January 2, 2024 Bible Study — Give God Credit and Do Not Allow Sin to Rule Over Us

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 4-7.

We have two key stories in today’s passage.  The first is the story of Cain and Abel.  Actually,  first I want to note the reason Eve gave Cain his name.  She says that she named him this because she acquired him, or brought him forth, with the aid of the Lord.  In this way she acknowledges that it was by God’s grace that she gave birth.  We also should give God credit for that which we acquire.  Whether they be children or material goods, we only acquire anything in this world with the aid of God.  Which brings us to the story of Cain and Abel.  Cain was angry because God looked with favor on Abel’s offering, but did not look with favor on Cain’s offering.  Essentially, Cain was jealous of his younger brother.  God confronted Cain over his anger, and told him that if he did what was right he would be accepted.  However, if he did not do what was right, sin was just waiting to take him.  Unfortunately, Cain did not heed God’s word and instead killed his brother.  We must heed God’s words to Cain and do what is right so that we may rule over sin, rather than allow sin to rule over us.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

January 1, 2024 Bible Study — Starting With God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Genesis 1-3.

I love starting the year with Genesis chapter one: “In the beginning God…”  There is more to this passage than that, but that’s where it all starts, with God.  No matter what you want to analyze, it all starts with God.  Do you want to understand why certain things happened?  Start by thinking about God.  Do you want to know what your best course of action is?  Start by thinking about God.  Do you want to understand how the world works?  Start by thinking about God.  If you think about the God described in the Bible, certain things follow.  A God who created everything that is.  A God who specifically created mankind.  A God who cares about individual human beings, who cares about every individual human being.  A God who plans and directs the course of history.  A God who allows each human being to make their own choices, but desires for each of them to make the choices which are best for them.  If this God exists, then it makes sense that He would communicate with people, that He would create a record to accurately relate what He wants people to know.  Thus the Bible would exist as an accurate account of what God wants people to know about Him.  So, “In the beginning God…”  Let us start our year with God, and let us walk each day of that year with Him.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 31, 2023 Bible Study — Those Whose Names Are Not Written in the Book of Life Will Be Cast Into the Lake of Fire

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 20-22.

I spent a fair amount of time today thinking about the thousand year reign and Satan deceiving the nations at the end of it.  However, I was unable to get my thoughts to come together into something I could write.  Then I came to John’s vision of God’s judgement over mankind.  He writes that he saw the dead gathered before God’s throne, where the books were opened.   All of everyone’s actions were recorded in the books which were opened before God’s throne.  Further John writes that the dead were judged according to what they had done as recorded in the books.  This passage probably provides the primary source for the idea that in Christianity if your good deeds outweigh your evil deeds, you to heaven and to hell if the reverse is true.  However, that misreads what John says here, because John tells us that there is another book besides the books which record what people have done.  That other book is the Book of Life.  Each person will indeed by judged by what they had done, but only those whose name was recorded in the Book of Life will escape the lake of fire.  So, while we will all be judged by our deeds, it will not be our deeds which will spare us from damnation.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 30, 2023 Bible Study — We Must Choose Where Our Loyalty Lies

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 17-19.

I always find this passage difficult to understand.  I am convinced that John believed when he wrote about the woman and the beast here that they referred to Rome.  John would have seen the seven hills referenced here as being the seven hills of Rome.  And perhaps the passage does indeed refer to Rome.  After all the passage says that it once was, now is not, yet will come again.  That being said, when I read John’s description of the woman he identifies as Babylon, the only place which fits his description today is the United States.  Or, perhaps, Washington, D.C. because he does write that the woman is the great city which rules over the kings of the earth.  However, if we read the woman referred to in this passage as the Untied States, we see that the merchants of the earth would mourn its fall because there would indeed be no one to buy their merchandise.  I also see the United States fulfilling what John writes about all the nations being led astray by her magic.  Reading this passage, I think Christians should be warned against allowing themselves to be seduced into thinking that we can give our loyalty to both the Kingdom of God and to the United States.  While being loyal to the Kingdom of God does not make us traitors to the United States (or whatever other nation we live in), loyalty to the United States (or whatever other nation we live in) will make us traitors to the Kingdom of God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 29, 2023 Bible Study — The Number of the Beast Represents Mankind’s Failure to Do Good Without God

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 13-16.

