either “I am the Lord your God,” or, “I am the Lord.”  I think that this statement refers us to the first of the Ten Commandments (or, Ten Words): “I am the Lord your God.  You shall have no other gods before me.”  Personally, I think the reference Jesus makes to the greatest commandment from Deuteronomy makes that meaning even clearer: “The Lord our God, the Lord is one.  Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.”  So, the point of following these commands with one of those two statements is designed to remind us that following these commands is how we follow that first, most important one.  Oh, I know that some of these no longer govern our behavior as followers of Christ (e.g. “Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.”).  However, I do not see a single one which is directly followed by one of those statements which I do not believe represent behavior which we should model.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 7, 2024 Bible Study — The Israelites Were Forbidden to Eat the Blood of Their Sacrifices, While We Drink the Blood of Jesus’ Sacrifice

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 16-18.

I am going to do something I almost never do today.  My first thought when I read the prohibition against eating blood this morning was of the communion service we had Sunday morning during our worship service.  In particular, one man stood up afterwards and shared that he had never before that morning made the connection between communion, eating the symbolic representation of Christ’s body and blood, and the priest’s eating the meat of the sacrificed animals as described here in Leviticus.  Christ was the ultimate Passover Lamb and when we partake of communion we are partaking of His body and blood, much as the Israelites partook of the body of the Passover lamb.  So, as I read today’s passage I was struck by the fact that we partake of Christ’s blood of sacrifice, while the Israelites were forbidden from eating the blood of their sacrifices.  Here God told them that they must not eat the blood because the life of the being (animal or human) is in its blood.  So, when we drink Christ’s blood as part of communion, and thus partake in the sacrifice He made on the Cross, we are drinking His life.  And through drinking His life we join ourselves with His life.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 6, 2024 Bible Study

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 14-15.

What am I going to write about today?  Today’s passage starts with the offerings which should be made when one is cleansed of a defiling skin disease.  It continues to discuss the offerings to be made when a house is cleansed of defiling mold.  From there it discusses how bodily fluids are a vector for the spread of disease.  OK, it doesn’t say that.  What it does say is that anyone who has a discharge of bodily fluids is unclean until the discharge ends and they wash themselves and any clothes which might have been exposed to the discharge.  Based on what we know today about the spread of infectious diseases, these commands regarding the discharge of bodily fluids seem wise.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 5, 2024 Bible Study — Protecting the Community

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 13.

Today’s passage contains instructions for dealing with “defiling” skin disease and defiling mold on fabric or leather.  I struggle with what to write about this because we have much better means to deal with such problems than they had when this was written.  However, as I thought about it I realized that both of these issues could be serious threats to a community, especially one which was nomadic.  The first thing to realize is that a “defiling” skin disease would have been contagious.  Further, mold spreads, and can be a health hazard in large enough amounts.  Fabric or leather with mold on it would eventually be destroyed by the mold and would damage the health of those exposed to it.  Additionally, allowing mold to remain on an object increases the risk of other objects becoming moldy.  So, these commands were designed to protect the community from disease.  Which brings me to an important point.  When we have contagious disease we should act to protect others from being exposed.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

February 4, 2024 Bible Study — Aaron Mourns the Loss of His Sons

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Leviticus 10-12.

The timing here of when two of Aaron’s sons died for using unconsecrated fire in their censers is unclear.  However, as I read this, it happened on the first day after the ordination of Aaron and all of his sons was complete.  Moses commanded Aaron and his remaining sons not to openly mourn for the two who had died.  However, Moses encouraged all of the rest of the Israelites to mourn for the loss of two of Aaron’s sons.   We do not know why the two men did what they did, but the passage tells us that they used “unauthorized fire” to burn the incense resulting in fire coming out from the presence of the Lord and killing them.  So, if nothing else, their failure was an unwillingness to wait for instructions from the Lord.  I would add that it seems to me that perhaps their failure was an attempt to conduct worship according to their own ideas of what it should be rather than follow God’s instructions.  God had not yet given instructions on how to use the incense in His worship.  There is one more point to be made.  Moses was mad at Aaron’s two remaining sons because they burned up the priestly portion of the sin offering rather than eating it.  However, he was mollified when Aaron pointed out that he and his sons were in mourning for the death of his other two sons that very day.  So, while the priests were not allowed to visibly mourn while carrying out their duties, they were allowed to mourn the loss of family.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.