As with many people I am fascinated by the two beasts described in today’s passage.  That fascination primarily comes from how they seem to resemble things I see in the world around me today. I remember previous generations connecting these beasts with different things in the world than what they now look like to me.  First I want to note the circular reasoning of those who worshiped the dragon (which John had previously told us was also know as the Devil or as Satan).  They worshiped the dragon because it had given power to the beast, which they worshiped because of the power it had been given by the dragon.  I also find it interesting that the beast was something which one does not ordinarily think of as speaking (although perhaps I am reading too much into John noting that it was given a mouth).  I also think we need to take note of the fact that this first beast had been given what appeared to be a fatal wound before it rose to the power it exercises in this passage.  What else do we know about this first beast?  It utters proud words and blasphemies.  As I look around, I see organizations like the World Economic Forum, various UN agencies, and other similar organizations which all exercise power, but it is unclear from where their power derives.  In addition, many of these organizations express blasphemous contempt for God and those who put their faith in Him.

Which brings me to the second beast.  The second beast, in particular its mark, reminds me of the tech giants of today.  They seem to be working hand in hand with the shadowy organizations which I mentioned in the first paragraph.  I keep seeing new information about how the various tech giants (Google, Facebook, etc.) had secret agreements to manage what information people would be able to see.  In addition, the tech giants all seem to be promoting a move towards a unified system of identification, which people will be required to be part of in order to do even the most basic of business.  I want to state that I do not think that all of these organizations are intentionally working hand-in-hand towards these ends.  Rather, different people and groups are acting according to their interests, often working together because their interests converge.  Which brings us to the number of the beast, 666.   My understanding of that number derives from my understanding of two numbers with biblical significance: three and seven.  Three and seven are two numbers associated with God.  Seven is the number of completeness, while three is the number of divine perfection.  So, it seems to me that 666 represents the imperfection of man.  The number of the beast tells us that while, to a degree, the two beasts seek the best interests of mankind, their imperfection and incompleteness leads them to do the exact opposite.  Instead of ushering in an empire of perfection and goodness, a utopia, they usher in an empire of failure and evil, a dystopia.  The two beasts represent what happens when humans attempt to create a more perfect world without making God the center of their lives.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 28, 2023 Bible Study — Christ’s Return Is Imminent

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 9-12.

When I was a teenager my father thought that the description which John gives of the locusts released by the fifth trumpet sounded like a description of the military helicopters used in Vietnam.  The members of the Church I grew up in were convinced that Christ’s Return was imminent. So, they spent a lot of time trying to figure out how the events described here, and in other prophecies of the End Times, applied to what they saw going on around them.  Many of them even thought that they could calculate the date (or a close approximation of it) if they just looked at these passages closely enough.  My father did not believe that was possible, but he did believe that we should look at the prophecies made here and see how they were being fulfilled around us.  My father believed that we should live our lives as if we KNEW that Christ would return tomorrow.  I fail to live up to that, but I believe he was correct.

Now, let’s look at what John writes here.  After the fifth trumpet sounded, people faced great suffering and hardship, but no one died from it.  Followed by the sixth trumpet sounding and a third of mankind died violent, painful deaths.  Yet, no one repented of their sins.  No one looked at the suffering and death and said, “We should change our ways and turn to God.”  While I do not see events in the world right now which match up to these two prophecies, I do see people behaving in a similar manner.  They see great suffering, but no one died, so why should they change their ways?  Then, they see people die, but their response is, “What difference would it make if I change my ways?  It’s not my sin which caused these problems.  It is other people who need to change their ways.”

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 27, 2023 Bible Study — Jesus Is the Lion and the Lamb

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 4-8.

Once again I come to a passage where I am unsure what all I am going to write.  I will start by noting that The Lion of the Tribe of Judah is The Lamb.  I want to note that John writes that no one on earth, or in heaven, or under the earth was found worthy to open the scroll, but then the Lion of the tribe of Judah triumphed and was able to do so.  He triumphed as the Lion, but opened the scroll as the Lamb.  Jesus went to His victory as a dominating king of beasts, a Lion, but obtained His victory as a sacrifice, as a Lamb.  This represents one of the most important points about Christianity: God’s power is expressed in weakness.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 26, 2024 Bible Study — God Is, and Was, and Is to Come

Today, I am reading and commenting on  Revelation 1-3.

Usually when I read this passage I write something about what John writes to each of the seven Churches to which this letter is addressed.  Today I was struck by what John writes about God, and about Jesus.  John refers to God the Father as “Him who is, and who was , and who is to come.”  A few verses later he quotes God as saying that He is “the Alpha and the Omega who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty.”  Then when Jesus speaks to John in his vision, He says, “I am the First and the Last.  I am the Living One; I was dead, and now look, I am alive for ever and ever!”  The phrase, “who is, and who was, and who is to come,” strikes me so powerfully.

  • God is!  There may be those who say that God is dead, that He does not matter, that mankind no longer needs God, but they are mistaken.  God is, and mankind desperately needs Him now.
  • God was!  There are those who say that  we cannot trust what the Bible says because it happened so long ago, but God was there.
  • God is to come!  There are those who say that we do not know what the future holds, and they are correct.  But we know that God is already there waiting for us.

God was there at the beginning and He is there at the end.  Jesus was dead and now He is alive because death could not hold Him.  And that means that death will be unable to hold those who put their faith in Him.

Whoever has ears, let them hear what the Spirit says to the churches

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 25, 2023 Bible Study — Those Who Deny That Jesus Came in the Flesh Are the Antichrist

Today, I am reading and commenting on  2 John, 3 John, and Jude.

Merry Christmas

In today’s reading we have three separate letters, two by John and one by Jude.  Today I am going to write about their common theme(s).  In John’s second letter (we looked at the first one yesterday), he writes that God’s command is that we love one another.  John tells us that he writes this reminder because so many deceivers, who deny that Jesus came in the flesh, have gone out preaching.  Such deceivers are the antichrist.  Anyone who teaches anything other than that Jesus lived, died for our sins, and was resurrected, and that He taught us to love others, should be rejected, and avoided.  In his third letter, John tells us that we should welcome, and show hospitality, to those who travel around preaching, and demonstrating, God’s love to unbelievers.  In other words, we should show our love for them, and for their target audience, by providing for their needs.  We should avoid imitating those who maliciously refuse to welcome such people to the local gathering of God’s people.  Jude follows up on that theme by warning us that such people are a blemish on us in our fellowship.  Jude tells us that they boast about their own good deeds, while finding fault with others and grumbling about everything.  They will flatter others in order to manipulate them into following their flawed teachings.


I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.

December 24, 2023 Bible Study — If You Walk in the Light, You Will Love Others by Your Actions

Today, I am reading and commenting on  1 John 1-5.

The writer tells us that God is light and that there is no darkness within Him.  Therefore, he says, those who walk in darkness do not have fellowship with Him.  Anyone who walks in darkness and claims to have fellowship with God is a liar, separated from the truth.  What does all of that mean?  Those who walk with God, fellowship with their fellow believers in love.  We cannot harbor hate for others while we walk in God’s light.  If we wish to walk with God, we must love others, and not just in words.  Our love must be expressed by our actions.

There is a lot more to this passage, but I cannot write about it without taking away from what I just wrote.  So, I am going to leave you with this.  If you want to walk with God, you need to not hate others, but love them… and if you want to love others, you need to walk with God.

I use the daily Bible reading schedule from “The Bible.net” for my daily Bible reading.